Molly Cravens

Molly Cravens


Molly Cravens is an Actress, American soccer player, and musician. Molly began acting at age 7. She was cast into her first acting role in the St. Louis independent feature film "Hercules: The Brave and the Bold" in 2012 alongside her two sisters. Additionally she is a musician; particular instruments she plays are the Trumpet and Piano, which she has played in a music video duo alongside her sister in summer 2012 available on youtube. Molly is also an award winning soccer player in the Saint Louis Metro area. Molly was invited to play a role as a barista who was of working age and at the time of the principal filming of the scene she was only 11 years old. This coffee shop scene where Cravens plays the barista was filmed as the very first scene in production order for the short film "To Inflict".

프로필 사진

Molly Cravens

참여 작품

시니어 이어
Tik-Tok Performer
치어리딩 공연 중 사고를 당해 코마에 빠진 소녀. 20년 후 서른일곱 살이 되어 깨어난다. 그럼 이제 고등학생 시절의 꿈을 실행에 옮길 차례. 졸업 파티 퀸이 되고 말 거야!
사탄의 베이비시터: 킬러 퀸
Party Goer (uncredited)
베이비시터 비와 악마 숭배 집단을 물리치고 2년이 지났다. 과거를 잊으려고 애쓰는 콜. 고등학교에서 살아남는 일만으로도 아주 죽을 맛이다. 하지만 이게 무슨 날벼락. 그 옛날 적들이 돌아오다니! 콜은 다시 한번 악의 무리를 퇴치해야 한다.
To Inflict
Piper - Barista
A young man under strain must come to grips with his anger when it threatens to jeopardize the most important relationship he's had thus far. The film follows a man (Gage Bladik) who's anger issues threaten to upset the relationships in his life. Themes include that of brotherly love, and the desire to change oneself for another person. Gage's Fiance (Chelsea Sanworth) works with him to curb his temper. She loves him but fears their relationship is turning into a violent one. As a result, she offers an ultimatum on their impending marriage: get help, or the wedding is off. This story is depicted through a first hand set of experiences with a man named Gage who has anger and road rage issues. Chelsea, his fiance and his autistic brother experience an impact outcome on their lives due to Gage's unleashing of anger. These undesirable but understandable emotions and actions catch up with Gage -- just as he's trying to put his life together.