Neil Patel

참여 작품

Nikita and her eight-year-old son, Ishan, stay in an old family villa in Pondicherry where she runs a home-stay for travelers. A mysterious man with an agenda arrives at Nikita's home-stay, giving all their lives an unexpected twist.
Twenty One Pilots: Livestream Experience
Production Design
A one-night livestream concert performed by Twenty One Pilots on May 21, 2021, introducing their newest album "Scaled and Icy".
The Lion
Production Design
Writer/performer Benjamin Scheuer tells a story about love, loss, loyalty and the redemptive power of music. This one-man musical is also a coming of age story, where a son seeks his father's love and goes on a deeply personal journey to become his own man. Scheuer plays and sings the incredible story of his family and his close call with mortality, all while supported by a cast of 6 guitars. Some stories have to be sung.
That's Harassment
Production Design
This film is a series of six short films that depicts six different cases of sexual harassment in the workplace, all based on real events.
우리집을 찾아온 박스들
Production Design
뉴욕을 떠나 워싱턴 주의 소도시로 이사한 흑인 아빠, 백인 엄마, 10대 초반의 아들. 이들은 달라진 환경에 무사히 적응할 수 있을까.
딜 다다크네 도
Production Design
카말은 아내 닐람과 사이가 좋지 않고, 회사도 파산 위기에 놓여 있다. 그는 결혼 30주년 기념으로 부인, 딸 아예샤, 아들 카비르와 함께 크루즈 여행을 떠난다.
Loitering with Intent
Production Design
Fledgling screenwriters retreat to a quiet country manor to work on their script, but a constellation of needy characters produces constant interruptions.
어느 창녀의 하루
Production Design
어느 날 아침, 24년을 함께한 아내를 버리고 4년 만에 연락도 없이 벨벳을 찾아온 프레드. 다시 잘해보고 싶은 프레드와 달리 벨벳은 마음이 떠난 지 오래다. 프레드는 벨벳의 마음을 돌리려 애쓰지만 오히려 갈등은 깊어만 가고 감정만 앞선 프레드의 욕망으로 인해 걷잡을 수 없는 상황에 빠지게 되는데…
Production Design
A neurotic and overly-presumptuous mother accuses her family's au pair of stealing a cherished heirloom, much to the chagrin of her husband.