Pierre-Olivier Bardet

참여 작품

프랑스령 폴리네시아에서 일어나는 정치권력 투쟁을 탐구한다. 섬 곳곳에선 프랑스의 핵실험이 재개될 것이라는 소문이 흉흉하다. 이는 독립 운동을 하는 주민들의 봉기를 촉발할 수 있다. 브노아 마지멜이 천연덕스럽게 연기하는 고위공무원 드 롤러는 항상 흰색 옷을 입고 프랑스 군과 지역 정치인 사이를 오간다. 마을의 소년과 소녀들이 성매매를 하고 네온 불빛이 점멸하는 나이트클럽의 숨 막히는 분위기 안에선 끊임없이 밀거래와 위협이 오간다.
The Good Soldier
A look inside the work of Breaking the Silence, an organization of former IDF combat soldiers who collect and publish testimonies of soldiers who served in the occupied territories. For six months, director Silvina Landsmann, camera in hand, accompanied the staff of the organization. The many hours of footage have been refined into a film that dives into the heart of Breaking the Silence’s work: guided tours of Hebron and the surrounding area, public lectures and house meetings, internal staff meetings and media strategy. All the while the organization is forced to justify its very existence, both internally and to the broader public, and to justify its place in the political debate. The Good Soldier raises questions about Israel’s dynamic mainstream and the challenges of confronting it.
Paris Calligrammes
Ulrike Ottinger weaves her personal memories of Parisian bohemianism and the serious social, political and cultural upheavals of the time into a cinematic “figure poem.”
음악 고등학교의 바이올린 선생 아나는 엄격한 성격의 소유자다. 입학시험에서 알렉산더의 독특한 연주에 매료된 아나는 다른 이들의 반대에도 불구하고 그를 합격시키고, 자신이 이루지 못한 성공을 제자를 통해 완성하려는 야망을 품은 채 그를 훈련시킨다. 아나는 위대한 연주에 다다를 길은 노력과 연습뿐이라며 알렉산더를 무섭게 몰아치고, 남편과 아들은 가정에 소홀해진 그녀에게 각자의 방식으로 불만을 드러내며 영화는 충격적 결말에 이른다.
Rostropovich: L'archet Indomptable
1774년 프랑스 혁명 직전. 포츠담과 베를린 사이의 어느 곳. 마담 드 듀메발과 테시스 공작은 ‘리베르탱’이다. 이것이 루이 16세의 청교도적인 궁정에서 그들을 제명시킨 이유다. 이들은 향락을 추구하는 자유로운 몸과 영혼의 소유 자, 전설의 인물 드 왈첸 공작의 지지를 구하러, 긴 밤으로의 여행을 떠난다.
미세스 팡
중국 하층민의 삶을 카메라에 담은 왕빙 감독의 신작. 알츠하이머병을 앓는 미세스 팡의 마지막 모습을 섬세하게 그리고 시적으로 표현한다. 슬픔과 불안의 순간, 그리고 죽음을 맞이하는 숭고의 순간을 영화적으로 담아낸다.
조앙 질베르토여 어디에?
영화는 ‘보사노바의 아버지’로 알려진 전설적인 브라질 음악가, 조앙 질베르토를 집요하게 찾아다닌 독일 작가 마크 피셔의 발자취를 따른다. 피셔는 본인의 여정을 호발랄라라는 책에 담아냈지만, 출판 일주일 전 스스로 목숨을 끊었다. 영화는 피셔의 임무를 승계하여 그의 발자국을 하나하나 따라가며, 그가 남긴 힌트를 바탕으로 보사노바의 역사와 영혼, 정수를 이해하기 위해 조앙 질베르토를 추적한다.​
1940년, 독일군에 점령당한 파리. 전쟁의 한가운데서 예술품 약탈로 악명 높은 나치에 맞섰던 두 남자가 있었다. 루브르 박물관 관장이자, 모나리자를 나치로부터 지켜낸 ‘자크 조자르’와 나치 당원이었지만 예술을 사랑했던 ‘프란츠 볼프 메테르니히’ 백작. 적으로 만났지만 루브르의 예술품을 지키기 위해 협력자가 된 두 남자의 진짜 이야기가 시작된다.
Hotline gets to the heart of a small NGO based in Tel Aviv: The Hotline for Refugees and Migrants. In exactly inverse proportion to the small-scale of this human rights organization, the issues they deal with are enormous, as are the numbers of those seeking help.
내셔널 갤러리
1824년 설립된 영국의 런던 내셔널 갤러리는 13세기 중엽부터 19세기까지 서양 미술의 걸작 약 2천 3백점의 컬렉션을 소장하고 있으며, 세계 미술사의 모든 것을 한 눈에 살펴 볼 수 있는 곳으로 유명하다. 영화는 갤러리 안에서 펼쳐지는 상세한 일들을 A부터 Z까지 담아내며 화려한 전시와 더불어 그 이면의 복원과 갤러리 운영, 교육 그리고 직원들의 이야기 등을 담아내고 있다. 또한, 천재적 화가인 레오나르도 다 빈치, 빈센트 반 고흐, 파블로 피카소, 카미유 피사로 등의 매력적인 전시를 한눈에 살펴볼 수 있다.
Rossini Otello
This new disc from the Zurich Opera presents just about as thoughtful and coherent account of Rossini's Otello as one could hope for. This isn't the first time the company has made something of a splash with the bel canto repertory. Some will remember their CD release, a few years back, of Bellini's Norma, also featuring Bartoli. That set got very mixed reviews, and those who hated that will probably hate this too, no doubt before they even watch it. But for those not initiated in the trench warfare that music loving often attracts, this disc will be most welcome. The world class cast, led by Cecilia Bartoli and tenor John Osborn, are (mostly) young, committed and talented. They deliver, here, an intense performance that makes a very strong case for this neglected opera.
Executive Producer
Recording of a performance by Ballet de l'Opéra national de Paris of the ballet on Music for 18 Musicians by Steve Reich, choreographed by Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker.
Who was he - Agostino Steffani? A churches man, a diplomat, or perhaps even a spy? Cécilia Bartoli explore the myths around him.
마르타 아르헤리치와 세 딸들
최고의 피아니스트 마르타 아르헤리치. 그녀는 세 명의 남자들과의 사이에서 세 명의 딸을 낳았고, 이제는 세 딸과 함께 살고 있다. 스테판 코바세비치의 딸 스테파니는 이제 전설로 기록될 마르타 아르헤리치의 모습을 사적인 시선으로 보여준다. 무대에 오르기 전, 극도의 긴장감에 사로잡힌 모습과 손자를 안고 훈훈한 미소를 보여주는 상반된 모습도 인상적이며 공연장을 휘어잡는 카리스마를 보여주는 아르헤리치의 연주 모습도 인상적이다. (2013년 제9회 제천국제음악영화제)
Crazy Horse
A cinéma vérité look inside Paris' Crazy Horse, a club that boasts the greatest and most chic nude dancing in the world.
Organs, Toccatas & Fantasias
Director Bruno Monsaingeon stages this live musical journey into the works of Johann Sebastian Bach, featuring virtuoso Marie-Claire Alain playing organs hand-selected to best represent Bach's Baroque style. The tour incorporates venues at which the maestro himself would have performed, such as Haarlem, Rötha, Groningen and Dresden, and includes masterpieces such as Toccata in F Major, Trio Sonata no. 1, Fantasia and Fugue in G Minor, and more.
The Magic Flute
During World War I, in an unnamed country, a soldier named Tamino is sent by the Queen of the Night to rescue her daughter Pamina from the clutches of the supposedly evil Sarastro. But all is not as it seems.
La Roque d'Anthéron - The Pianos of the Night: Nikolai Lugansky
"Les Pianos De La Nuit" is a collection of piano recitals performed live in the heart of Provence during the International Piano Festival of La Roque D'Antheron in July and August 2002. Conceived specifically for DVD release, these virtuoso performances by contemporary artists can claim authoritative status as classic 21st-century archival footage. Johannes Brahms 6 Klavierstücke, Op. 118 Piano Pieces No. 1 in A minor No. 2 in A major No. 3 in G minor No. 4 in F minor No. 5 in F major No. 6 in E flat minor Richard Wagner Götterdämmerung 1. Twilight of the Gods(arr. Nikolai Lugansky) 2. Duo Siegfried & Brünnhilde (Prologue) 3. Siegfried’s Rhine Journey 4. Funeral March 5. Conflagration of Valhalla Sergej Rachmaninov 1. Prélude, Op. 23 No. 7 in C minor 2. Prélude, Op. 23 No. 5 in G minor 3. Moment musical, Op. 16 No. 4 in E minor
La Roque d'Anthéron - The Pianos of the Night: Paul Lewis
"Les Pianos De La Nuit" is a collection of piano recitals performed live in the heart of Provence during the International Piano Festival of La Roque D'Antheron in July and August 2002. Conceived specifically for DVD release, these virtuoso performances by contemporary artists can claim authoritative status as classic 21st-century archival footage. SCHUBERT 6 Moments Musicaux, D. 780 1 N°1 En Ut Majeur 6:27 2 N°2 En La Bémol Majeur 5:23 3 N°3 En Fa Mineur 1:49 4 N°4 En Ut Dièse Mineur 5:22 5 N°5 En Fa Mineur 2:06 6 N°6 En La Bémol Majeur 6:30 Sonate Pour Piano En Sol Majeur "Fantaisie" 7 Molto Moderato E Cantabile 17:07 8 Andante 8:30 9 Menuetto. Allegro Moderato 4:29 10 Allegretto 10:59
La Roque d'Anthéron - The Pianos of the Night: Vanessa Wagner
"Les Pianos De La Nuit" is a collection of piano recitals performed live in the heart of Provence during the International Piano Festival of La Roque D'Antheron in July and August 2002. Conceived specifically for DVD release, these virtuoso performances by contemporary artists can claim authoritative status as classic 21st-century archival footage. Johannes Brahms (1833-1897) 4 Ballades, Op. 10 No. 1 in D minor "Edward" No. 2 in D major No. 3 in B minor "Intermezzo" No. 4 in B major Robert Schumann (1810-1856) Piano Sonata No. 1 in F sharp minor, Op. 11 I Introduzione. Un poco adagio - Allegro vivace II Aria III Scherzo e Intermezzo. Allegrissimo - Lento IV Finale. Allegro un poco maestoso
La Roque d'Anthéron - The Pianos of the Night: Francesco Libetta
"Les Pianos De La Nuit" is a collection of piano recitals performed live in the heart of Provence during the International Piano Festival of La Roque D'Antheron in July and August 2002. Conceived specifically for DVD release, these virtuoso performances by contemporary artists can claim authoritative status as classic 21st-century archival footage. R. Strauss Ständchen, Op. 17 No. 2 Serenade Till Eulenspiegel, Op. 28 Godowsky Studies after Chopin’s Studies No. 47 Badinage No. 28 Study in Octaves No. 22 Study for the Left Hand Debussy L’Isle joyeuse Hummel Rondo in E-flat major, Op. 11 Liszt Totentanz, S 525 Ligeti L’Escalier du diable (No. 13 from: Études pour piano II) Saint-Saëns Study in the Form of a Waltz, Op. 52 No. 6 Tchaikovsky Pas de deux from “The Sleeping Beauty” Adagio Variation I : Désiré Variation II : Aurore Coda Alkan “20 Years” from the Grand Sonata, Op. 33 “The Four Ages” Delibes Pizzicato Polka from “Sylvia”
La Roque d'Anthéron - The Pianos of the Night: François-Frédéric Guy
"Les Pianos De La Nuit" is a collection of piano recitals performed live in the heart of Provence during the International Piano Festival of La Roque D'Antheron in July and August 2002. Conceived specifically for DVD release, these virtuoso performances by contemporary artists can claim authoritative status as classic 21st-century archival footage. Tracklisting: LISZT Franz : - Piano sonata in B minor S.178 - Bénédiction de Dieu dans la solitude, for piano in F-sharp major S.173/3 - Pensée des morts, for piano S.173/4
La Roque d'Anthéron - The Pianos of the Night: Zoltán Kocsis
"Les Pianos De La Nuit" is a collection of piano recitals performed live in the heart of Provence during the International Piano Festival of La Roque D'Antheron in July and August 2002. Conceived specifically for DVD release, these virtuoso performances by contemporary artists can claim authoritative status as classic 21st-century archival footage. Tracklisting: BARTOK Bela : - Piano sonata Sz.80 BB.88 BEETHOVEN Ludwig van : - Piano sonata no°27 op.90 LISZT Franz : - Les jeux d'eau à la Villa d'Este, for piano in F-sharp major S.163/4 - Danse macabre (Saint-Saëns), for piano S.555 - Hungarian rhapsody no°5, for orchestra in E minor S.359/5 "Héroïde-élégiaque" SCHUBERT Franz : - Piano sonata in E minor D.566
Hoover Street Revival
Documentary about the lives of worshippers from the congregation of the Greater Bethany Community Church in South Central LA and the sermons of its Bishop Noel Jones
Ravel's Brain
RAVEL'S BRAIN is a musical/visual tone poem at once tragic and celebratory in its mood. The film portrays the inner being of a great artist who was rendered incapable of communicating with the outside world. For the last five years of his life, Maurice Ravel was the victim of his own lamentable circumstances. Afflicted by aphasia and apraxia, his brain produced music, but he was unable to write it down.
Elegy of a Voyage
This intimately narrated journey from Russia to Rotterdam, via rail, road and Finnish ferry, is a melancholy meditation on divinity, time and place in art, purpose (or its lack) and the loneliness of the soul. Passing through misty snowscapes, half-glimpsed cities and the icy night sea-swell.
Agujetas Cantaor
Documentary based on the figure of Manuel Agujetas (Manuel de los Santos Pastor 1939-2015), mythical cantaor and one of the last representatives of the Flamenco de Jerez school. Essential figure of flamenco.
The Cowboy and the Frenchman
Executive Producer
A grizzled, hard-of-hearing cowboy, Slim, and his two friends, Dusty and Pete, capture a mysterious, well-dressed Frenchman.
Glenn Gould: The Alchemist
Filmmaker Bruno Monsaingeon visits piano virtuoso Glenn Gould more than ten years after his self-imposed exile from the stage, which results in a mixture of interview and performance.
Afternoons of Solitude
Executive Producer
The first documentary to tackle the aesthetic side of bullfighting in all its complexity and to do so with the expressiveness and plastic and conceptual refinement of director Albert Serra.
I Come From Ikotun
Four years ago, Kingsley arrived from Nigeria in Guangzhou, China and shared a small room with other Africans in the basement of a commercial building. He converted this modest space into a barber’s shop. Kingsley is keen to start an import and export company and to register it officially in Guangzhou. He works every day until 11 pm then goes to sleep in a chair at McDonald’s. He must also send money to his wife, so despite all his efforts, he is still unable to put aside enough money to register his business. In mid-November 2019, he goes back to Lagos to renew his visa. There, he and his wife rent a small stall in the Ikotun Market in the suburbs. But business is hard. Early in 2020, Kingsley is due to head back to China to continue his quest, but with all travel blocked by the Covid-19 epidemic, he remains stuck in Nigeria. Meanwhile, in Guangzhou, the director meets Evelyn, a Nigerian woman, trying to survive with her 6-year-old daughter and with another one on the way.