1849 - Ciceruacchio declares the Independent Republic of Rome, but the French and the Austrians try to bring back the Pope to Rome.
Dipendente della FFSS
Commendator De Salvo (uncredited)
Two deadbeat friends barely pass the entrance exam for the Carabinieri, the national gendarmerie of Italy, but love for the same woman gets in the way.
Mr. Robinson
Trinity series star Bud Spencer returns to the Wild West in director Michele Lupo's comic tale of an outlaw drifter, Buddy, who is mistaken for a doctor after his Indian companion inadvertently steals a bag of surgical instruments. When a band of murderous outlaws attempts to overrun the small town Buddy is passing through, the presumed medico shows that his true talent is cracking skulls. Music is composed by Ennio Morricone.
The super
Amedeo and Ofelia, middle aged brother and sister, own jointly an old decadent, but still attractive, condominium. They want to sell it, but before they have to evict all the tenants. Of course, these don't want to leave at all. The cat (Il Gatto), mascot and beloved by all, dies and this gives the two an excuse to enter the tenants' life. Amedeo starts to court the young Wanda and Ofelia seduces the priest Don Pezzolla. In the meantime police is looking for the cat killer...
Il ferroviere
Virginia and Casimiro are both married with children to passionate spouses, while they are shy and devoted to poetry, crying watching "Anna Karenina" on TV. They commute every day from a little town in Lombardy to Milan and during the journeys they meet and fall in love. They suffer from being unable to realize their love without hurting their marriages but they don't know their respective spouses share a hot relationship...
consigliere del cardinale
Adapted from the mock-heroic poem in Roman dialect, tells the misadventures of the young trasteverino Bartolomeo Patacca that, because of the ambition of his woman, is having to train a group of beggars to go fight in defense of Christianity in Vienna, besieged by the Turks.
The Decameron forbidden is a 1972 Italian comedy, directed by Carlo Infascelli. The film, which counts among the starring actors such as Orchidea De Santis, Gabriella Giorgelli, nut Crostarosa and Carlo De Carvalho, is inspired by Boccaccio's fourteenth-century novels. In particular, it is the film adaptation of that novel starring frà Pepin, a young native of Florence, which was discovered and arrested for his relationship with Mona Fawaz, a married woman. Thanks to the help of his friends painters, manages to escape..
Funeral Exhibition Attendant
락밴드의 드러머 로베르토는 미스테리 남자에게서 이상한 전화를 받는다. 어느 날 밤, 그는 대화를 하기 위해 그 남자를 잡으려 하지만 되려 붙잡히는 신세가 되고 만다. 로베르토는 달아나기 위해 우발적으로 그를 찌르고 도망친다. 그러나 이 사건이 죽은 남자의 사진이 담긴 봉투를 받은 날부터 시작되었다는 사실을 알게 된다. 누군가 그의 모든 친구를 죽이려 하고 있고, 하나씩 사진을 찍고 있다는 사실도 함께.
Don Quirino
Benedetto is a child who came out of an accident uninjured on his first communion's day. The people of his village attribute that to a miracle and made him undergo a strict religious upbringing. That fact will determine his life, which will be affected by inner torment caused by the confrontation between sexual desires and sacrifices of faith, sin and grace.
범죄성향을 결정짓는 것으로 추정되는 XYY 염색체 전문연구소에서 경비원이 살해된다. 사건 발생 당일 그 앞을 지나다 우연히 두 남자의 대화를 들은 시각장애자 프란코는 리포터 카를로와 함께 범인 찾기에 나선다. 살인사건이 줄을 잇는 가운데 복잡한 실타래를 서서히 풀어간다.
Wiretapping Dep. Head
과대망상증에 사로잡힌 킬러는 성공한 로마 경찰 간부이다. 그는 매저키스트 성향이 있는 정부 아우구스타 테르찌와 살인 유희를 즐기곤 했다. 이들의 살인 유희는 점점 정도가 심해져 결국 킬러는 관계 중 아우구스타를 죽이게 된다. 주도 면밀한 계획 하에 살인을 저지른 그는 자신에게 혐의가 돌아올수 있도록 증거를 무수히 남긴채 그 곳을 나선다. 하지만 자신의 높은 지위를 과신한 킬러는 그것만으로는 만족할 수 없었던 나머지 자신에게 불리한 정황 증거를 더 만들어 내고 겁에 질린 부하들과 증인들을 우롱하는데...
dottor Hinkel
To satisfy his wife, an elderly man has to have a penis transplant and is willing to pay a lot to do so. Three men are selected who for different reasons are forced to accept but giving up manhood can be more complicated than expected.
이탈리아 로마에 살고 있는 미국인 작가 샘 달라스는 늦은 밤, 화랑 앞을 지나다 화랑 주인의 아내가 살해당하는 것을 목격한다. 죽어가는 여성은 유리창 너머에 있는 샘에게 도움을 요청하지만 샘은 그녀를 돕지 못한다. 다행히도 여자는 살아 남아 악명 높은 연쇄 살인범의 희생자들 가운데 최초의 생존자가 된다. 샘이 목격한 것은 검은 장갑을 낀 남자였고, 그는 유일한 목격자로서 경찰에게 신변 보호를 받는다. 시간이 흐르는 가운데 샘은 살인 사건의 진범을 알 수 있는 중요한 사실을 뒤늦게 깨닫게 되는데...
Relatives brawl over the estate of a deceased grandmother who owned an insecticide factory.They stop at nothing, including bumping each other off.
Jim Double Whisky
50만 달러어치 금괴를 수송하던 군은 악명 높은 '빌리 건' 무리의 습격을 받고 금괴를 모두 강탈당한다. 군은 금괴를 되찾기 위해 그들의 수법을 잘 아는 노튼 대위를 고용한다. 단, 그에게는 조건이 하나 있었다. 절도와 탈영으로 체포되어 교수형을 앞두고 있는 일명 '황금 조끼'라 불리는 '테드 헌터'를 금괴를 찾는 파트너로 두는 것. 그건 바로 그가 빌리 건의 동생이기 때문이다.
A trilogy of comedic tales set in the Middle Ages.
Alberto's marriage is a complete failure: his wife Elena is a hard woman influenced by her mother and sister who live with the married couple. Alberto is also experiencing financial problems and hopes for the help of a rich widow who is however interested in his sexual favours. Naturally Elena puts obstacles in his way and everything goes wrong. Alberto decides to change job then and becomes a sweets sales representative. Disillusioned with marital life he also changes his attitude towards women: he tells every woman he meets he is single.
The Bugler
The Cheerful Squadron is a 1954 Italian war-comedy film directed by Paolo Moffa and Interpreted by movie stars like Paolo Stoppa, Vittorio De Sica, Alberto Sordi and Silvana Pampanini. Based on the military environment novel The Allegro Squadron by Georges Courteline (1886), this film presents a series of sketches on military life in the late nineteenth century.
During the absence of her husband, who left for a fishing cruise in the seas of China, Carmela falls under the spell of Vito, a young fisherman.