인간은 때때로 직접 체험하거나 자신의 눈으로 확인해야만 진실이라 믿는다. 저명한 내셔널지오그래픽 환경 사진작가 제임스 베일록도 기후변화나 자연 학술연구에 대해 회의적인 태도를 가졌었다. 하지만 우연히 참여하게 된 라는 프로젝트를 통해 부정할 수 없는 진실을 자신의 눈으로 직접 목격하게 되고, 지구의 위기를 사람들에게 알리기로 결심한다. 는 저속 촬영 카메라를 사용해 몇 년에 걸쳐 급격한 변화를 겪고 있는 전세계 빙하의 모습을 기록하고 있다. 베일록은 젊은 모험가들과 험난한 북극을 누비며, 인류가 마주한 최대 위기를 자신의 모든 것을 걸고 증명하려 애쓴다. 이 작품은 이 지구에 미약한 희망이나마 전달하고자 하는 한 용감한 사진작가의 이야기이다. (2014년 제1회 목포해양영화제)
Visionary, radical, spiritual seeker, renowned poet, founding member of a major literary movement, champion of human rights, Buddhist, political activist and teacher. Allen Ginsberg's remarkable life challenged the very soul of the United States.
BRAKHAGE explores the depth and breadth of the filmmaker’s genius, the exquisite splendor of his films, his magic personal charm, his aesthetic fellow travelers, and the influence his work has had on generations of other creators. While touching on significant moments in Brakhage’s biography, the film celebrates Brakhage’s visionary genius, and explores the extraordinary artistic possibilities of cinema, a medium mostly known only for its commercial applications in the form of narratives, cartoons, documentaries, and advertising. BRAKHAGE combines excerpts from Brakhage’s films and films of other avant-garde filmmakers (eg, George Kuchar, Jonas Mekas, Willie Varela, Bruce Elder, and others); interviews with Brakhage, his friends, family, colleagues, and critics; archival footage of Brakhage spanning the past thirty-five years; and location shooting in Boulder, Colorado and New York.
The Divided Trail: A Native American Odyssey is a 1978 American short documentary film directed by Jerry Aronson. Filmed over eight years, this chronicles the personal and political hardships faced by three Chippewa Indians. It was nominated in 1978 for an Academy Award for Best Documentary Short.
The Divided Trail: A Native American Odyssey is a 1978 American short documentary film directed by Jerry Aronson. Filmed over eight years, this chronicles the personal and political hardships faced by three Chippewa Indians. It was nominated in 1978 for an Academy Award for Best Documentary Short.
(1973) Shows lines that children make, lines in man-made structures, and lines in nature in order to introduce lines that can be made on paper and other materials with different tools. For primary grades.