Producer's Assistant
60년대 파리. 유명 인사들을 상대로 고급 매춘조직을 운영하는 마담 클로드. 우아한 이미지로 포장된 그녀의 제국은 상류층뿐 아니라 지하 세계까지 뻗어있다. 영원히 번성할 것 같았던 제국은 그러나 한 여성의 등장으로 흔들리기 시작한다.
Line Producer
이란 남부의 작은 도시. 독재 정권에 대항하여 투쟁하는 변호사 이밧과 지적이고 현명한 부인 페레시테는 모진 고생 끝에 갓 태어난 아들 누시를 안고 자유를 향해 망명길을 택한다. 우여곡절 끝에 도착한 자유의 나라 프랑스. 그러나 이민자인 그들이 프랑스에서 정착하기란 결코 쉽지 않다. 어떤 힘든 일이 있어도 웃음을 잃지 않는 세 가족은 드디어 빈민가의 복지 센터에서 새 터전을 잡고, 그곳에서 자신과 비슷한 처지의 여러 사람들과 어우러지며 조금씩 자신들이 생각했던 자유의 삶에 가까워지는데… 결코 쓰러지지 않는 무적 가족은 과연 행복을 손에 넣을 수 있을까?
Production Manager
Newly engaged, Thomas meets his future father-in-law Gilbert, who has been married for 30 years to Suzanne. Disillusioned Gilbert is convinced that his marriage has meant he's missed out on life. He persuades Thomas not to marry his daughter Lola and encourages him to drop everything else in his life as well. The two men then throw themselves into a new brats' life full of adventure, convinced that freedom is elsewhere. But at what cost do we rediscover our adolescent dreams?
Production Manager
Journey of an african migrant through Europe.
Before immigrating to the West, Abdallah travels to the coastal city of Nouadhibou, Mauritania, to visit his mother. Although he grew up there, Abdallah feels anything but at home in his old neighborhood: He can no longer speak the local dialect, and he wears western clothes that immediately cast him as an outsider. But, as Abdallah spends time with a young boy and an elderly electrician, he can't help but feel a sense of loss for the life he's abandoning
Production Manager
Inès, Stella, Marion and Emilie are four young women who become friends and never leave each other. They band together during their teenage years. This film discusses their first meeting and what happens afterward.
Executive Producer
Described as an “explosive, feminist take on body horror.” Premise TBA.