Olivier Trémolet

참여 작품

The Year After
Production Manager
Emmanuelle lives in the suburbs near a shopping mall. Since her father's death, she feels increasingly out of sync with the world around her. Her mother is distracted, high school bores her. She has just turned 17 and, this particular year, her life will take an entirely different turn.
Toutes les nuits
Production Manager
La Première éducation sentimentale (the first version of L'Éducation sentimentale), re-adapting the themes of first love, the intoxication of desire, and failed ideological revolution (that culminated in the Revolution of 1848) to the May 68 generation through a chronicle of the parallel lives of a pair of childhood friends, the pragmatic Henri and idealistic Jules as they leave their bucolic, rural hometown to separately pursue their baccalaureate - and real world - educations.
Assistant Director
영국 요크셔 지방의 어느 마을을 배경으로 교장, 그의 아내, 학교 수위, 그의 여자친구의 일상사를 선택과 운명의 카오스로 만들어낸 작품. 교장의 아내 셀리아가 탁자 위에 놓인 담배를 피느냐 아니냐에 따라 서로 다른 운명이 만들어진다.