Shristi Ghimire

Shristi Ghimire

프로필 사진

Shristi Ghimire

참여 작품

Red Monsoon
It is hard for Karuna to believe that her husband Krishna is seeking gratification in someone else's arms, and when her friend Anushka suggests as much, she resists. Chetana, battling her own feelings of loss, reaches out for Krishna's extended hand. Against the clamorous backdrop of the age-old Machhendranath festival, a thoroughly contemporary drama plays out in the bylanes and courtyards of Patan town. Through the characters, we glimpse a society in transition, where individuals are left to fend for themselves in the anonymity of the city. The film is steeped with the angst of uncertainty created by an economy in the doldrums, with the anger of youth, and with the befuddlement of elders, as protagonists try to adjust to new realities, some with a care for ethics and some without. This is where Krishna finds himself at the end, as Chetana and Karuna decide for themselves. The air is pregnant with possibilities, but the rains do not arrive in Red Monsoon.
네팔의 고속도로. 서로 다른 사연을 가지고 있는 9명의 사람들이 같은 버스에 타고 있다. 버스는 네팔의 총파업인 ‘번다’로 인해 고속도로 한 가운데서 멈추게 되고, 버스 안에 있던 9명은 머리를 맞대고 해결방법을 찾기 시작한다. (2013년 제14회 전주국제영화제)