Janine Gosselin

참여 작품

틴 울프: 더 무비
Script Supervisor
어느 날 갑자기 늑대인간이 되어버린 후, 우정과 사랑을 지키며 스스로 살아남기 위해서 싸우는 고등학생 스캇의 이야기.
윌리의 원더랜드
Script Supervisor
차가 고장난 주인공이 수리비 대신에 버려진 테마파크에서 하룻밤 청소부로 일하며 악령이 씐 인형 로봇들을 상대로 사투를 벌이는 이야기
라스트 풀 메저
Script Supervisor
1966년 4월 11일, 베트남 전쟁 사상 최악의 미군 사상자를 낸 애블린 전투. 그곳에 전우들을 구하기 위해 주저없이 뛰어든 공군 항공대원 '피츠' 32년이 지난 후 국방부 소속 변호사 스콧 허프만(세바스찬 스탠)은 그날의 생존자들의 기억을 토대로 '피츠'에게 군 최고의 영예인 명예 훈장 수여를 위해 조사하던 중 국가의 은폐된 진실을 알게 되고 파헤치기 시작하는데... 5월, 기적을 넘어선 감동 실화가 세상에 공개된다.
나쁜 녀석들: 포에버
Script Supervisor
마이애미 강력반의 베테랑 형사 마이크는 여전히 범죄자를 소탕하는 데 열성적이지만, 그의 파트너 마커스는 이제 일선에서 물러나 가족과 함께 시간을 보내고 싶어한다. 마커스의 은퇴를 만류하던 마이크가 정체를 알 수 없는 거대 조직의 위협을 받으며 일생일대의 위험에 빠지게 된다. 가족만큼 중요한 마이크를 위해 마커스가 합류하고, 우리의 나쁜 녀석들은 신식 무기와 기술을 장착한 루키팀 AMMO와 함께 힘을 합쳐 일생일대 마지막 미션을 수행하게 되는데…
Script Supervisor
유인원 전문가 ‘데이비스(드웨인 존슨)’는 사람들은 멀리하지만, 어릴 때 구조해서 보살펴 온 영리한 알비노 고릴라 ‘조지’와는 특별한 감정을 공유한다. 어느 날, 유순하기만 하던 조지가 의문의 가스를 흡입하면서 엄청난 괴수로 변해 광란을 벌인다. 재벌기업이 우주에서 무단으로 감행한 ‘프로젝트 램페이지’라는 유전자 조작 실험이 잘못되면서 지구로 3개의 병원체가 추락했던 것. 조지뿐만 아니라 가스를 마신 늑대와 악어 역시 변이시키고 끝도 없이 거대해진 이들 포식자들이 도심을 파괴하며 미국 전역을 쑥대밭으로 만들어 놓는다. 데이비스는 괴수들을 상대로 전지구적인 재앙을 막고 변해버린 조지를 구하기 위한 해독제를 찾아야만 하는데…
Script Supervisor
크리스찬 울프(벤 애플렉)는 동네 상점에서 혼자 ZZZ 공인회계사 사무소를 운영하는 회계사다. 언뜻 보기에 평범한 회계사 같지만 크리스찬을 찾는 고객에는 두 종류가 있다. 하나는 동네 주민이고 다른 하나는 거물급 범죄자들이다. 범죄자들을 고객으로 상대하며 때때로 크리스찬은 킬러의 역할을 맡기도 한다. 크리스찬이 새로 수임한 업무는 자금 횡령 의혹이 있는 벤처기업의 재무 조사. 처음 횡령 의혹을 제기한 사내 회계사 다나(안나 켄드릭)와 크리스찬은 점차 횡령보다 더 복잡한 사건이 배후에 있음을 깨닫는다. 한편 재무부 범죄전담반은 크리스찬이 여러 범죄 사건에 연루된 인물이라는 사실을 발견하고 조사를 요청하는데...
Script Supervisor
물리학자 짐 빌 (채드 맥나이트)이 우주공간을 여행할 수 있는, 즉 시간 여행을 할 수 있는 기계를 개발하고 악덕 기업의 재벌 크라우스 마이스너 (마이클 아이언사이드)가 그것을 막을 수 있는 기계를 개발하면서 벌어지는 이야기
퀸카가 아니어도 좋아
Script Supervisor
언제나 당당하고 거칠 것 없던 비앙카(메이 휘트먼 분)는 학교 홈커밍 행사를 한 달 앞두고 친구 웨슬리에게서 자기가 인기 많은 절친들의 들러리인 ‘더프’라는 말을 듣고 충격에 빠진다. 더프(The Duff)는 못생기고 뚱뚱한 들러리란 뜻. 처음엔 부인하다가 차츰 현실을 깨닫고 억울함과 분노에 빠져든 비앙카. 절친 제스와 케이시에게까지 절교 선언을 하고 스스로 왕따가 되어 지내다 더프를 벗어나기 위해 웨슬리(로빈 아멜 분)에게 도움을 요청한다. 성적을 올리지 못 하면 축구팀에서 퇴출될 처지인 웨슬리는 비앙카가 시험을 통과하게 해 주겠다는 제안에 비앙카가 더프에서 벗어나 짝사랑하는 토비와의 데이트에 성공할 수 있도록 돕기로 한다. 하지만 웨슬리의 전 여친이자 교내에서 퀸카로 군림하는 재수쟁이 매디슨이 비앙카의 동영상을 SNS에 악의적으로 올리는 바람에 비앙카는 전교생에게까지 왕따를 당하는 끔찍한 상황에 처하는데…
에일리언 애브덕션
Script Supervisor
A vacationing family encounters an alien threat in this pulse-pounding thriller based on the real-life Brown Mountain Lights phenomenon in North Carolina.
OC Confidential
The OC hearts up in this sexy erotic thriller set on the shores of Newport Beach, California, known for it's breathtaking coastline, the rich and the beautiful. A group of young college students, out for summer break, look for love and test their relationships in the land of paradise. Kevin, handsome and naive, has thought he's found true love with girlfriend Vanessa, they were to spend the whole summer together. But, plans screech to a hault, when his girlfriend dumps him for another. His best friend, the rich and self absorbed Dillon, comes to the rescue and invites him to his shorefront beach house and advises him that the cure for a broken heart is to sleep with as many women as possible. As a good friend should, Dillon helps Kevin get over his heartache, and sacricfices his own relationship with Candy (Hannah Harper), a hot rich socialite, so, that he can venture out with his friend and assist on the art of picking up women.
OC Confidential
The OC hearts up in this sexy erotic thriller set on the shores of Newport Beach, California, known for it's breathtaking coastline, the rich and the beautiful. A group of young college students, out for summer break, look for love and test their relationships in the land of paradise. Kevin, handsome and naive, has thought he's found true love with girlfriend Vanessa, they were to spend the whole summer together. But, plans screech to a hault, when his girlfriend dumps him for another. His best friend, the rich and self absorbed Dillon, comes to the rescue and invites him to his shorefront beach house and advises him that the cure for a broken heart is to sleep with as many women as possible. As a good friend should, Dillon helps Kevin get over his heartache, and sacricfices his own relationship with Candy (Hannah Harper), a hot rich socialite, so, that he can venture out with his friend and assist on the art of picking up women.
OC Confidential
The OC hearts up in this sexy erotic thriller set on the shores of Newport Beach, California, known for it's breathtaking coastline, the rich and the beautiful. A group of young college students, out for summer break, look for love and test their relationships in the land of paradise. Kevin, handsome and naive, has thought he's found true love with girlfriend Vanessa, they were to spend the whole summer together. But, plans screech to a hault, when his girlfriend dumps him for another. His best friend, the rich and self absorbed Dillon, comes to the rescue and invites him to his shorefront beach house and advises him that the cure for a broken heart is to sleep with as many women as possible. As a good friend should, Dillon helps Kevin get over his heartache, and sacricfices his own relationship with Candy (Hannah Harper), a hot rich socialite, so, that he can venture out with his friend and assist on the art of picking up women.
Cold Heart Canyon
In L.A.'s Laurel Canyon, Karen has a dream that her sister Heather is in danger, but Heather seems safe enough, having just moved to a remote spur of the canyon to distance herself from her ex-husband. She's a writer, and she's soon met several men - Marcus, who helps her the day she moves in, neighbors Daniel and Marisa for whom she cooks dinner, and Michael her landlord who cleans her pool weekly. Daniel warns her away from Marcus even as he makes a play for her and invites her to participate in sexual escapades - some enjoyable, some not. Then it becomes clear that Karen's anxiety dream was prescient. Who can Heather trust, and does she figure it out too late?
Cold Heart Canyon
In L.A.'s Laurel Canyon, Karen has a dream that her sister Heather is in danger, but Heather seems safe enough, having just moved to a remote spur of the canyon to distance herself from her ex-husband. She's a writer, and she's soon met several men - Marcus, who helps her the day she moves in, neighbors Daniel and Marisa for whom she cooks dinner, and Michael her landlord who cleans her pool weekly. Daniel warns her away from Marcus even as he makes a play for her and invites her to participate in sexual escapades - some enjoyable, some not. Then it becomes clear that Karen's anxiety dream was prescient. Who can Heather trust, and does she figure it out too late?
Cold Heart Canyon
In L.A.'s Laurel Canyon, Karen has a dream that her sister Heather is in danger, but Heather seems safe enough, having just moved to a remote spur of the canyon to distance herself from her ex-husband. She's a writer, and she's soon met several men - Marcus, who helps her the day she moves in, neighbors Daniel and Marisa for whom she cooks dinner, and Michael her landlord who cleans her pool weekly. Daniel warns her away from Marcus even as he makes a play for her and invites her to participate in sexual escapades - some enjoyable, some not. Then it becomes clear that Karen's anxiety dream was prescient. Who can Heather trust, and does she figure it out too late?
Checking Out
Production Manager
A feisty octogenarian on the verge of his ninetieth birthday invites his three grown children to his upcoming birthday celebration with the explicit understanding that when the festivities end, so does his life.
Some secretaries will stop at nothing to get a promotion.
Some secretaries will stop at nothing to get a promotion.
Some secretaries will stop at nothing to get a promotion.
Playboy: Sizzling Sex Stars
The hottest sex stars are gathered together for a wild and spectacular Playboy celebrity photo session. We've got behind the scenes footage, intimate interviews and a look at their lives in their homes, off the set, and more
All For Lust
Script Supervisor
An engaged bachelor and his friends go out for a night of action. After seeing all of the nudity on the sunset strip, they decide to compete to see who can get the most action.
All For Lust
An engaged bachelor and his friends go out for a night of action. After seeing all of the nudity on the sunset strip, they decide to compete to see who can get the most action.
Malibu Spring Break
Script Supervisor
Two Arizona girls head out to the Malibu beaches for a springbreak of partying and fun in the sun.
Slaughter Studios
Additional Vagrant
Slaughter Studios has a legendary reputation as the place where a slew of classic low-budget horror movies were made. Long since abandoned and now in ruins, a group of aspiring filmmakers led by director Steve decide to break into Slaughter Studios so they can shoot one last B-grade creature feature on the premises before it meets the wrecking ball. However, things go awry when Slaughter Studios proves to be the stalking grounds of a vicious psycho.
Slaughter Studios
Script Supervisor
Slaughter Studios has a legendary reputation as the place where a slew of classic low-budget horror movies were made. Long since abandoned and now in ruins, a group of aspiring filmmakers led by director Steve decide to break into Slaughter Studios so they can shoot one last B-grade creature feature on the premises before it meets the wrecking ball. However, things go awry when Slaughter Studios proves to be the stalking grounds of a vicious psycho.
Script Supervisor
In the middle of a devastating Los Angeles earthquake, terrorists and bank robbers battle over a deadly super-virus.
Script Supervisor
At his bachelor party, Jason has a one-night fling with Nikki, a radiant beauty with whom he forms an immediate bond. They agree to keep their secret locked away forever. Two years later, Jason, his wife, Andy and his fiancee plan a reunion weekend. Jason is shocked to discover that Andy's fiancee is Nikki. Now, secret and passionate affairs are played out.
Naked Betrayal
Script Supervisor
A gambling lord causes a young poker player to get deeply in debt. The young man soon finds himself in a world where willing women are as easy to get your hands on as a freshly dealt hand.
Naked Betrayal
A gambling lord causes a young poker player to get deeply in debt. The young man soon finds himself in a world where willing women are as easy to get your hands on as a freshly dealt hand.
Animal Attraction III
Script Supervisor
A nightclub owner is plagued by financial problems, as well as a masked kidnapper, just before his new club opens.
Script Supervisor
When a series of unexplained vicious animal attacks strikes his community, Sheriff Jim Tanner and his assistant Barbara trace them back to a Dr. Hyde, a former military researcher whose government funding for a dinosaur cloning project was cut. When the Pentagon discovers Hyde obtained foreign backing to continue his experiments, they send in a strike team to save Tanner and Barbara and stop Hyde.
Hard as Nails
Script Supervisor
After being punished for disobedience and arranging an arms deal with Russian mobsters, young member Takura violently takes over control of his Japanese mafia family. Takura takes advantage of his new position and is proceeding his deal with the Russians, his recklessness attracts the attention of an undercover cop.
Script Supervisor
포이즌(Thy Neighbor's Wife)'이라는 이름으로 2001년 출시된 영화이다. 투자회사의 이사 크리스는 부사장이 되려고 노력하지만 회사에서 해고를 당하고, 계약을 위해 자신의 부인까지 희생한 것에 대한 죄책감으로 자살한다. 크리스의 부인 앤은 남편과 자신이 회사에 이용되었다는 걸 알고 복수를 결심한다. 이어 회사 사장인 슬라이더를 가스 누출사고로 꾸며 살해한 뒤 다음 목표인 부사장 니콜을 노린다.니콜이 크리스의 자리를 대체해 새 부사장이 되어 바쁜 일정을 보내는 동안 앤은 니콜 집에 숨어들어와 가사도우미를 살해하고 니콜 집의 가사도우미로 들어가는데...
Passion Crimes
Script Supervisor
Heather, a corporate lawyer, works to prove the innocence of her client - a man accused of the murder of his wife, following her disappearance. However, Heather falls for the accused and the two begin a torrid affair.
Passion Crimes
Heather, a corporate lawyer, works to prove the innocence of her client - a man accused of the murder of his wife, following her disappearance. However, Heather falls for the accused and the two begin a torrid affair.
Misconduct of Miss Heather Finn
Detective Denise Lopez is investigating the murder of a stripper. While investigating the murder, Denise discovers a plot to kill another stripper.
Nikita Blues
Script Supervisor
A teenage girl seeks love in all the wrong places.
Soul Desires
Script Supervisor
Liam, although has everything - health, money, women, he, as ever, approaches the embodiment of his dream - to open the coolest erotic nightclub in Hollywood. He and his partners decide to open the club. But Liam has a problem. Goldberg, one of his partners who does not belong to the most honest people, has a clairvoyant clause that if the club does not open at a proper and agreed date, he will withdraw from the tug. Construction is prolonging, and Liam and other partners are in a time of stress. They need to get the money quickly because they will all face a serious disaster if they miss the deadline. He is in search of beautiful girls for night club, but first of all he has to choose them. One of the girls will do everything she can to be chosen.
Bodily Sanctions
Three guys decide to spend a few days at a club where they find nothing but beautiful girls, since one of them has just got married. As soon as they get there, they decide to spice up their: the men make a $2000 bet for the person who achieves the most goals, which consist of having sex with women in jacuzzi tubs, having sex with two women at once, and more.
Alan is having an horrendous day...he loses his job, money is missing from his bank account, he is evicted from his apartment, misses a date with his girlfriend and much more.
Script Supervisor
Welcome to Luminarias-where hot spicy dish gets served up with a Latin twist by four successful friends from East LA...with very discriminating taste in men! When separated divorce attorney Andrea finds herself guilty of falling for her white and Jewish opposing council, her three single friends choose sides in the ongoing and often hilarious debate over race and sex. As they discover just how much negative stereotypes color their relationships with men-and even with each other-it becomes clear that the search for Mr. Right is not exactly black and white! Written by Echo Bridge Home Entertainment
Intimate Nights
Script Supervisor
Tina Tudor, an exotic dancer, finds her life in great danger when she's the sole witness to a murder. The murderers have tried to kill Tina before she can testify against them, so two policemen are assigned to safeguard her. But one of the cops finds himself falling for Tina, and the two begin an affair, which not only compromises the officer's integrity but threatens to destroy Tina's relationship with her longtime boyfriend.
Billy Frankenstein
Script Supervisor
Billy Frank is an ordinary kid, until his family inherits an old castle and Billy learns he's a distant relative of the infamous Dr. Frankenstein. Billy's folks decide to visit their family estate, and Billy soon discovers they're not alone.