Suzanne Owens-Duval

Suzanne Owens-Duval

프로필 사진

Suzanne Owens-Duval

참여 작품

Bad Exorcists
Sister Helen
A trio of awkward teens intend to win a horror festival by making their own movie, but wind up getting their actress possessed in the process.
Cell Count
Nurse Oberhauser
Russell Carpenter reluctantly admits his wife Sadie into an experimental treatment facility for her life threatening disease. While locked in this prison like surrounding they, along with 6 others, are unknowingly subjected to a cure that might just be worse than the disease itself
Aunt Jean
Fresh off the success of her first horror novel, Jessie is revered by the literaly world as the next Stephen King. While her editor anxiously awaits her next novel, she is suffering from writer's block. Out of fear of becoming a one-hit novelist, Jessie ventures to her deceased aunt's cabin in the woods to find inspiration for her new book. Having not visited in many years, Jessie has no memory of her childhood summers at the cabin or her time spent in the surrounding woods. But when darkness falls on Jessie's first night alone in the cabin, her memories begin to awaken. A dark presence resides here; one that seems to be watching Jessie every move and one that she has always been afraid of. A series of erotic, bizarre and terrifying events that force Jessie to question her own reality.
The Iconographer
Cindy Lewis
After losing their jobs, two estranged brothers find themselves in a love triangle. Constantly looked up to as a hero, Stone Lewis struggles to save the one person he truly loves: his brother.
George & Mildred
Big screen spin-off of the Seventies sitcom. Mildred Roper is determined to make husband George celebrate their wedding anniversary in style, at a posh hotel in London. However, upon arrival George is mistaken by a gangland criminal for a rival hitman, and soon the Ropers find themselves up to their necks in trouble on the wrong side of the law!
Prostitute (uncredited)
연합군과 독일 나치스군 사이에 치열한 접전이 벌어지고 있을 때 미 육군 당국은 군형무소에서 사형 집행을 기다리고 있는 12명의 흉악범을 석방하고, 이들에게 독일 나찌에 대항하는 위험한 임무를 수행할 수 있는 고도의 살인 훈련을 시킨다. 살인특공대의 대장은 리 마빈. 임무를 완수하면 석방될 수도 있는 작전에 12명의 성난 사형수는 목숨을 걸고 나찌스군과 처절한 전투를 벌인다.