비밀스런 과거를 가진 케이티(줄리안 허프)가 작은 해안마을 사우스포트에 발길을 멈춘다. 정체를 숨기고 마음을 닫는 케이티. 상처가 있는 알렉스(조쉬 더하멜)의 따뜻한 배려와 자상함에 서서히 이끌린다. 솔직한 성격의 이웃 조(코비 스멀더스)는 머뭇거리는 케이티와 알렉스가 다가설 수 있게 용기를 준다. 다시 없을 것 같았던 가슴 두근거리는 감정이 조금씩 스며들고 깊어지는 순간, 케이티의 감춰진 과거의 그림자가 모습을 드러낸다. 위협받는 사랑… 부서지는 행복… 그들을 기다리는 또 다른 비밀… 다시 사랑할 수 있을까?
Simon, John Candy, Felix, and The Drake are assholes. They are stupid, scheming, self-regarding dudes who are convinced of their own greatness. They are also convinced that they can fix their pathetic lives with self-help books. Unfortunately for the guys, self-help is not moron-proof. The foursome's idiotic attempts at bettering themselves lead to lost jobs, poorly timed acid trips, and incarceration. Due to a gross mistranslation of a Mexican website, the guys become convinced that they must travel to Mexico to find an all-knowing guru named Don Rodrigo. On the road to enlightenment the group runs into drugs, guns, gangsters, hot Mexican babes and lots of tequila.
Simon, John Candy, Felix, and The Drake are assholes. They are stupid, scheming, self-regarding dudes who are convinced of their own greatness. They are also convinced that they can fix their pathetic lives with self-help books. Unfortunately for the guys, self-help is not moron-proof. The foursome's idiotic attempts at bettering themselves lead to lost jobs, poorly timed acid trips, and incarceration. Due to a gross mistranslation of a Mexican website, the guys become convinced that they must travel to Mexico to find an all-knowing guru named Don Rodrigo. On the road to enlightenment the group runs into drugs, guns, gangsters, hot Mexican babes and lots of tequila.