Ken Worth

참여 작품

13 이어리
Original Music Composer
메건(캐서린)과 친구들은 법의학 실습을 위해 톰킨스(마이클 생크) 교수를 따라 폐교도소 13이어리에 들어가 하룻밤을 보내게 된다. 학생들은 그 곳에서 실습을 위해 세 팀으로 나뉘어 주어진 구역에 사채를 조사하게 되는데 의문의 사채로부터 갑작스런 공격을 받아 생명의 위협을 받게 되는데..
An elaborate fantasy tale intended for family audiences, Babel tells the story of the Babels, a strange breed of four-foot-tall creatures who once coexisted happily with human beings on planet Earth. However, when the humans built a huge tower to taunt God, he became angry and drove the Babels underground, while scattering the humans to the corners of the Earth and giving them different languages to keep them separate. Thousands of years later, three Babels are searching underground for the Babel Stone presented to them by God when they lose the map -- which is soon snapped up by a dog, who presents it to his master, an advertising man named Patrick. The Babels are desperate to recover the map, and they recruit Patrick's son David to help them find it (and the Babel Stone) before the evil Nemrod can steal the stone and claim its powers.