Valery Kozinets

출생 : 1939-09-09,

참여 작품

러시아 방주
어느 영화 감독이 한순간 마술처럼 18세기 초의 상트페테르부르크의 에르미타주 궁으로 가게 된다. 어느 누구도 감독을 보지 못하지만, 오로지 검은 옷을 입은 남자만이 감독을 본다. 검은 옷의 남자는 19세기에서 온 프랑스 외교관이였다. 감독과 외교관은 격동의 러시아 한가운데에서 놀라운 역사의 현장을 목격한다.
속삭이는 페이지
남루한 행색의 청년 라스콜리니코프는 페테르부르크의 뒷골목을 정처 없이 걸어다니며 만나는 사람들마다 최근 사망한 한 여성을 아느냐고 묻는다. 그러는 사이 청년은 자신도 모르는 사이 낯선 세계로 들어간다. 푸시킨, 고골, 도스토예프스키 등 러시아 문학의 모티브가 도드라지는 작품으로 "세컨드 서클"(1990), "돌"(1992)에 이은 “삶과 죽음에 관한 3부작”의 마지막 작품.
Get Thee Out
In Russia at the turn of the century, a wealthy Jewish merchant enjoys the best of relations with his Russian neighbours, while his respected home forms the obvious social centre of the entire community. However, the atmosphere grows more tense as the local authorities come under pressure to fall in line with the officially sanctioned anti-Semitic policies of the Tsarist Government. The village elder is one of our hero's best friends and together they seem to find a way to outwit these evil intentions but unfortunately they fail to understand what forces they are dealing with in a country where anti-Semitism is state policy.
Treasure Island
Young Jim Hawkins is caught up with the pirate Long John Silver in search of the buried treasure of the buccaneer Captain Flint, in this adaptation of the classic novel by Robert Louis Stevenson.
Последний побег
Сегодня или никогда
Пошехонская старина
72 degrees below zero
Antarctic station "Vostok" threatens conservation due to lack of fuel. Volunteer squad is called to take fuel, but will soon begin "Polar autumn" in Antarctica. No one has walked this way, when the temperature drops below 71 degrees Celsius and freezes fuels.
На край света...
Kysh i Dvaportfelya
Друзья мои
Ruslan and Ludmila
The film is based on the great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin’s poem of the same name. In the midst of the wedding party of Prince Ruslan and Ludmila, daughter of Prince Vladimir, the girl is kidnapped by the evil sorcerer Chernomor and the witch Naina. Three former suitors for her hand set out, as does Ruslan, to rescue Ludmila...
Three Minutes to Exactly
A story about difficult and dangerous adventures of a group of seven-graders during their summer camp.
Only Three Nights
The love story in the remote village. Lyuba has a child, Nikolai has a wife. Nikolay, having become a projectionist, now, once a week, brings cinema to the village of Babino, where Lyuba lives. Once they loved each other, but Nikolai, unexpectedly for everyone, married another and since then tried not to be in this village. And now feelings have surged again, and both are unable to resist this love.
Wake Mukhin Up!
Spartacus / metro train driver
During lectures on literature, evening student Sasha Mukhin, a subway driver, sleeps and dreams. In approximate accordance with the subject of the lectures, he either tries to prevent Pushkin’s duel with Dantes, either intervenes in the events of Spartak’s rebellion, or is present at Galileo’s abdication, then meets a person from the future and learns from him his future fate.
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