Igor Vuskovich

참여 작품

일곱 번째 동지
Production Design
내전 당시 아다모프는 혐의를 벗고 사회로 풀려난다. 그러나 혁명 이후 세상은 달라졌다. 그는 전쟁터로 복귀하기 위한 활동을 시작한다.
713th Asks for Landing
Production Design
Transatlantic flight 713 is in trouble because the pilot and crew are poisoned while flying above the ocean. Now the passengers have to take control to save their lives.
Queen of Spades
Art Direction
Screen adaptation of Tchaikovsky's opera based on the Aleksandr Pushkin short story of the same name.
Son of Mongolia
Art Direction
A strange film as beautifully jumbled as the political environment out of which it sprang, like a handsome weed, "Son of Mongolia" is a travelogue of unique and authentic richness, an amusing Far Eastern horse opera of picaresque character, and a scientifically valuable anthropological document in which the Soviet film industry may well take pride. Objective and modern, yet permeated with a fresh folk quality that goes back to the reckless and lovely Tartary of Genghis Khan, it rises above all its inescapable Soviet-isms into a new frontier region of plains, mountains, tents and herds, a world still appreciably beyond the range of Western cameras.