Ngai Ping-Ngo

참여 작품

Incredible Kung Fu Mission
Master Chan Chi
When a comrade is captured by a hostile warlord, five martial arts masters confront the villain's foot soldiers, valiantly battling through their resistance until they come face to face with the warlord himself.
Master Jin
표국의 총표두인 이지산은 천하의 보도 금룡도를 소지한 당대의 검왕이다. 용진천과 이지산의 부인 월향은 예전부터 정을 통하는 사이, 두 사람의 음모로 이지산은 금룡도를 빼앗기고 딸 소연과 하인 이생과 함께 유안정의 도움으로 숨어 지내는 처지가 되는데... 수년 뒤, 월향은 이지산을 찾아 그녀를 데려가겠다고 협박한다. 유안정으로 부터 아버지의 원수가 용씨 형제라는 것을 알게 된 소연은 그들에게 복수하려 한다. 하지만 어머니로 부터 용진천이 자신의 아버지라는 사실을 알게 되자 떠나버린다. 이지산은 노인의 아들인 청송에게 금룡도를 무찌를 수 있는 항룡도를 전해주고 떠난다. 이지산을 죽이려고 쫓아온 용진천과 결투를 벌이던 중 월향은 죽고, 아버지를 구하려던 소연과 용진천이 싸우는 틈을 타 이지산이 용진천을 죽인다.
Killer Darts
The Flier / Light Footed Hero
They brutally killed his wife, wiped out dozens of his innocent people, and burnt his entire village down to a charbroiled crisp. Now, master Liou Wen-lung is out for revenge. Armed with a near-invincible sword style and a pack of killer darts, he heads out to settle a 10-year old grudge with the cold-blooded evildoers. Joining him is his son, an orphan named Yu Sien and his trusty servant.
The Magnificent Swordsman
Xiu Xiu's Brother
Lone swordsman Jiang Dan-Feng (Wong Chung-Shun) is ambushed by a pair of bandits and quickly despatches them. One of them, as he is dying, asks Jiang to take his personal effects to his sister. This being a Wuxia film, our hero is bound by a strict code of honour, and he agrees. The bandit’s sister, Xiu Xiu (Shu Pei-Pei), is surprisingly forgiving and tells him that he got mixed up in a bad crowd of robbers before he died. As it happens, these self-same bandits are threatening to tear up the village at any moment, and Jiang prepares to defend it despite being despised by the town folk for killing Xiu Xiu’s brother.
King Cat
Jiang Ping, Underwater Mouse
Chang Yi plays Chan Chao, a knight of justice, who thwarts the plans of Minister Peng to assassinate the revered Judge Pao Cheng over and over again. Lo Lieh gives Chang a good run for his money as the evil and sinister henchman of Minister Peng.