This is a story full of feelings emotion, and generational conflicts... Two people meet again in the seaside town where they fell in love as adolescents 20 years earlier while spending their summer vacation there with their families. It could be a chance to rediscover each other and to lend continuity to a relationship that was interrupted, in his case at least, traumatically. But the disquieting presence of her 15 year old daughter insinuates itself between them. He transfers his feelings to the young girl and relives, in a kind of addendum the same feelings that were cut short by the abrupt separation. A three-way relationship is formed, colored by tensions, generational conflicts, and subtile psychological games. Each of the three will emerge from the rapport in their own way. Each will emerge, no doubt, changed.
This is a story full of feelings emotion, and generational conflicts... Two people meet again in the seaside town where they fell in love as adolescents 20 years earlier while spending their summer vacation there with their families. It could be a chance to rediscover each other and to lend continuity to a relationship that was interrupted, in his case at least, traumatically. But the disquieting presence of her 15 year old daughter insinuates itself between them. He transfers his feelings to the young girl and relives, in a kind of addendum the same feelings that were cut short by the abrupt separation. A three-way relationship is formed, colored by tensions, generational conflicts, and subtile psychological games. Each of the three will emerge from the rapport in their own way. Each will emerge, no doubt, changed.
This is a story full of feelings emotion, and generational conflicts... Two people meet again in the seaside town where they fell in love as adolescents 20 years earlier while spending their summer vacation there with their families. It could be a chance to rediscover each other and to lend continuity to a relationship that was interrupted, in his case at least, traumatically. But the disquieting presence of her 15 year old daughter insinuates itself between them. He transfers his feelings to the young girl and relives, in a kind of addendum the same feelings that were cut short by the abrupt separation. A three-way relationship is formed, colored by tensions, generational conflicts, and subtile psychological games. Each of the three will emerge from the rapport in their own way. Each will emerge, no doubt, changed.
Luca, who poses as private Buldok
1940년, 이태리 파시스트 정권이 제2차 세계대전에 참전하려는 때. 은퇴한 전직교수인 니노는 18살 연하인 미모의 젊은 새 아내 테레사, 그리고 파시스트의 청년 조직인 '검은 샤츠' 당원인 딸 리자와 함께 베니스에서 여생을 보낸다. 젊은 시절, 니노를 열광시켰던 학문과 예술, 고상한 인간 영혼에 대한 관심은 이제 늙은 그에게는 모두 허무한 인생의 과거일 뿐이다. 지금은 젊은 아내를 맘껏 사랑하는 것에서 꺼져가는 삶의 의미를 찾으려 한다. 교수의 젊은 아내로서 정숙함과 근면함으로 교육된 테레사는 니노의 집요한 유혹에도 좀처럼 허물어지지 않는다. 아내를 좀더 개방적이고 성적으로 자유로운 여성으로 만들고 싶은 니노는 일기장에 아내에 대한 은밀한 요구를 기록해서 벽장에 감추고, 그 열쇠를 아내가 매일 청소하는 카페트 밑에 숨긴다. 자연스럽게 남편의 일기를 읽게 된 테레사는 남편의 요구에 놀라지만 어느새 남편이 바라는 여자로 변해간다. 남편이 원했던 남편의 제자 라즈로와의 형식적인 밀회가 시간이 지날수록 그녀의 숨겨진 본능을 자극하게 되자 테레사는 갈등과 죄의식으로 고민하고, 자신의 심리적 변화를 남편에게 알리려고 일기를 쓴다. 겉으로는 서로 모른척 하면서도 서로의 내심을 일기를 써서 전달하는 이상한 '부부게임'이 시작되는데..
Woody Vanderberg Scott
Bruno is an idealistic hero who questions the meaning of life in this confusing and sometimes hallucinatory erotic drama. After a night in jail, he is gang-raped by punk rockers in a garbage dump. He later saves an old man who believes he is Garibaldi and a woman he believes is Ophelia. Bruno watches helplessly as she later jumps from a window.
Nardi's son
A schoolgirl was murdered seven years ago, and the case was never solved; now, the murderer seems to be back.
Chemist's assistant
A pharmacist is murdered, and a woman happens to see the culprit leave the scene. She soon finds herself being stalked by the killer.
A handful of recruits prepares for a war that nobody knows about the purpose or the motive. The field commander is a general who plays with a Marx puppet and lives in a luxurious palace that looks like a cabin from the outside. His orderlies are a captain who lives in Arabic dress in a curtain and a sergeant in training who does not shine for intelligence. Continuing training between various and grotesque accidents until the order arrives for the front. And then?
독일 나치 정부의 친위대장, 발렌버그(헬무트 버거 분)는 지나친 충성심으로 여성당원을 선발하여 여러가지 훈련을 시킨다. 그룹 섹스 등 온갖 훈련을 통해 선발된 여자들은 살롱 키티에서 창녀로 일하게 된다. 또한 이들은 살롱에 드나드는 인물들의 성향을 감시 발렌버그에게 보고하고 발렌버그는 각 방마다 도청장치를 설치, 모든 이들을 감시한다. 아름다운 마가리타(테레사 앤 사보이 분)는 반 나치주의자인 한스(베킴 페미우 분)라는 남자를 사랑하게 되고 이를 도청한 발렌버그에 의해 한스는 처형을 당한다. 자신들의 일거수 일투족을 파악하고 있는 발렌버그에게 의심을 품기 시작한 살롱 마담 키티(잉그리드 썰린 분)와 마가리타는 발렌버그의 도청 사실을 눈치채고 평소 마가리타에게 흑심을 품고있던 발렌버그를 유인, 비밀 정보를 누설하도록 만든다. 결국 마가리타의 밀고로 발렌버그는 벗은 채 사살당하고 만다.
When a don who they were suppose to protect ends up dead, his bodyguard and bodyguard's friend must go under cover to escape the wrath of mob.