Yasunori Tanaka

참여 작품

Etsuraku Kousaten
Mikiya Kawashima
When a traffic surveyor lusts after a thin pretty woman with long hair and begins to stalk her he has no idea that she is married or that she has a husband who is cheating on her. He has the photographs to prove it and drops them off into the mailbox of her home one day. A bizarre love takes root.
箱女 見られる人妻
Whim of the sad toy Nobuko teacher
Shinko, the high school language teacher, attended the school as a beautiful teacher who was serious and thought of as a student. Nobuko, a mother and child family, was brought up by a strict mother who was also a teacher and became a teacher as she was told. Nobuko had learned the tactics that no one disliked, but when his mother got to the floor, he called Telephone Club at night and enjoyed telephone sex! One day, Nobuko begins to treat one of the students as a toy...
미츠에의 남친고르기
Story of people looking for love.
Suketomo (First Butler)
재벌인 네코가미 가의 사헤이요는 딸인 타마요에게 전 재산을 상속한다는 유언장을 남긴다. 그것을 안 손녀 츠키요는 하인에게서 낳은 타마요를 없애고 자신이 전 재산을 가로채려고 한다. 타마요에겐 로봇 집사인 1호 스케토모와 2호 스케타케와 멍청하게 보이는 3호 스케키요가 있었다. 스케키요는 항상 능력이 모자라 열등감에 쌓여 있었지만 마음만은 착해 타마요를 진심으로 사랑하고 타마요 역시 스케키요를 사랑하고 있었다. 하지만 츠키요가 나타나 타마요를 납치해 상속포기 각서를 쓰라고 한다. 스케키요는 타마요를 찾아 나서고 자신이 부서질 때까지 타마요를 구하려고 애쓴다. 결국 츠키요는 죽고 스케키요와 타마요는 다시 행복한 일상생활로 돌아온다.