Johnny Kostrey

Johnny Kostrey


Johnny Kostrey is a film and television actor.

프로필 사진

Johnny Kostrey
Johnny Kostrey
Johnny Kostrey

참여 작품

A grad student breaks up with her boyfriend to focus on her thesis, not realizing something has infected him and that he's going to wreak havoc on her life.
드래곤 파이터 P-51
Flt. Lt. Karl Kuttelwascher
2차 세계 대전이 한창이던 무렵. 연합군이 북아프리카에서 독일군을 몰아내기 위해 대규모 공격을 준비하는 동안 독일군은 막강한 신무기를 동원해 연합군을 쓸어버린다. 독일군의 무기는 바로 불을 뿜는 거대한 크기의 드래곤! 하늘을 자유자재로 날아다니며 무자비한 공격을 퍼붓는 드래곤 무리의 앞에 연합군 전투기들은 속절없이 당하고, 최정예 조종사들로 이루어진 '유령 편대' 또한 수많은 드래곤과 맞서기 위해 고군분투하다가 대원 일부를 잃는 아픔을 겪는다. 한편, 길들인 드래곤을 이용해 전쟁의 승기를 잡아 가던 독일군의 장군은 드래곤의 정체에 얽힌 끔찍하고도 믿을 수 없는 비밀을 알게 되는데...
The Chauffeur
Audrey, a young French actress trying to make it in Hollywood meets, Tony, the chauffeur of a luxury car. She needs him to drive her around town and he is looking for a "boss" (meaning someone who dominates him). At first, feeling ill at ease, Audrey doesn't want to mistreat him. But, as she goes from deception to deception in her career, she discovers that she can vent her frustrations on him... They complete themselves in what begins as a fair exchange and becomes much more than that.
Lucky Bastard
Rusty is a successful architect with the life of his dreams. However, when his boyfriend leaves town, Rusty meets a mysterious drifter names Denny who opens Rusty up to a strange new world.