David Drake

David Drake

출생 : 1963-06-27, Edgewood, Maryland, USA

프로필 사진

David Drake

참여 작품

애프터 루이
William Wilson
As an AIDS activist and member of ACT UP in the 1980s and 90s, Sam witnessed the deaths of too many friends and lovers. Battlewounded and struggling with survivor's guilt, Sam now resents the complacency of his former comrades and derides what he sees as the younger generation's indifference to the politics of sex, and of death. An unexpected intimacy with a much younger man challenges Sam's understanding of contemporary gay life. Through this unconventional romance, he is forced to deal with the trauma that so informs his past, their present, and an unknown future.
30 Years from Here
The Emmy Award-nominated 30 Years from Here examines the AIDS pandemic over the past 30 years. Activists and medical experts that share stories include Terrence McNally, Larry Kramer, Marjorie Hill, Frank Spinelli, Jerry Mitchell, and Larry Flick.
The Night Larry Kramer Kissed Me
David Drake
From the late-night club crawl to the buff-bunny gyms, from the threat of anti-gay violence to the place where condemnation, compromises and closets are a thing of the past, the film exposes the sexual, spiritual and political yearnings at the heart of gay America.
The Trey Billings Show
Trey Billings / Dodie Day
A late-night cable access show goes to hell!
David Searching
The story of a young gay man's search to find himself. David is a young, gay aspiring documentary filmmaker and takes his first tentative steps towards his adult life. His roommate, Gwen, after ending a mysterious marriage, is looking for stability. Together they try to manoeuvre their way through New York on a search for happiness. Instead, they find bad dates, worse job interviews and bizarre sexual encounters.
Peoria Babylon
Down to their last dollar and fresh out of legitimate ideas, art gallery owner Candy and her gay business partner Jon hatch a scheme.
This endearing and understated short focuses on the search for love by two gay waiters who meet while reluctantly working a Republican fund-raiser. Chronicling the changes in the lives of the two men over the course of several years, the film paints a moving portrait of gay life.
동성연애자인 변호사 앤드류는 필라델피아에서 가장 이름있는 법률사무소에 입사하여 촉망받는 변호사로 발돋움한다. 그러던 중 그는 회사의 역사상 가장 중대한 재판을 맡아 '하이라인'사의 변호를 하게 된다. 회사에서 동성연애자를 혐오한다는 것을 알고, 앤드류는 동성연애자라는 사실과 에이즈 환자임을 숨겨왔다. 열심히 일하던 그는 뜻하지 않은 사건에 부딪힌다. 자신이 완성해 놓은 하이라인사의 고소장이 마감 전날 사라진 것이다. 그 일로 인해 그는 회사로부터 해고 당한다. 자신의 해고가 계획된 것이라 생각한 그는 법률사무소 대표 찰스를 상대로 소송을 제기하고자 이전 자신의 라이벌이었던 변호사 조를 찾아간다. 조는 처음엔 앤드류가 에이즈 환자라는 이유로 거절하나 결국 그의 신념과 확신에 끌려 법정 투쟁에 들어간다. 그리하여 그는 앤드류가 해고당한 이유는 그의 능력 부족이 아니라 에이즈 때문이며, 질병으로 인한 해고는 차별이며 위법임을 입증한다. 자신의 권리와 명예를 회복한 앤드류는 얼마후 조용히 눈을 감는다. 재판이 끝날 때까지 죽을지 모르는 상태에서도 앤드류는 자신의 권리를 끝까지 지키겠다는 신념으로 싸워나가며, 조는 인간의 권리와 사회의 정의는 개인의 성별, 인종, 종교, 성적취향에 상관없이 동등하게 실현되어야 한다는 공통된 생각으로 세상 사람들의 편견과 싸워 나가리라 결심한다.
Naked in New York
Naked in New York begins in the car of grown up Jake, he is talking to us about his girlfriend, Joanne, and to whom you can turn to for help while facing life. From there it flashes back to his memories of his parents, college, house across from a squirrel infested peanut factory, best friend, writing career and Joanne.
Longtime Companion
GMHC Volunteer
During the summer of 1981, a group of friends in New York are completely unprepared for the onslaught of AIDS. What starts as a rumor about a mysterious "gay cancer" soon turns into a major crisis as, one by one, some of the friends begin to fall ill, leaving the others to panic about who will be next. As death takes its toll, the lives of these friends are forever redefined by an unconditional display of love, hope and courage.