Clifford Kent
Ships disappear on route across the Arctic Sea, and a special submarine is sent to investigate.
Dr. Myer
A new social worker at a girls' reformatory discovers that her charges are being used by a group of ancient alchemists, who have insinuated themselves as the prison's chief staffers, to keep themselves alive and free from an insidious petrification, which is already afflicting one of their number.
Lord of Ashdod
성경에 나오는 괴력의 사나이 삼손(빅터 마추어)은 젊은 날엔 방황하며 지낸다.그는 유대민족의 청년이지만, 이방인인 블레셋족의 아름다운 처녀 세마다(안젤라 란스베리)와 결혼하려 한다. 그러나, 그와의 결혼을 반대하는 그녀의 친척들이 공격해오고, 급기야 그 와중에 그녀는 살해당하고 만다. 삼손은 그에 대한 복수를 하기 위해 당나귀 턱뼈로 블레셋족을 닥치는 대로 죽인다. 한편, 죽은 세마다의 여동생인 데릴라는 삼손이 지닌 괴력을 탐지하기 위해 그와 결혼한다. 삼손은 아름답고 변덕스런 데릴라에게 빠졌지만, 자신의 힘의 비밀을 쉽게 알려주려 하지 않는다. 잘못된 정보를 실천에 옮긴 블레셋족들의 낭패를 즐겁게 구경하는 삼손. 하지만 데릴라는 그를 구슬려서 결국 긴 머리칼에 힘의 원천임을 알아내고, 머리칼을 자른다. 이리하여 블레셋족의 노예로 전락한 그는 10년 동안 감금되는데, 그제서야 여호와를 찾으며 그동안의 죄를 참회한다. 그동안 그의 머리칼은 계속 자라지만, 어느 누구 하나 눈여겨보는 이가 없다. 마침내 10년 후 블레셋족이 잔치가 있던 날, 삼손을 이끌어내서 희롱하려고 한다. 이때 이미 눈이 먼 그는 거대한 팔레스타인 사원의 기둥을 잡고, 자신의 마지막 힘을 다 써서 무너뜨린다. 처음에는 비웃던 사람들이 그의 괴력으로 빚어진 참사에 놀라고, 데릴라 역시 그 소동의 와중에 비참한 최후를 맞이한다.
Capt. Cordova
A woman journeys to Spanish California to marry a Spanish officer, but on the way she meets and falls in love with an American adventurer who is part of a movement to overthrow the Spanish in California.
Finance Minister Zavitch
In a far off country, their king is critically wounded after an assassination attempt and the only heir is a timid New York radio personality, Michael Valentine (Bob Hope). After reluctantly traveling to his father's homeland, Michael is not happy that he's become the target of the same terrorist organization that attacked the king.
Captain Simeon Ecuyer
1763년 중죄인 애비 헤일은 영국에서 처형을 당하거나 또는 식민지에서 도제사리로 보내져 14년간 노역을 하든 둘 중 하나를 선택해야 하는 여인의 약정에 입찰하기 위해 두 사람은 런던에서 버지니아로 돌아가는 같은 배에 타고 있다. 승자인 홀덴은 친절하게 그녀에게 자유를 말하고 그의 약혼자를 만나러 배로 간다. 패자는 계약을 무효로 하고 여인을 국경지방으로 데리고 간다.
A London curator loses the Mona Lisa to a collector, who discovers it's a fake.
Rudolph Hess
This movie shows us the rise of Adolf Hitler from a small radical political adventurer to the dictator of Germany in the way of a gangster film. Exept for some minor inaccuracies the historical facts are given in a correct way.
1937년 파시스트와 공화정부파로 갈라져 싸우던 스페인 내전에서 미국 청년 로버트 죠단은 정의와 자유를 위해 공화 정부파의 의용군에 투신하여 게릴라 활동에 종사하고 있다. 죠단에게 내려진 새로운 임무는 적군의 진격로에 해당하는 산중의 대철교를 3일 후에 폭파시키라는 것이다. 죠단은 안세르모라는 늙은 짚시를 안내로 삼고, 목적하는 산지로 찾아들어간다. 한편, 철교를 폭파시키기 위해서는 이 산악지방의 집시의 힘을 빌지 않고서는 불가능하다. 이 짚시의 두목은 술을 좋아하는 파블로로 그는 이일에 선뜻 협력하려들지 않는다. 그래서 죠단은 파블로의 아내 필라와 이 일을 협의하게 된다. 그녀는 자진하여 집시를 지휘해서 이 계획을 원조할 것을 제의한다. 파블로의 부하는 전원 필라의 명령에 따라 착착 계획을 진행하는데 이러는 중에 스페인의 소녀 마리아는 뜨겁게 죠단을 사랑하게 된다. 드디어 3일째인 이른 아침, 죠단일행은 철교 폭파에 성공한다. 그러나 그는 말을 몰고 달리는 순간, 적군의 포화에 쓰러지는데...
Enemy Security Officer
A training film for OSS agents who are to be dropped behind enemy lines.
Col. Otto von Ritter
The British Commandos send Bob Owen (Lyle Talbot) to Norway to prepare for a raid. His mission also includes freeing General Heden (Paul Baratoff) who is being held by the Nazis. His aides include Eric Falken (George Nesie) and Harry (Charles Rogers). Inga (June Duprez), a Norwegian girl to whom Falken was once engaged but who has become the sweetheart of Oberst Von Ritter (Victor Varconi), betrays their hiding place. The three overpower the Gestapo men sent after them, take their uniforms and enter the prison camp and free Heden. The four men then start for the coast to meet the Commando expedition. Inga, who the men still trust, again informs von Ritter and Falken is captured but Bob and Harry escape with the aid of Dalberg, who they thought was a Quisling stooge.
Larry Haines, a mediocre vaudeville entertainer, boards a train for Los Angeles. Aboard, he meets an attractive, blonde British agent carrying a coded message hidden in a brooch—and is being pursued by Nazi agents.
키웨스트에 해적들이 우글거리면서 배를 일부러 난파 시켜 화물을 건지고 이익을 얻고 있었다. 주빌리의 선장인 잭 스튜어트도 부선장이 해적과 손을 잡고 배신을 해서 화물을 잃게 되었다. 키웨스트에서 록시 클레이본을 만나게 되고 사랑을 하게 된다. 데보로사가 있는 찰스턴으로 돌아간 잭은 킹 커틀러의 짓이라는 걸 알지만 아무도 증거를 찾지 못한다. 데보로사의 직원인 잭은 증기선인 써던크로스를 지휘하는 것이 소원이지만 배가 난파하여 펠리칸호를 타고 대기하게 됐다. 록시는 데보로 준장을 만나기 위해 찰스턴으로 가지만 데보로사의 변호사인 스티브 톨리버를 만나게 된다. 잭을 돕기 위해 스티브를 계속 만나는데 스티브는 록시를 사랑하게 된다. 록시는 잭과 결혼을 하려고 하지만 스티브가 그걸 막는다. 킹 커틀러는 잭과 스티브를 고래잡이 배에 팔아 넘기려고 하지만 실패한다. 잭은 자신이 써던크로스의 지휘를 맡게 된 사실을 알게 된다. 하지만 아팠던 데보로 준장이 죽고 스티브가 데보로 회장이 된다. 그렇게 되면 자신이 지휘를 하지 못하게 될 거란 걸 킹으로부터 들은 잭은 킹과 돈을 잡고 일부러 써던크로스를 난파 시키기로 한다. 써던크로스는 난파당하고 재판을 하게 된다. 재판을 하는 과정에서 배에 록시의 사촌인 드루실라가 몰래 탔다는 사실이 드러난다. 증거를 찾기 위해 잭과 스티브는 난파당한 배를 찾아간다. 바다 속에서 왕문어가 나타나 스티브가 위험에 빠진다. 잭은 스티브를 구하고 자신은 죽는다. 해적들의 모든 소행이 밝혀지자 킹의 동생인 댄을 사랑하는 드루실라가 죽은 걸 알고, 킹의 모든 짓을 이야기하려 하지만 킹은 동생을 쏴 죽인다. 위기의 상황에서 필 선장은 킹을 죽이고 록시와 스티브는 연인으로 발전한다.
Hendrick Van Deuren
On faraway Mosaque, an American pilot finds that he is in a desperate struggle with a military officer intent on sabotaging a local fort.
Otto Lieberman
A government agent goes undercover in order to apprehend a saboteur who caused a plane crash.
Gen. Aguirre
제프리 토프는 모험적이고 용감한 해적. 그는 스페인 배는 약탈하지만, 영국 배는 약탈하지 않는다. 어느 날 한 배를 추적하는데 성공하고 그는 배 안에서 스페인의 귀족 도나 마리아와 만나게 된다. 제프리는 도나의 아름다움에 입을 다물지 못하고 그녀와 가까워지고 싶어하지만 도나는 그에게 전혀 관심이 없다. 그는 일개 해적이기 때문이다.
Convicts escaping from Devil's Island come under the influence of a strange Christ-like figure.
Victor Lestrade
An expose of attempts by wealthy people to avoid payment of customs duties. Part of the MGM "Crime Does Not Pay" series.
Two reporters compete to discover a scientist living in hiding and win his daughter.
Dr. LaFerriere
A doctor's medical studies are threatened by his infatuation with a Chinese girl. The girl returns to China, but complications ensue when she runs into him in Nanking during a Japanese bombing raid.
Paul Borodoff
Mr. Moto is in Egypt to thwart a criminal mastermind determined to steal the priceless crown of the Queen of Sheba. When the precious treasure is transported to America, Mr. Moto must race against time to unmask the cunning thief who will stop at nothing—not even murder—to get what he wants.
Grand Duke
In 1911, minor stage comic, Vernon Castle meets the stage-struck Irene Foote. A few misadventures later, they marry and then abandon comedy to attempt a dancing career together. While they're performing in Paris, an agent sees them rehearse and starts them on their brilliant career as the world's foremost ballroom dancers. However, at the height of their fame, World War I begins.
Italian Naval Chaplain Vanzano
A naval officer is demoted for negligence and put in command of a run-down submarine chaser with a motley crew.
Victor Hugo
Ferdinand de Lesseps, disappointed in love, is sent as a junior diplomat to the Isthmus of Suez, and realizes it's just the place for a canal.
Wire Arno
A poor young man's girlfriend leaves him for a gangster, who has the money and power she wants and the young man doesn't have. Determined to show her that he can be a success--and how much of a mistake she made by leaving him--he starts up a newspaper distribution business that is soon the biggest in the city, but things don't turn out exactly the way he wanted them to.
Paul Roya
Anna and Joe are newly married, playful and deeply in love. Joe is scraping by as cab driver in New York City during a period of corruption, mob control and violence between cab companies.
An ex-con takes flight after he's framed for a jewelry store robbery and murder.
A newspaperman Paul Cluett (Jack Holt) gets rival reporter Linda Lawrence (Mae Clark) to admit that she is investigating a story in Morocco that guns are being smuggled illegally.
Painted Horse
남북 전쟁 직후 존라티머가 인디언들에게 총을 밀매하려 하면서 이야기가 시작된다. 이를 막기 위해 서부 개척자의 정의로운 사내 대장부인 빌 힉콕과 그의 친구 버팔로 빌 코디는 그를 쫓는다. 시끄러운 칼라미티 제인은 빌 힉콕을 사랑하지만, 빌은 그런 그녀를 피하고만 싶다. 그는 여자나 가정 그리고 결혼에 대한 생각보다 자유로운 생활이 아직 더 좋다. 빌은 인디언들과 평화롭게 지내려 했으나 칼라미티가 인디언들에게 붙잡히자 마음을 바꾼다. 그녀를 구하려 가다가 빌 힉콕 자신이 붙잡히게 되고 칼라미티가 그를 구한다. 결국 빌은 라티머를 처라하지만, 다른 사람에게 죽음을 당한다.
Don Balthazar (Monterey Captain of the Guards)
Jonathan Pride is a mild-mannered dance instructor in 1820 Boston. En route to visit relatives, Jonathan is shanghaied by a band of zany pirates and forced to work as a galley boy. When the pirate vessel arrives at the port of Las Palomas, Jonathan, clad in buccaneer's garb, makes his escape. Everyone in Las Palomas, including Governor Alcalde (Frank Morgan) and fetching senorita Serafina (Steffi Duna), assumes that Jonathan is the pirate chieftain, leading to a series of typical comic-opera complications.
Paul Anders
After the woman who raised him claims he's not her son, Richard searches for clues about his identity. Urged on by his mentor, Capt. Randolph Courtney, Richard focuses on Julia Trent Anders, a middle-aged actress who just might be his real mother. But soon, Richard begins to fall for Julia's stepdaughter. Amidst the upheaval, Richard schemes to return Julia to the stage -- but he's in for another big surprise.
Jarl Dvorjak
A gambler hires a detective to investigate when a murder is committed in his casino.
Football player John Kent tags along as Huck Haines and the Wabash Indianians travel to an engagement in Paris, only to lose it immediately. John and company visit his aunt, owner of a posh fashion house run by her assistant, Stephanie. There they meet the singer Scharwenka (alias Huck's old friend Lizzie), who gets the band a job. Meanwhile, Madame Roberta passes away and leaves the business to John and he goes into partnership with Stephanie.
Stephen Ronsart
England is rocked by a series of train disasters. Police are on the hunt for the perpetrator, who is always spotted leaving the scene with a scarf around his face. The newspapers dub him "The Menace".
Karl Linden
Set in Vienna, this lively musical comedy stars Bebe Daniels as an actress who falls in love with her secretary, but has difficulty in persuading him to propose to her.
A young medical student returns to his Tyrolean home to find out that Napoleon's troops have taken over the area and that his mother and sister have been murdered.
Artur Franchini
During World War 1, an Austrian Battalion holds a mountain stronghold against the attack of the Italian army.
General Gómez
To avoid the rigors of the law, Gilda flees New Orleans and hides on a Caribbean island where the worst criminals can ask for asylum. Besieged by the scum of the earth, Gilda will soon find out that she has found refuge in hell.
Count Ivan Karloff
A wealthy ex-bootlegger comes to the rescue of a formerly rich society girl after her gold-digging fiancé leaves her stranded when he finds out she's broke. The bootlegger proposes a deal: he will settle her debts if she teaches him how to be "a gentleman".
Robert Fyfe
Movie star Shelah Fane is seeing wealthy Alan Jaynes while filming in Honolulu, Hawaii, but won't marry him without consulting famed psychic Tanaverro first. Tanaverro confronts her about the unsolved murder of fellow film star Denny Mayo three years earlier, and she decides to reject Jaynes' proposal. When Shelah is found shot to death in her beach-front pavilion, Charlie Chan of the Honolulu Police investigates.
Dr. Kane Ruyter
The trials of being a doctor's wife are presented in this drama. The story centers upon the problematic marriage of one couple. Their troubles begin when the doctor makes a housecall to a seductive woman with designs upon him. His suspicious wife follows him and spies on him. She thinks they are getting romantic when he is actually trying to extricate himself from his predatory patient. She decides to get revenge with his best friend, but nothing happens.
El Captain Thunder
A notorious Mexican bandit goes all soft and mushy when he falls for a beautiful senorita. Warner Bros.' Captain Thunder contains some of the darndest Mexican accents you've ever heard in your life. The star is Hungarian-born Victor Varconi, portraying a legendary south of the border outlaw who tries to force Canadian senorita Fay Wray to marry a rival rustler whom she despises. She pleads with the bandito so pathetically that he is moved to grant her a single wish. Without hesitation she chooses her poor but true love. The bandit king, being a somewhat honorable fellow grants the wish and without a twitch, guns down the wicked cattle thief. Fortunately the film was played for comedy, a wise decision since it probably would have garnered laughs as a straight drama anyway.
In the 19th century, Polish patriots rise up in Warsaw against domination by the Czar of Russia.
A sculptor is desperately looking for a model for his latest work entitled New Venus. One day he meets girl who seems like perfect candidate. Soon, they both fall in love with each other.
Lorenz Gruber
In the Swiss Alps of the early 19th century, a couple forced into loveless marriages struggle to find happiness with one another.
Horatio Nelson
Lady Hamilton's love affair with Admiral Horatio Nelson rocks the British Empire.
Al Morton
Sinner's Parade is a 1928 American silent crime film directed by John G. Adolfi and starring Victor Varconi, Dorothy Revier, and John Patrick. It is not known whether this film survives. The film's sets were designed by the art director Harrison Wiley.
Bob Peters
Joe, a weakling gangster, and Bob, an ex-gambler, compete for Lyla Mason, a working girl who also runs a 10th Avenue rooming house in New York city. Bob's desire to show Lyla he can support her leads him back to the gambling table when past-due rent threatens her with eviction. Bob and Joe are both suspected when Fink, a bootlegger, is found murdered in his room.
Amos Hart
Based on a true story, two-timing boozing wife Roxie Hart kills her lover in cold blood after he leaves her, and finagles her way out being indicted. The basis for Kander/Ebb's 1975 Broadway musical of the same name and its Oscar-winning 2002 film adaptation.
Col. Gautier
A colonel of the French army in North Africa believes his brother, a sensitive musician, to be in love with the colonel's wife and so arranges for his brother to be drafted into the colonel's own corps. Unknown to either is the fact that the colonel's wife is actually an Arab spy.
Jerry Wilson
Babe Scott, a cabaret dancer who is constantly searching for sensational material to shock her customers, conceives of burlesquing a Salvation Army girl and attends mission meetings on the East Side for atmosphere. There she meets Jerry Wilson, an honest truckdriver and friend of the Army captain. Although the act is a success, Babe is disillusioned to find Lonnie, a fellow worker who has been romancing her, stealing her money and making overtures to Big Bertha, the hard-boiled club hostess.
Pontius Pilate - Governor of Judea
The King of Kings is the Greatest Story Ever Told as only Cecil B. DeMille could tell it. In 1927, working with one of the biggest budgets in Hollywood history, DeMille spun the life and Passion of Christ into a silent-era blockbuster. Featuring text drawn directly from the Bible, a cast of thousands, and the great showman’s singular cinematic bag of tricks, The King of Kings is at once spectacular and deeply reverent—part Gospel, part Technicolor epic.
George La Fuente
When Victoria’s husband Leonard leaves her for Helen , Victoria takes up with artist Antonio. However both couples end up on George La Fuente's dude ranch. Everybody begins arguing with the poor Senor Fuentes.
Prince Dimitri
During the Russian Revolution Princess Vera, though betrothed to Prince Dimitri, is attracted to the peasant Feodor.
The wife of an American diplomat falls in love with a young Hungarian violinist.
Carmine Gallone and Amleto Palermi’s The Last Days of Pompeii 1926 stages in sumptuous colour tinting the epic fall of the ancient city buried by Mount Vesuvius’ eruption. Adapted from Edward Bulwer-Lytton’s love story, the film was innovative in its special effects and an early major box-office hit. A beautiful tinted restoration print was prepared using photochemical processes by Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia-Cineteca Nazionale in the mid-1990s and the premiere screening of the restoration print was held in the amphitheatre in Pompeii, followed by a screening at the major restoration festival ‘Il Cinema Ritrovato’ in Bologna in 1998.
Kerry Harlan (La Rocque) is unable to work because he was injured in a battle with a shark, so his youthful wife Amy (Reynolds) becomes a fashion model. While she is away from home, Bertha, the wife of his surgeon, is trying to force her attentions on Kerry and is accidentally killed in an attempt to evade her husband. After the scandal Amy is courted by Tony Channing, but she returns to her husband and finds him near death from gas fumes. Because they both attempted to make suicide, their spirits are rejected by "the other side," and learning the truth from Bertha's spirit they fight their way back to life. This film is presumed lost.
Oliver Evans
A bored rich housewife wants to go on the stage, but her husband won't let her. When she meets a despairing actress who looks exactly like her, she suggests they swap places for a little while, giving the actress a break while the rich husband is out of town. But the rich husband comes back early, causing havoc for the actress, plus the rich housewife is finding herself attracted to the actress's boyfriend.
William Silver
At the center of the story is Ann Land. Ann is a small factory worker and has only ever dreamed of great fame, recognition as an artist and applause ...
George Vandeau
At the urging of his dying aunt, a young man of limited means forgoes marriage into comfortable society. He becomes husband to an unwed mother and father to a child. Their meager existence is threatened, however, when the woman he left at the altar reenters his life.
Medardus Klähr
Patriotic Austrian costume drama, about the martyr Medardus who opposed Napoleon's occupation of Vienna in 1809. The plot proceeds in a series of confrontations with Medardus, his mother and sister, the blind exiled Count of Valois, his ambitious daughter, and Napoleon himself (portrayed as a cool strategist), including several brief flashbacks.
Priester des Lyzeums - Engel des Herrn
Exposed to bad influences since childhood, Mary, a young girl is pushed by her mother to approach an elderly banker by the name of Harber. After almost driving her fiancee to suicide and seducing his mentally-ill son, she realizes through a metaphorical dream the scope of her negligence. Sentenced to prison for incitement to murder Harber, she sees herself as a parallel figure to Lea, Lot's wife in Sodom, where the Angel of the Lord warns the sinful citizens of the city of their impending doom. Lea oppresses the angel and eventually turns it over to the pagan priests when her sexual advances to it are rejected. In another dream sequence, Mary becomes the Queen of Syria, whose oppressed people turn against her and who, in turn, condemns a young man who loves her to death. Finally, her dream returns to the present time and when she awakens, she runs back to her former lover.
A modern adaptation of Dumas' Camille.
Baracs (as Várkonyi Mihály)
Based on a popular stage musical comedy by Károly Bakonyi and Andor Gábor, the film tells the story of a young engineer who tries to construct a railway in his hometown, helped by the Count's daughter, Marcsa (Lili Berky).
A young woman living in the country is told by her dying father that he is really her uncle and raised her as his own when her mother was sent to prison for killing her husband. Alone and not knowing her mother’s fate, Betty travels to the city in search of work. There she finds employment as a maid in the house of a wealthy couple and their dashing son, Nick, with whom she falls in love...
Silent film.