Georgiy Grebner

출생 : 1892-03-31,

사망 : 1954-06-24

참여 작품

The Adventures of the Magic Globe or Witch's Tricks
Animation film consists of four small stories. No Trouble, Boy from Naples, Cinderella and Hazelnut Twig.
The Snow Queen
When the Snow Queen, a lonely and powerful fairy, kidnaps the human boy Kay, his best friend Gerda must overcome many obstacles on her journey to rescue him.
The White Poodle
A story about three circus actors and their adventures. Based on classic novel by Aleksandr Kuprin.
A Hazel Tree Twig
The girl Mariuka goes in search of her brother Grigorash - he was carried away by the evil sorceress Kloantsa. On the way, the girl helps the Walnut Bush and the Giant. The bush gives her a magic tree twig...
Lights on the River
A story about a group of children spending their summer vacation in the village.
Adventure in Odessa
Group of youngsters find a sunken sailboat used by guerrillas during WWII, raise it, repair it, and sail out to sea for adventure.
The Scarlet Flower
Before going on an overseas journey, a merchant father asks his three daughters what they would like him to bring back for them. The eldest asks for a shining tiara, the middle asks for a frame through which her face would always appear young, and the youngest (Nastenka) asks her father to bring her a beautiful scarlet flower like one which she saw in her dreams. Her elder sisters laugh at this simple wish. The father's trip is successful and he finds everything that he came for, with the exception of Nastenka's scarlet flower. Nevertheless, the ship heaves off and they begin to head back while the father scans the lands around him for a scarlet flower.
The Magic Carpet
A cruel dragon deprives people of water, but finally the heroes defeat the monster with the help of a magic carpet.
Cruiser 'Varyag'
A story of heroic Russian war cruiser 'Varyag'.
Fear Has Big Eyes
Soviet cartoon animated film on the Russian folk tale "Cat and the fox". As Lisa deceived the animals and took away the gifts, designed by Kotofei Ivanovich, issued by Fox for the new ruler of the forest. He was a black cat, he liked to eat sour cream, but did not catch mice. His master was angry with him, put him in a sack and threw it in the forest.
The Fox and the Thrush
A Captain at Fifteen
A classic movie based on a famous "Dick Sand, A Captain at Fifteen" novel by Jules Verne.
Как поссорился Иван Иванович с Иваном Никифоровичем
Seaman's daughter
Together with other graduates of the Maritime Institute, Irina Zakharova returns to her native Odessa. At the distribution commission, she seeks the appointment of the first assistant to the captain on the infamous Pobeda vessel, with the most loosened crew. Carrying a personal example of sailors, Irina successfully fights for a turning point in the mood of sailors, and when the ship gets into a storm, she shows the outstanding qualities of a real sailor. Against the background of these events, the theme of lyrical relationships between Irina and the navigator of the red-flagged ship "Abkhazia" Vasily in love with her is unfolding.
General Suvorov
Primarily a biographical documentary about the military career of Alexander Vasilvich Suvorov, who was Field Marshal of the armies of Catherine the Great and Czar Paul I. After many military successes during the reign of Catherine, General Suvorov broke with her successor, Paul I, the Mad Emperor, over questions regarding army policy. He went into retirement and wrote "The Science of Victory," containing maxims such as "Swiftness of movement accompanies victory," and "the real general is he who defeats the enemy before reaching him." The czar recalled Suvorov to become the leader of the joint armies of Russia and Austria against Napoleon.
The death of
In the fall of 1920, when the Red Army fought on the outskirts of Novorossiysk, one of the best ships of the Russian fleet “Oryol” stood at the berths of the port. The ship's boatswain, the hiding communist Mikhail Gruzdev, convinced Captain Chistyakov to keep the Eagle and return it to the red flag. Soon the legendary ship aboard the White Guards pursued by the Red Army left Novorossiysk. History left no trace of the further fate of the "Eagle" and its crew. It was believed that Chistyakov handed over the ship to the White Guards, and they took him abroad. Many years later, the captain of the ship “Flounder” Mikhail Gruzdev, confident in Chistyakov’s uncompromising attitude, obtained permission - and set about searching for the missing ship.
Loss of Feeling
In an unnamed English-speaking capitalist land, a young engineer invents inexhaustible giant robots to replace the fragile human workers on high-volume assembly-lines, and soon finds his invention co-opted by the military-industrial complex.
The Revolt of the Fishermen
Russian Fishermen from a small village rise up against the entrepreneurs and the buyers, fighting for higher wages for their hard and difficult work.
Two young women fight over the love of a hunter.
A Socialist Realist distortion of Dr. Paul Kammerer's experiments in the inheritance of acquired character(istic)s -- the (not entirely anti-Darwinian) conjecture that certain changes the environment produces in an individual may spontaneously appear in the next generation. As recounted in Arthur Koestler's The Case of the Midwife Toad (1971), Kammerer (1880-1926) claimed that darkened footpads he had artificially induced in a toad had been passed on to its offspring. When it was discovered that his critical specimen had been injected with ink (though why and by whom is still unknown), his credibility was destroyed and he apparently suicided. Richard Goldschmidt's synopsis of the film in "Research and Politics," Nature (1949), mocks it as Soviet propaganda in support of the inheritance of acquired characters: The importance attached to the subject is revealed by the facts that none other than the then all-powerful [People's] Commissar for [Public] Education, the highly ...
The Bear's Wedding
Konstantin Eggert both directed and starred as Count Shemet, cursed by his insane mother’s traumatic experience with a bear to have seizures during which he himself becomes a “bear” on the kill. Eggert’s direction of the movie is as odd as the plot. The whole film is unsettling. The titles are too long; there are interminable shots of irrelevant action; the cutting is uneven. The heroine is unsuitably comic, spasmodically jumping around, smearing ink on her face, knocking things over. For some reason the somber, doomed count falls in love with this girl and decides to marry her.