Francis Reusser

Francis Reusser

출생 : 1942-12-01, Vevey, Switzerland

사망 : 2020-04-10


Francis Reusser was a Swiss film director. He directed thirteen films since 1968. His film Derborence was entered into the 1985 Cannes Film Festival. Reusser died on 10 April 2020 after a long illness.

프로필 사진

Francis Reusser

참여 작품

La séparation des traces
Director of Photography
Essay on the epic story of an ordinary man, a filmmaker, born in the beginning of the Second World War. From 1942 to 2016, his personal story and the world history, the history of his films, of cinema and the images that inspired him. Life and creation entangled, untangled, intertwined, jostled together. From his childhood to his first steps as an artist. From the distant war to the war against everyone, from the dreamed revolution to the consumer society that ruins your dreams like Coca Cola dissolves your bones.
La séparation des traces
Essay on the epic story of an ordinary man, a filmmaker, born in the beginning of the Second World War. From 1942 to 2016, his personal story and the world history, the history of his films, of cinema and the images that inspired him. Life and creation entangled, untangled, intertwined, jostled together. From his childhood to his first steps as an artist. From the distant war to the war against everyone, from the dreamed revolution to the consumer society that ruins your dreams like Coca Cola dissolves your bones.
La séparation des traces
Essay on the epic story of an ordinary man, a filmmaker, born in the beginning of the Second World War. From 1942 to 2016, his personal story and the world history, the history of his films, of cinema and the images that inspired him. Life and creation entangled, untangled, intertwined, jostled together. From his childhood to his first steps as an artist. From the distant war to the war against everyone, from the dreamed revolution to the consumer society that ruins your dreams like Coca Cola dissolves your bones.
La séparation des traces
Essay on the epic story of an ordinary man, a filmmaker, born in the beginning of the Second World War. From 1942 to 2016, his personal story and the world history, the history of his films, of cinema and the images that inspired him. Life and creation entangled, untangled, intertwined, jostled together. From his childhood to his first steps as an artist. From the distant war to the war against everyone, from the dreamed revolution to the consumer society that ruins your dreams like Coca Cola dissolves your bones.
La Terre Promise
Director of Photography
Philippe Savoy head of the choir at Saint Michael's College in Fribourg is preparing to take his fifty-five students to Palestine for a series of concerts. From Bethlehem to Ramallah, passing by Jerusalem and Hebron, between check points and churches, discovering both refugee camps and historical tourism around the Dead Sea, the young musicians will discover an exploded territory, a country living in provisional peace with, in the background, the permanent humiliation of the Palestinian people.
La Terre Promise
Philippe Savoy head of the choir at Saint Michael's College in Fribourg is preparing to take his fifty-five students to Palestine for a series of concerts. From Bethlehem to Ramallah, passing by Jerusalem and Hebron, between check points and churches, discovering both refugee camps and historical tourism around the Dead Sea, the young musicians will discover an exploded territory, a country living in provisional peace with, in the background, the permanent humiliation of the Palestinian people.
La Terre Promise
Philippe Savoy head of the choir at Saint Michael's College in Fribourg is preparing to take his fifty-five students to Palestine for a series of concerts. From Bethlehem to Ramallah, passing by Jerusalem and Hebron, between check points and churches, discovering both refugee camps and historical tourism around the Dead Sea, the young musicians will discover an exploded territory, a country living in provisional peace with, in the background, the permanent humiliation of the Palestinian people.
Ma nouvelle Héloïse
Scenario Writer
Ma nouvelle Héloïse
Ma nouvelle Héloïse
Voltaire et l'affaire Calas
La guerre dans le Haut Pays
La Guerre Dans le Haut Pays is a period piece set in the winter of 1797-98, during the six days leading up to the fall of Bern and the victory of Napoleon's army, when the Bern government is faced with mixed loyalties from its subjects. The population of the lower valley is divided, but the upper region remains loyal, since they have been given special autonomy and a favorable system of taxation. David, a postman, works between the two regions. His father, who is a hard-line conservative, does not approve of his relationship with Julie, who is from the lower part of the valley. Julie's father, on the other hand, is more open to the new ideas of liberation. As a result of his work, David is exposed to new ideas and becomes a believer in equality and justice.
La loi sauvage
Antoine leaves his new bride behind to go on a skiing excursion with his uncle up the mountain behind their village of Derborence. Nine weeks after an avalanche apparently buries them alive, Antoine returns home. Certain that his uncle has also survived, he resolves to go back up and look for him—leaving his now-pregnant wife behind once more.
Antoine leaves his new bride behind to go on a skiing excursion with his uncle up the mountain behind their village of Derborence. Nine weeks after an avalanche apparently buries them alive, Antoine returns home. Certain that his uncle has also survived, he resolves to go back up and look for him—leaving his now-pregnant wife behind once more.
How Can I Love (A Man When I Know He Don't Want Me)
Director of Photography
"One Woman, five men, five breakups." - BAM
Jean (Niels Arestrup), the lead character in this psychological journey is torn by a search for his lost childhood, the overwhelming need to love a woman of his dreams (someone he has invented), and a struggle with his latent bisexuality. Jean finds some photos inside an automatic photo station that look like his mother who died soon after he was born. He starts to fantasize about the woman, giving her a name and identity and waiting for her to appear. During this time, he meets Carole (Christine Boisson) and has an affair with her, all the while pretending he has this other relationship with the woman in the photo. Significantly, the couple who introduce him to Carole is childless, and they eventually split up - perhaps a comment on the importance of childhood to the adult world. In the end, Carole discovers that Jean's "other woman" has no real existence, causing a crisis that finds a symbolic expression as the last scenes close on the story.
더 빅 나이트
자본주의를 경멸하는 레옹은 스위스의 로잔 지역에서 여러 일을 하며 살아가고 있다. 어느 날, 레옹은 레닌주의를 표방하는 급진적인 청년들을 만나고, 이중 레아에게 사랑의 감정을 느낀다. 하지만 폭력을 사용하는 혁명의 방법을 둘러싼 견해 차이로 동료들과 갈등을 빚는다. 1976년 로카르노영화제 황금표범상 수상.
더 빅 나이트
자본주의를 경멸하는 레옹은 스위스의 로잔 지역에서 여러 일을 하며 살아가고 있다. 어느 날, 레옹은 레닌주의를 표방하는 급진적인 청년들을 만나고, 이중 레아에게 사랑의 감정을 느낀다. 하지만 폭력을 사용하는 혁명의 방법을 둘러싼 견해 차이로 동료들과 갈등을 빚는다. 1976년 로카르노영화제 황금표범상 수상.
Return from Africa
An ode to liberated speech and to the power of words, "those one speaks to others, those one speaks in silence", Alain Tanner's third film is inspired by a poet and a poetic text which deeply affected him as a young director.
Biladi, a revolution
Director of Photography
Jordan 1970: Like a political tract, the film exalts the Palestinian revolution through the role of the combattants, women, workers and children. Revolutionary songs and poems punctuate the people's struggle for liberation. This film defends a cause that was very little supported at that time. 'Biladi, une révolution' is one of the very first (if not the first) films on the issue.
Biladi, a revolution
Jordan 1970: Like a political tract, the film exalts the Palestinian revolution through the role of the combattants, women, workers and children. Revolutionary songs and poems punctuate the people's struggle for liberation. This film defends a cause that was very little supported at that time. 'Biladi, une révolution' is one of the very first (if not the first) films on the issue.
샤를을 찾아라
Le Second Infirmier
스위스의 유서 깊은 시계 브랜드 소유주인 샤를은 회사 운영에 피로와 허무를 느끼고 경영 일선에서 멀어지려 한다. 결국 샤를은 작은 쪽지만 남겨둔 채 사라진 뒤 어느 젊은 커플과 함께 소박하고 자유로운 시간을 보낸다. 그러나 샤를의 가족들은 어떻게든 샤를을 찾아내려 한다. 68혁명의 새로운 바람에 관한 알랭 타네의 질문과 고민이 담긴 작품. 1969년 로카르노영화제 황금표범상 수상.
Long Live Death
In this highly symbolic romp, a young rebel and his girlfriend are on the outs with their conventional parents and are trying to be part of the political movements sweeping Europe, decrying consumerism and boring old things like civic chorales, etc. They run away to the mountains, get bored and hungry, in addition to being harassed by the local authorities, and return to their parents. There, the young man commits an act of murder and symbolically showers his girlfriend in expensive doo-dads.
Four of Them
A bold cinematic project which tells the story of four Swiss women, aged 16, 22, 31 and 72: Sylvie, Patricia, Erika and Angèle, by blending fiction and documentary into four individual shorts assembled into a full-length feature film.