Haruko Toda

출생 : 1908-05-28, Tochigi Prefecture, Japan

참여 작품

유부녀 집단폭행 치사사건
세 명의 야쿠자가 다이조의 아내 에미코를 참혹하게 강간한다. 학대를 견디지 못한 에미코가 죽지만 다이조는 아내의 죽음을 받아들일 수 없다. 아내의 사체를 집으로 가져온 다이조는 사체를 목욕시키고 마치 살아있는 사람처럼 대하고, 급기야 사체와의 섹스를 시도한다. 70년대의 명감독 소네 추세이와 구마시로 다츠미 등의 명성에 가려 제대로 인정받지 못하던 타나카 노보루를 평단과 언론으로부터 인정받는 감독 반열에 올려놓은 작품이다. 1979년 일본 아카데미 영화제와 영화전문지 「키네마준보」가 최고의 영화로 선정했다.
츠가루 종가라부시
Waki, Yuki's grand mother
A young girl is being asked about a man with whom she was keeping company, as her grandmother plays a lament on a shamisen. Then the focus changes to a couple arriving from Tokyo - the woman returning to her home, the man an escapee from the yakuza. The man doesn't seem to mind when the woman sells her favours to tourists at the local bar, just as she seems to take his attentions to Yuki, a blind girl, with equanimity.
The story tells of the adoration of Sasuke for his mistress, the blind samisen-teacher Shunkin, who treats him imperiously and subjects him to cruel beatings.
일본 도둑 이야기
Gisuke Hayashida is an illegal dentist during the day and a burglar by night. One night during a burglary he witnesses a train derailment. Some communists are found guilty of causing the incident, but he knows it wasn't them. He can save innocent people but for that he must confess his own crime.
Chibusa o daku musume tachi
Japanese drama.
The Song of the Cart
A lifetime story of a woman who stubbornly lives in a poor mountain village in post-war Japan.
The Outsiders
A drama about relations between Japanese immigrants and the indigenous Ainu on Hokkaido, the most northerly island of Japan. From a novel by Taijun Takeda.
His Scarlet Cloak
The humorous tale of Jimbei, a miller, and his wife Osen who live in complete happiness. But Osen's beauty attracts numerous would-be lovers among whom is the local governor, a timid creature, who is dominated by his high-born and beautiful wife, who dresses in a scarlet battle-tunic, a sign of his family's military merit around which he fabricates fantastic tales of his prowess in war. During the traditional festival when the villagers are released from observance of all social customs and restrictions, it is permissible for any man to attempt win the favors of the one he loves. However, the timid but romantic governor goes to the length of having the miller arrested to clear the way for his seduction of Osen. But Osen fights off his advances with an old hunting gun and dashes out of the mill. Jimbei, meanwhile, has escaped from jail and dashes home to finds the governor in his bed. Convinced that his wife has been violated, he decides to take an eye for an eye.
Detective Duel
A friendly rivalry turns into romance for Yukiko, an elite female detective, and a handsome private eye named Mitamura while both are investigating the missing person's case from a wealthy family.
The Story of Pure Love
Tanaka's mother
Junai Monogatari AKA Story of Pure Love is about two poor youths, Mitsuko and Kando, rebelling against society in various ways, who are desperately trying to be together despite tortuous circumstances. The film depicts their lives as thieves, menial laborers who can get little pay, society outcasts, and of course, lovers. Junai Monogatari depicts, mostly, their struggles within the Japanese reformatory system and Mitsuko's worsening sickness.
Twice on a Certain Night
Poor social conditions badly affect the relationship between a married couple, when the husband, who is desperately searching for work, fails to notice the terrible sacrifices made by his wife when she accepts a job at a local inn.
The Street Without Sun
Tower of Lilies
A group of Okinawan high school girls are drafted as nurses during the American invasion of the island. As the enemy army advances further, the situation for the girls becomes increasingly desperate as food and shelter run out and the number of injured climbs, leading to the film's tragic finale.
다시 만날 날까지
Saburo and Keiko fall in love with each other but the tide of war separates them.
무더운 여름날, 만원 버스에 오른 초보형사 무라카미(미후네 도시로)는 소매치기에게 권총을 도둑맞는다. 고참 형사 사토(시무라 다카시)의 조언에 따라 사라진 권총의 단서를 추적하는 무라카미. 버스에서 그에게 달라 붙어 있던 중년 여인은 알고 보니 일급 소매치기였다. 무라카미가 그녀를 미행하는 동안 도심 한 복판에서는 총기 강도사건이 일어난다. 거장 구로사와 감독의 초기 수작으로 일본 전후 사회의 매우 리얼한 풍경 묘사는 물론 범죄 수사과정을 하나부터 열까지 꼼꼼하게 좇아가는 치밀함을 느낄 수 있는 정통 형사물이다. 각본가 기쿠시마 류조가 경시청 취재 중 듣게 된 경관 권총 분실 사건을 소재로 만든 영화. 끈적하게 땀이 배일 것 같은 후덥지근한 여름의 분위기와 종전 후 서서히 부흥되어 가고 있는 도쿄의 실상이 매우 리얼하게 담겨 있다. ‘메그레 경감’ 시리즈로 유명한 추리소설가 조르주 시므농의 팬이기도 했던 구로사와는 긴박감 넘치는 추리영화의 틀을 빌려, 전후의 피폐한 현실과 가치관의 혼란을 탁월하게 묘사해 냈다. 모리사키 아즈마에 의해 1973년 리메이크되었으며, 아오야마 신지의 (1997) 역시 직접적인 영향을 받았다. , , 등 많은 미국영화에서 이 작품에 오마주를 바친 장면들을 발견할 수 있으며, 특히 조지 루카스의 에서 오비완 케노비가 라이트 세이버를 떨어뜨린 아나킨을 힐책하는 장면은 사토가 무라카미를 질책하는 장면을 그대로 인용한 것이다.
Five Tokyo Men
The Naked Town
A 1937 Japanese language film directed by Tomu Uchida, starring Ryo Akaboshi, Mitsuru Date and Hisao Furutani.
The Actress and the Poet
Among the tight-knit neighbours are a poet, his actress wife, a bachelor budding author, a tobacco shop owner-cum-landlady, an insurance salesman and his nosy and greedy wife. Enter a young and seemingly high-class couple who just so happens is open to purchasing life insurance from their swift neighbour. In the meantime, life is imitating art across the street, which may end up providing for either a happy ending or a rude split - eventually that is.