Cheng Lung's mother
미래 홍콩 영화 스타의 산실, 경극 학교. 시대의 흐름에 따라 사그라져 가는 학교의 명망에도, 우점원 사부의 엄격한 가르침 하에 열혈 수학하는 학생들 - 액션 스타인 홍금보가 자신의 은사인 우점원 사부로 분해 매서운 지도자를 연기했다. 제작자 겸 배우로 성장한 홍금보의 학생 시절을 그려낸 자전적 영화. 홍콩 영화 거물 배우들의 옛 모습을 만날 수 있는 영화로 그 감흥이 새롭다.
Mrs. Chu
A cop suffering from "posterior ulcers" tries to catch a serial killer who seeks out victims with medical problems. One suspect is a man who makes pies from guts, which the cop inadvertantly eats. Eventually the hero cop finds himself tied to an operating table with the killer preparing to deal with his "posterior ulcers"!
The main characters - the arrogant, harassed director, the sexy starlet, or naïve actors are familiar enough stereotypes. Along the way however, there is some fun to be had as more humorous incidents occur on the sound stage, together with dashes of nudity. Some of the events are presumably inspired by real life experiences, others have a distinct air of wishful fabrication. The over-the-top Kung Fu star, deserted by director and crew as he goes through his pointless extended routine, for instance. Or the action heroes, sweating in furs while they dutifully munch through their meal scene, 'snow' falling outside in studio land.