Parsley the Cat
A comedy about a family that's crazy for Christmas. Except for the 16-year-old daughter -- her family's over-the-top Christmas celebrations have made her life miserable. When her long distance boyfriend decides to visit for the holidays, she's determined to spare him her family's Christmas obsession, so she hires actors to play her parents and stages a fake Christmas dinner in the empty house next door. What could go wrong?
연간 수입 1조, 북미 최고층 빌딩의 건물주, 예쁜 아내와 귀여운 딸까지 모든 걸 가진 억만장자 CEO ‘톰 브랜드’! 가족보다 일이 우선인 워커홀릭 ‘톰’은 막내딸 ‘레베카’의 생일선물로 고양이를 사주기 위해 펫샵으로 향하게 되고, 심상치 않은 분위기 속 묘한 인상을 풍기는 가게 주인을 만난다. 그런데! 어느 순간 가게 주인의 수상한 주문과 함께 순식간에 암흑 속에 갇힌 ‘톰’ 가까스로 정신을 차린 그의 입에서 나온 첫 마디는 ‘야옹~’?! 대.략.냥.감! 지금 내가 CAT됐냥? 사고뭉치 고양이 ‘복실이’의 고군분투가 시작된다!
Called “the most famous cat on the Internet,” the wide-eyed perma-kitten Lil Bub is the adorable embodiment of the Web’s fascination with all things cats. Join Lil Bub and her owner on wild cross-country romp as they meet the Internet’s most famous cat-lebrities. Chock full of adorable kitties, hilarious videos and the dedicated cat enthusiasts who love them, Lil Bub & Friendz is a fun and hip peek behind the memes we know and love. Includes Mike "The Dude" Bridavsky, Ben Lashes, Grumpy Cat, Nyan Cat, Keyboard Cat.