Mr. Chu
Suki is a very devoted gambler. Whenever he goes to Macau, he buys a return ticket in advance, just in case he loses all his money. After breaking up with his girlfriend Cher, who couldn't bear his gambling anymore, Suki meets a girl called Princess Fragrance at a karaoke bar. They later meet again in Macau, both in the hands of a loan shark Brother Face, who threatens to kill them if they don't pay off their debts…
Uncle Kim
Nerdy office worker Min gets his kicks taking sneaky snaps of his female co-workers, spying on his neighbours having rough sex, and coating himself in oil before bashing one out to internet porn; things change, however, when he mixes ingredients from his late grandfather's medicine shop to create the ultimate aphrodisiac/date-rape drug, which he uses to satisfy both his sexual urges and his desire for revenge on office bullies Winnie and Peter.
Uncle Wah
연봉호는 이름난 칼 제조창. 이곳 당주의 딸인 소연의 관심사는 두 남자, 바로 어릴 때부터 아버지를 따라다니는 고아 정안과 제조창에 들어온 지 4년 된 철두다. 소연은 두 사람을 싸움 붙여 이기는 쪽을 자기 것으로 만들겠다고 결심한다. 그러나 그녀의 이 계획은 빗나가는데, 정안이 어느 날 자기 아버지의 죽음과 관련된 사실을 알고는 아버지가 남긴 반 토막의 '칼'을 들고 복수의 여정에 오른 것. 함정에 빠진 정안은 오른팔을 잃게 된다. 정안은 흑두라는 고아의 도움을 받아 구사일생으로 살아나지만 닥쳐오는 것은 온갖 시련뿐. 그러던 정안은 우연히 아버지의 원수 비룡과 마주치지만 별 도리가 없다. 마적단들이 흑두의 집을 불태우고 난 잔해 속에서 타다만 무술 비서를 발견한 정안은 다시 복수의 길을 결심한다.
A young lady and her father are threatened by a gang named the Five Fingers. Private eye Charlie comes to the rescue.
Two undercover cops are forced to be a team to find a serial killer. Chow is straight-laced and Lau has ESP. The victims were all childhood friends. The killer is a ghost!
Member of 4 com. associations
청조 말엽, 중국은 밀려드는 외세로 시국이 불안하고 황비홍의 보지림(寶之林)은 넘치는 환자와 제자들로 좀 더 넓은 곳으로 이사한다. 나라안은 반군세력인 의화단으로 시끄럽고, 황비홍은 의화단의 우두머리격인 3단주를 관군에게 넘기는데. 한편, 각 지방에서는 여자들이 사라지는 이상한 사건이 벌어지고 홍콩의 새로운 치안사령관 천총대인은 이유도 없이 황비홍을 괴롭힌다. 그러나, 자신을 괴롭히는 천총대인이 의화단의 자금 조달책이었고, 이를 모르는 황비홍과 그 제자들은 인신매매단에게 끌려간 딸을 찾아 사천에서 온 철사부 부녀를 도와 인신매매 본부 능인사로 쳐들어 간다. 천총대인의 함정에 빠진 제자 아관, 아소는 능인사에서 천총대인에게 체포되어 투옥되고 황비홍은 천총대인의 계략으로 독약을 먹어 귀가 멀고 만다. 귀가 멀어 사자춤 대회에서 패배한 황비홍은 끝내 관지림을 포기하고 그가 수업하던 불산으로 떠나게 되는데.
작가 황나비는 업무에 의해 실의에 빠지고 투신 자살을 하려하지만 도리어 한쌍의 연인들에 의해 재물을 뺐겼다. 나비는 친구와 함께 재물을 다시 찾으려 한다. 그러나 그 연인들은 서로를 죽였고, 경찰은 나비를 의심하게 되는데…
One of the four brothers
주인공 유정(주성치 분)은 중국 본토에서 홍콩에 돈을 벌러왔다. 그런데 역전에서 짐을 날치기 당하고 도둑을 쫓게 된다. 막다른 골목에서 도둑 멋쟁이(종진도 분)와 싸움이 벌어지고, 유정의 오른손은 태어날때부터 신기한 괴력을 갖고 있기에 도둑 멋쟁이를 제압하고 두사람은 우연찮게 친구가 되어 취직을 한다. 식당 종업원으로 취직된 그들은 출근 첫날부터 재수없게 암흑가의 싸움에 말려 결국 쫓겨난다. 우연히 난 격투기 시합 광고를 본 멋쟁이는 유정을 종용하여 시합에 참가하라고 한다. 상금이 천만불이기 때문이다. 그러나 도중 추천이 없어 아무 도장에 찾아가지만 역시 발을 잘못들어 도장 사부와 사람을 습격하는 일을 하게 된다.
Man in Audience
어수룩한 좀도둑 주전자(홍금보 분)는 형무소에서 사기 전과자(순사기) 등 다섯 명을 만나 인연을 맺게 되고 출소한 후에 오복청소회사를 차려 새로운 삶을 시작하는데, 우연한 기회에 화폐위조단의 비밀을 알게 되어 거듭 위기를 맞게 된다. 한편 강력계형사 악바리(성룡 분)은 과격한 성격의 소유자로 사건을 해결하는 과정에서 계속 실수를 저질러 형사 반장의 미움을 사게 되는데, 주전자는 사건에 휘말려 그와 친하게된다. 주전자는 영주(종초홍 분)라는 미녀에게 반하지만 동료들의 견제로 좀처럼 뜻을 이루지 못한다. 한편 위조지폐단의 두목 진회장은 다른 폭력조직의 두목 하사장과 마찰이 생기고 본의 아니게 위조지폐의 원판을 손에 넣은 주전자 등은 그들의 표적이 된다. 궁지에 몰린 주전자 등은 양대 범죄조직끼리 싸움을 붙여 그들을 일망타진하는데 결정적인 공헌을 한다. 주전자는 용감한 시민상을 받게 되고 영주의 마음을 사로잡아 결혼을 약속 받는다.
Taiwanese crime film.
Hong Kong Movie
Cheng Szu is a hostess in a Hong Kong night-club who spends one evening in the company of 4 crooks masquerading as Indonesian billionaires. When CID crash the party 2 of the men, Ling & Hung, escape while the other pair, Lu & Tan, are captured and imprisoned.
Police Captain Chow Lung Han
As a child, Fong Lin I witnesses the murder of her lawman father at the hand of 4 outlaws. She devotes her life to Martial Arts, with the aim of taking revenge years later.
A group of youngsters camp out and get caught in a storm. They take refuge in an old house, and down in the cellar of the mansion is the vampire.
Kung fu classic about a Shaolin monk on the run from a Manchu warlord, and his mighty Shaking Eagle Style. After narrowly escaping the warlord, the monk is nursed back to health by two brothers. However, the warlord is close behind, and the brothers must learn Lo Han style from the monk to protect themselves. However, when one of the brothers is killed, the other, with help from the monk, seeks revenge.
Mr Wong
겉잡을 수 없는 분노가 피어오르고, 복수는 시작된다! 태어나자마자 부모를 여의고 사찰로 보내진 결연. 본인도 알 수 없는 원한과 분노가 마음속에서 자라나던 어느 날 부모님의 죽음에 음모가 있었다는 걸 알고 복수를 하러 떠난다. 4명의 원수를 한 명씩 찾아 복수하던 중 관에서 몰래 파견된 밀정과 만나게 되는데...
Shuang Shuang's Father
When the local thugs harass a restaurant owner's daughter, Shuang Shuang (Chu Chuan-sai), a mysterious stranger named Yung Feng (John Cheung) fends them off. While Yung Feng is off to the local brothel to find his long lost sister, Shuang Shuang gets sexually assaulted by the thugs, who are later killed by something hiding in the woods. The father of the thugs, Hung Chun Piao (Dean Shek), believes that Yung Feng committed the murders, and confronts him...
When an evil land baron's son murders an innocent family, a Marshall is called in to escort him to be executed in the court of law far to the north. With the aid of an army of soldiers, the Marshall must fight off the Land Baron's assassins, who want to try and free his murderous son at every given chance.
Charity act host
In 1974, John Lo Mar co-directed The Crazy Bumpkins, a new variation on the time-tested, beloved Cantonese comedy "Country Bumpkin" tradition. That proved such a success that a sequel, Return Of The Crazy Bumpkins, soon appeared. Now, the third time's the charm, as John Lo Mar gets to both write and direct the third slapstick-filled installment, once again starring Yeh Feng and Wang Sha as the hapless and hilarious yokel Ah Niu and his crafty city-slicker Uncle Chou.
A movie on the life of the renowned Bruce Lee, especially his relationship with his mistress.
Village chef Chao
A dandy fop who just happens to be great at Kung-Fu, is traveling the countryside in the Hong Kong of old. He has to negotiate a treacherous landscape filled with tricksters and tough guys, and fight a lot of battles in hand-to-hand martial arts combat, in order to be reunited with his lost love. In order to do this, he teams up with a ragtag bunch of orphans.
Na Cha's teacher
Na Cha stars Fu Sheng as the prodigal son of a wealthy local official. When obnoxious sea dragons take on human form and cause trouble on the land, he realizes that the common people need help and takes up his mantle as their protector, fighting the dragons and their flunkies with the aid of supernatural powers.
A whacky 1974 comedy starring David Chiang who was also the director, that's one to see. Well it certainly is whacky, and the film is actually a number of short pieces, varying in length from a couple of minutes to the last story that is 30 minutes or so.
Man Cheated On Toilet
A gang of several girls who operate as pickpockets in a busy and popular tourist area of Hong Kong preys on men who are attracted by their beauty.
제자 비비(홍금보)와 함께 상해로 가던 중국 광동성 불산 출신의 홍가권 고수 황비홍(관덕흥)은 일본인과 싸우다 죽을 위기에 처한 사자(황가달)이라는 젊은이를 구해준다. 난폭한 성격의 사자는 황비홍의 인품에 감화되어 그를 스승으로 모실 것을 맹세하고 상해까지 따라간다. 당시 상해 부두에는 미룡이라는 일본인이 폭력단을 조직하여 조선인 인부들을 착취하고 있었다. 황비홍 일행은 그들의 폭력과 착취에 맞서 싸워서 상해 부두에 평화를 찾아주고 다시 유랑의 길을 떠난다.
Foster Father's Friend
성룡이 진원룡(陳元龍)이라는 이름으로 활동하던 시기에 촬영한 초기작. 1979년 금흠 감독에 의해 '조수괴초(刁手怪招, Master with Crack Fingers)'라는 제목으로 재편집본이 만들어졌으며, 국내에도 '조수괴초'로 개봉하였다.
Hong Kong drama film.
Fong Sai-Yuk's father
THE PRODIGAL BOXER features Chinese folk hero Fong Sai Yuk (aka Fong Si Yu), the subject of dozens of HK kung fu films. The role is played by Meng Fei as a callow, unschooled youth and wrongfully accused murderer. Two vicious masters of the local kung fu school, seeking revenge against Fong Sai Yuk, attack his home and kill his father while Fong is away. Fong’s attempts to avenge the death of his father result in his being badly beaten. Fong trains at the hands of his martial artist mother as she puts him through rigorous training and an herbal bath that makes him invulnerable. A trail of revenge is set in motion with Fong against the two masters, played by formidable kung fu villains Yasuaki Kurata and Wang Ching. Can a year's worth of training prepare Fong Sai Yuk for his deadly confrontation with the vicious masters?
Governor Chou
18-year-old Ainu is kidnapped and sold to a brothel. Her good looks and wild personality make her very popular with the lustful clients, but also draw the lesbian attentions of brothel madam Chun Yi. Chun Yi teaches Ai nu the ways of lust and the ways of kung fu, and Ai nu becomes more and more similar to her captor. But rage at her treatment is still burning inside her.
1969 Kung-fu film featuring Suet Nei in the lead role.
Despite a 11-year age difference between them, Patrick Tse and Josephine Siao made up one of the most popular screen couples in the late 1960s. In this adaptation of Yee Tat's novel, Siao plays a decadent prostitute, initially disguised as a privileged heiress and later revealed to be a dutiful daughter. Equally impressive is Tse as a writer who stays by the heroine's side through thick and thin. Unlike most Cantonese films at the time, director Chor Yuen left the studio and chose to shoot much of the film in real locations, providing a real wintry look that fits the film's title perfectly.
A Death Pass is an outstanding crime drama spiced with a touch of ‘Jane Bond'. A sequel to the police story Girl Detective 001 (1966), director Chor Yuen and scriptwriter Szeto On retain the undercover plot but turn the film into more of an atmospheric mystery, in which a series of murders are committed after the victims are served with a provocative Death Pass. Connie Chan Po-chu stays truth to the ‘Jane Bond' persona of a virginal action woman, exuding tender charm and steely professionalism all at once. Under Chor's able direction, Szeto's complicated story is executed with style and vigour, culminating in a climatic dramatic plot twist, realised beautifully by the performance of veteran actor Leung Sing-por.
To Hok
The agile and cerebral fighter Kong Yin is invited to join the police SWAT team. Kong is soon sent on an undercover mission to investigate the gang operating at the Happiness Rubber Plant to coerce female workers into prostitution. An indignant Kong joins hands with fellow worker Chow Mei-ha and factory head Wong Chi-kong to expel Blackie Kei whose ruthless and blatant exploitation of the workers has been going unpunished. Facing the loss of a lucrative source of income, Blackie and his underworld bigwig boss Wu Tin-hung intercept the love letters exchanged between Wong and the wife of the general manager Ting Yuk-lan and use the correspondence to extort money from the adulterers. The fearless Chow dons a maid disguise and ingratiates herself with the gangster, followed by a police raid masterminded by Kong to crack down on the notorious gang.
Buddhist Fortress Fighter
Hong Kong martial arts / horror.
Ghost-faced To is murdered in a mortuary after paying a visit to Muk Lan-fa. A set of teeth is found missing from another dead body. Lan-fa’s sister Sau-chen follows the leads on a business card To left behind to a dental clinic which suddenly bursts into flame. The news of her sister’s abduction by the infamous Japanese criminal Katsu Saburo soon reaches Lan-fa. Working together with her police friend Ko Cheung to crack the case, Lan-fa analyses photo evidences in minute detail. The duo order the retrieval of a pole that has survived the explosion intact while lying in wait at the clinic. Sau-chen, who has escaped, saves the duo from the chiller where they are detained. Inspector Yeung retrieves the operation plan concealed in the pole and the secret codes in the set of teeth, but the spook is shot dead by Katsu before he could reach the Hell’s Gate and the treasure buried there. Constable Kwan, and others and wipes out the gang at the Hell’s Gate.
Ching Fei 程飛
A 1967 Cantonese language action film directed by Cheung Wai-Gwong, starring Connie Chan, Adam Cheng and Liu Chia-Liang. Ming-Wai & Ming-Sing, a brother and sister (dual roles played by Connie Chan) who must go undercover in a gang to rescue their uncle.
Doctor Chan
The third live action Old Master Q movie depicts drama and hilarity between a young couple during their hardships.
Book Without Words is a 1965 Cantonese martial arts film directed by Chan Lit-Ban and starring Cheung Ching.
Chow Pak-Kwan
Orphan Lee Dan-hung is made a scapegoat by her cousin Chor Kwai-ping. Facing drug trafficking charges, Lee is released on parole with the doctor To King-chung as guarantor. Lee works as a sanatorium nurse. The modest caretaker, Matriarch To plays matchmaker for her son To Ngan-sing and Lee. Ashamed of her past, Lee listens to the doctor's advice and keeps the Tos in the dark. Chor returns and coerces Lee into colluding with smuggling ring by threatening to kill her newborn daughter. The reluctant Lee is arrested in a police raid together with the gang members but is later acquitted. With a reputation to defend, To toughens his heart and expels Lee. Lee leaves for Borneo with a touring opera troupe but a yearning for her daughter brings her back several years later. Feeling for the upset in-law, Matriarch To grants her stay until his son's return from business in a few months' time. When To returns, he decides to make up for the wasted time by bringing Lee and her daughter home.
Doctor Sau
Fantasy / horror.
The first movie adaptation of Jin Yong's novel.
Murder mystery from Lan Kwong Film Company.
The Birth of Yue Fei is a Hong Kong Drama starring Sammo Hung in a child role
Horror movie from Lan Kwong Film Company.
Sgt. Ng
Centered around the seizure of a family's property, police investigate a series of knife murders.
Ho Kin 贺健
Adapted from a popular 'three dime novel' the story revolves around two down-and-out buddies, one streetwise and quick-witted the other naïve and kind-hearted. This oddball duo go through up and downs and eventually get their break in life.
Chow Tak-Wah
Poor teacher Chan Chi-hong, his wife Lee Yuk-mei and their five children survive on his meagre pay. When he is laid off by two schools in a row, the family runs into difficulties. The children resort to begging on the streets to pay the mother's medical bills. Turning to writing, Chan's novel fails to find a publisher and, worse still, he comes down with tuberculosis. Dealt a further blow by the death of the youngest daughter and the pressures from the loan sharks, Chan contemplates killing himself and his family but changes his mind when he witnesses the sacrifices made by other parents for their children. He vows to be a dutiful father and tries his best to overcome their adversities. His novel is finally published and sells well. Through thick and thin, the family at last sees the light at the end of the tunnel.
1st brother
The Ten Brothers return as the Lake Devil is plagued by a monster fish. To settle the old score, Marshal asks Shrimpy and his ten sons to exterminate the fish. Excelled on land, the ten brothers find themselves quite useless in the water.
The three heroines, Wong Ang, Wu Nga, and Heung At expose a murder case involving three dead bodies found in an old temple. Unbeknown to the trio, they've fallen in a trap laid by gangster Hui Pui-shing, who desires to avenge his brother's death by eliminating the women. With the cooperation of Hui's righteous subordinate, the police arrest Hui for smuggling tobacco and seizes their forged banknotes.
Mr Wong falls head over heels for Lan, a beautiful waitress. He bugs her constantly to ask for her hand, and even goes as far as lying about his wife being dead and secretly planing to marry his wife off to a friend. Lan decides to play a prank on him to teach him a lesson.
The film is adapted from Chinese classic comic series Mr Wong, with Tang Bik-wan joining hands with the magnificent Sun Ma Si-tsang and Tam Lan-hing to give a dazzling performance. Wong (Sun Ma Si-tsang) passes off as the company's manager to pursue the beauty Hui (Tang Bik-wan) behind his fearsome wife's (Tam Lan-hing) back. Unbeknown to him, Hui is actually the fiancée of his nephew (Sima Wah-lung), to whom he has refused to lend money. Scenes in which Hui plays pranks on him and tricks him into providing funds for her are spiced up by the lively acting of Sun Ma as a wife-fearing perv and Tang as a sassy girl with a sharp tongue. The film ends with Wong making excuses to meet Hui at a hotel but getting caught by his feisty wife. Whilst both are acclaimed comedians in their own right, brassy Tam and composed Tang together pull Sun Ma's leg in an unmissable classic slapstick.
The late Ming court is a corrupt regime. Lin Ngai-sheung, nicknamed the 'Jade Killer', inherits the swordplay book of Tianshan and becomes a bandit of the people to rob from the rich. Her feud with Wudang Sect's Cheuk Yat-hong rooted from the time she held up a corrupt official. Cheuk, instigated by others, sees Lin as his enemy. However, Lin slowly falls for him. When Cheuk learns the truth, he helps Lin to defeat her enemies.
Rejected by Law (Sheung-kwun Kwan-wai), ruffian Koo (Wong Yee) exacts his vengeance by making Law lose her job. When her father is injured at work, her brother Fai and boyfriend Tse resort to obtaining a loan. Koo even kills their creditor and frames the murder on Tse. Law and her brother sow discord between Koo and his mistress, eventually exposing their crime and leading to Tse's acquittal. While retaining her feminie elegance and charm in subtle details, Law resourcefully eliminates all the threats and dangers. Unlike other conventional detective dramas of Cantonese films, this film is filled with a sense of community and grassroot sensibility. Sheung-kwun Kwan-wai impressively demonstrates a great flexibility and versatility in her characterisation and performance of this female detective role.
Korean-Taiwanese-Thai co-production that is the source movie for Godrey Ho's Ninja Operation 7: Royal Warriors.