Successful middle-aged manufacturer Frank Parry takes a business trip to New York, where he becomes infatuated with Eva Boutelle, manager of the Swansea Cotton Mills. For a time, their affair develops, but Eva remains true to her husband ...
Sydney Fairchild, the daughter of a woman who was once loved by three bachelors, surprises the men with a visit. Findley, Trumbull, and Gaunt honor their former sweetheart's last request by becoming Sydney's guardians.
부유한 광산주 닉 반 앨스틴의 아들 버티는 세상물정 모르는 응석받이이다. 앨스틴의 사위 마크는 능력은 없으면서 야심만 많은 브로커이다. 어느 날 부정이 탄로나게 된 마크는 그것을 버티의 잘못으로 뒤집어씌움과 동시에 광산을 헐값에 팔아넘기려는 음모를 꾸민다. 이제 버티는 자신과 집안을 지켜내기 위한 싸움을 시작한다.
The story of David Harum, a small-town banker, and how what he does and who he is affects the lives of everyone in his town, whether they--or he--realize it.