Documentary about the writing of the final part of the Lord of the Rings
Explores Tolkien's classic fantasy/adventure novel The Hobbit and examines the story behind its conception.
The documentary Inside Tolkien's The Fellowship of the Ring traces the journey taken by the characters in the classic novel. In addition to offering insight into the characters, the filmmakers show what real-life works shaped the author's imagination as he created one of the most beloved books of the 20th century.
Discover why J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings has become an icon of the 20th century culture. This movie features stunning new 3D computerized animations of Middle-Earth, a host of illustrations by the Brothers Hildebrandt, rare archive footage of the author himself and in-depth analysis by leading Tolkien scholars from around the world.
우주괴물이 미국 교외 마을의 어느 집 지하에 불시착하고, 슬금슬금 새끼를 까며 마을 사람들을 집어삼키거나 사지절단하거나 몸을 무자비한 방식으로 훼손해서 야금야금 먹어치운다는 내용.
Executive Producer
우주괴물이 미국 교외 마을의 어느 집 지하에 불시착하고, 슬금슬금 새끼를 까며 마을 사람들을 집어삼키거나 사지절단하거나 몸을 무자비한 방식으로 훼손해서 야금야금 먹어치운다는 내용.