Andreas Nickl

Andreas Nickl

출생 : 1967-10-18, München, Germany

프로필 사진

Andreas Nickl

참여 작품

Kommt ein Vogel geflogen
André Kalkhoff
When the animal keeper Birgit gifts her daughter Sarah a parrot, the joy is great. While Sarah is teased at school because of her speech impediment, the parrot provides her with a sense of security. But when the parrot suddenly begins to constantly spout Nazi slogans, it not only causes problems with Birgit's Jewish in-laws, but also puts her in the crossfire of the media.
Charlie Chaplin - Der Komponist
A condemned man comes out of prison and does his utmost to find the true murderer of his wife in order to get his children back. This is the starting point for the touching crime drama "Innocent" with crime scene commissar Felix Klare in the lead role. He plays with great intensity the family man who wants to bring the truth to light on his own. For relatives, witnesses and even the police, this could be a problem. Between the fronts, Britta Hammelstein becomes an indomitable commissioner, exposing a fatal network of false statements and investigation errors.
빛이 있으라
독일에서 건설 일을 하다 슬로바키아로 돌아온 남자는 아들이 극우파 민병대와 관련된 것을 알게 된다. 아들을 구하려면 그들과 싸워야 하는 상황에 처한다.
멀리 있어도
12살 벤은 축구팀에서 공격수로서 자신의 재능을 발휘할 때 유일하게 위안을 받는다. 하지만 마을에 갈탄을 채굴하는 거대한 광산 회사가 들어오게 되고, 어쩔 수 없이 가족과 함께 살던 마을을 떠나게 된다. 새로 간 학교에서도 벤은 아웃사이더로 낙인 찍히고 만다. 같은 반에 전학 온 시리아 난민 소년 타리크도 벤과 마찬가지로 학교에 적응하지 못하지만, 그 사실마저도 벤에게는 전혀 위로가 되지 않는다. 그러던 어느 날, 벤은 축구 연습이 끝나고 난 후 매일 혼자 기차역에 앉아있는 타리크를 발견한다. (2020년 제15회 부산국제어린이청소년영화제) 기왕의 정치적, 인종적 갈등에 주목한 난민 영화라기보다 좀 더 거시적으로, 인간의 이기심에 의해 사라지는 모든 것들에 대한 연민을 그려낸다. 독일이 2022년까지 원자력 발전을 중단하겠다고 선언한 후, 에너지 비축을 위해 석탄 개발 사업으로 전환한다고 선포한 시점부터 현재까지가 영화의 배경으로, 전 지구적 문제인 기후위기와도 맥이 닿아있는 작품이다. 사회적 문제와 주인공 벤의 개인적 성장 스토리가 촘촘히 연결되어 있어 그 연결망을 파악하는 해보는 것도 관람 포인트 중 하나. (2020년 제15회 부산국제어린이청소년영화제/ 장슬기)
Wir sind doch Schwestern
작가 미상
1937년 드레스덴. 꼬마 쿠르트는 이모 엘리자베스가 심신미약자라는 오명을 받고 강제 이송되는 광경을 목격한다. 세월이 흘러 청년이 된 쿠르트는 미술학교에 진학할 기회를 잡지만, 소련 치하의 동독은 사회주의 리얼리즘에 입각한 화풍만을 요구할 뿐이다. 그러던 중 그는 패션 전공인 엘리를 만나 사랑에 빠지지만, 엘리의 아버지인 지반트 박사는 둘 사이를 탐탁지 않게 여기며 떼어 놓으려 한다. 예술과 사랑의 자유를 찾아 서독으로 도주하는 쿠르트와 엘리는 새로운 기회를 맞지만, 쿠르트의 작업이 계속되면서 두 사람 그리고 지반트 박사 사이를 묶어주던 불행한 과거가 그 모습을 드러낸다.
Not an easy decision! District Administrator Hans Schuierer from the Upper Palatinate first opposed his own political line in 1981 and finally against the entire Bavarian Free State and Prime Minister Strauss. Because the planned reprocessing plant Wackersdorf promised 3,000 new jobs for the structurally weak region - but what if these are associated with massive health and ecological damage for future generations? Isn't it then the duty of a politician and citizen to resist?
LOMO: The Language of Many Others
Herr Bodenheimer
Karl, a 17-year-old boy who spends most of his time collecting pictures and videos for his blog, finds a new purpose when he falls in love with his fellow student Doro.
Rewind: Die zweite Chance
Daniel Tiede / Kai Ross
While investigating of a murder case, widowed police commissioner Lenders makes a confusing discovery; one of the victims comes from a different time. Did an implanted chip make this time travel possible? More victims follow. What is the motive behind the murders? And what is the connection between the victims? Can he use the chip to change his own life story?
The Boy in the Ocean
The 12-year-old German boy, Mathias, discovers his sexuality on a sailing boat in Denmark. Surrounded by water, trapped on the boat with his parents, who still treat him like a child, his desire is to get on land to have new experiences.
Mountain Fever
Trapped on a mountain in a terrible snowstorm in the dead of night, one of the climbers reports his tentmate missing. Now they have to embark on a dangerous search.
Die Frau aus dem Moor
Matthias and Nelly live in a village in the Bavarian Alpine foothills. The couple could not be more different. When Matthias discovers a bog body in the lake, everything changes.
Der Rücktritt
In 2012 German Bundespraesident Christian Wulff declares his resignation in the great hall of Bellevue Palace. At the side of his wife, he had to face the pressure of the media for 68 days while struggling for office of head of state of the Federal Republic of Germany.
베를린 장벽
Gerd Becker
사랑하는 연인 바실리와 아들 알렉시를 키우며 행복한 나날을 보내던 넬리는 바실리가 모스크바에서 교통사고로 사망하면서 커다란 혼란을 겪게 된다. 3년 후, 넬리는 알렉시와 동독 국경을 넘어 서독으로 향한다. 정식 이주를 위해 수용소에서 심사를 받지만, 하나같이 이어지는 바실리에 대한 질문에 넬리는 점점 지쳐간다. 결국, 넬리는 자신에게 호감을 보이는 미국 심사관 존과 정사를 나누고 그를 닦달해 까맣게 몰랐던 사실을 알게 된다. 비밀경찰 정보원으로 활동하던 바실리가 마음을 바꾸고, 서독 비밀 정보국과 공모해서 교통사고와 사망을 위장한 채 어딘가에서 살고 있을 수도 있다는 것이다…
Verratene Freunde
Two married couples, in their mid-40s, have been friends for a long time. Until one husband believes he has to bring an indiscretion to the public about the other and the respective life plans and moral concepts are called into question. Matthias Brandt, Barbara Auer, Heino Ferch and Katja Riemann can be seen in the leading roles of this outstanding, chamber play-like television film.
Last Christmas
Christmas Eve in Berlin Two people in a taxi. A mysterious woman, a grumpy driver. An encounter. In the end, an end but also a beginning.
Der Komödienstadel - Die fromme Helene
Pfaffer Rutzmoser
Ameisen gehen andere Wege
After his father committed suicide, Richard decides to stay in a youth center rather than staying with his mother. There, he finds a bizarre bunch of teenagers. Each of them experienced pain from early on, having their own desires and fighting for happiness with peculiar humor and fantasy. Richard doesn’t want to get involved with any of this – if it weren’t for her: Kyra.
Four stories dealing with the dialectics of enlightenment, with the randomness of love, birth and death. Aleks participates in an experiment facing civil war in former Yugoslavia. Sarah tries to escape loneliness by investigating a murder. Bastian has to deal with his father's decision to die. Anna dances with a foreign man. How destructive is the unlimited search for insight? Should one lie in order to protect a loved one, who'll be destroyed by truth?
Rahel-Eine preussische Affäre
Friedrich Schlegel
Die Geschichte vom Brandner Kaspar
70-year old Brandner Kaspar lives with his granddaughter Nannerl in the mountains at the Schliersee. As he is visited by the Death and wants to take him, Brandner Kaspar tricks him and gets another 20 years of life.
Measures to Better the World
Rolf Tiede
A mockumentary in 8 episodes: new solutions and thinking models, which will be with us in the near future and make the world a little more livable. An "active health insurance", in which the insured directly take over everything including medical activities and thus save costs. A new currency that expires in a few weeks and therefore stimulates spending. Unemployed people who, as "loan siblings", are given a new job and a good life. The traffic therapy group that wants to make you understand the snake as a "unitary organism". A therapy office in the fresh air, which finally gives musty psychotherapy a healthy freedom. Color the world back into balance, at least in the parking lot. Or use humans as a self-sufficient source of energy. Or a tangibly equal democracy: All people attain the same eye level, an optimal 1.9m [via platform shoes].
Rock Crystal
Holzknecht Michl
The towns of Gschaid and Millsdorf are in a constant state of feuding with each other. Nevertheless Gschaid's Sebastian and Millsdorf's Susanne are married. In her husband's town Susanne has to put up with daily harassment by the locals, which also extends to her two children. Finally she moves back to her parents, alone. When the children, who long to find a magical crystal they believe has the power to reunite the family, get lost in a howling blizzard on the exposed mountain after bringing their mother her Christmas presents, both towns set up rescue missions.
Georg Thaller
Einmal leben
Martin Meier
Die Zauberfrau
Doppelpack - Das Duell
Jean Pichler
And Nobody Weeps For Me
Booby Rupp
Wilde Jahre