Jeremy Stein

참여 작품

Harold and the Purple Crayon
Executive Producer
Based on the children's book, where 4-year-old Harold uses a purple crayon to create a world of his own by just drawing.
시니어 이어
Executive Producer
치어리딩 공연 중 사고를 당해 코마에 빠진 소녀. 20년 후 서른일곱 살이 되어 깨어난다. 그럼 이제 고등학생 시절의 꿈을 실행에 옮길 차례. 졸업 파티 퀸이 되고 말 거야!
모탈 컴뱃
Executive Producer
어스렐름와 아웃월드의 최강 챔피언들이 지구의 운명을 걸고 벌이는 서바이벌 대혈전 모탈 컴뱃. MMA 격투 선수 콜 영은 대전을 앞두고 선택 받은 전사들을 사전에 제거하려는 서브제로의 공격을 받는다. 지구와 가족을 보호하고 자기 혈통의 비밀을 알아내기 위해 모탈 컴뱃 토너먼트에 참가해 죽음의 전투를 치러야 한다!
Executive Producer
할로윈을 즐기던 여섯명의 친구들은 우연히 귀신의 집에 들어가게 된다. 시작은 평범하던 귀신의 집은 점점 살육의 현장으로 변하게 되고, 그 곳을 탈출하기 위한 싸움이 시작된다. 특별한 목적이나 반전따윈 없다. 기승전결이 확실한 단순무식형 호러슬래셔무비. 대부분의 이런 장르의 헐리웃 영화가 매우 잔인한 반면, 이 영화는 고어는 아닌 슬래셔 정도의 연출을 보여준다.
인투 더 스톰
Executive Producer
갑작스런 기상 이변으로 발생한 수퍼 토네이도가 오클라호마의 실버톤을 덮쳐 쑥대밭으로 만든다. 사람들은 최대풍속 초속 300m의 여객기마저 날려버리는 비바람과 하늘로 솟아오른 불기둥, 토네이도가 진공청소기처럼 모든 것을 빨아들이는 사상 최대 재난을 겪는다. 한편, 고등학교 교감인 게리(리처드 아미티지)는 졸업식장에서 사라진 아들을 찾기 위해 나서고, 전설의 토네이도를 직접 눈 앞에서 촬영하기 위해 기상학자와 스톰 체이서가 몰려드는데…
The Photographer
A year after becoming the toast of New York City's art scene, photographer Max Martin has lost his ability to take a decent picture. On the night before his make-or-break gallery opening, surrounded by the trappings of success but devoid of inspiration, Max embarks on a bizarre trek through the city in search of ten mysterious photographs that could save his career. Shot in brilliant color and dramatic black and white, first-time director Jeremy Stein's industrial New York City is a wonderland, roamed by witches and magical creatures, where survival hinges on the completion of a simple quest. Accompanied by an unlikely crew of strangers he meets along the way, Max trips through a modern-day Oz and rediscovers the easily forgotten value of seeing magic reflected in everyday life.
The Photographer
A year after becoming the toast of New York City's art scene, photographer Max Martin has lost his ability to take a decent picture. On the night before his make-or-break gallery opening, surrounded by the trappings of success but devoid of inspiration, Max embarks on a bizarre trek through the city in search of ten mysterious photographs that could save his career. Shot in brilliant color and dramatic black and white, first-time director Jeremy Stein's industrial New York City is a wonderland, roamed by witches and magical creatures, where survival hinges on the completion of a simple quest. Accompanied by an unlikely crew of strangers he meets along the way, Max trips through a modern-day Oz and rediscovers the easily forgotten value of seeing magic reflected in everyday life.
The Photographer
A year after becoming the toast of New York City's art scene, photographer Max Martin has lost his ability to take a decent picture. On the night before his make-or-break gallery opening, surrounded by the trappings of success but devoid of inspiration, Max embarks on a bizarre trek through the city in search of ten mysterious photographs that could save his career. Shot in brilliant color and dramatic black and white, first-time director Jeremy Stein's industrial New York City is a wonderland, roamed by witches and magical creatures, where survival hinges on the completion of a simple quest. Accompanied by an unlikely crew of strangers he meets along the way, Max trips through a modern-day Oz and rediscovers the easily forgotten value of seeing magic reflected in everyday life.
Ending Things
A hit-woman who wants out of the assassin business tells her “business” partner that she’s ending their personal relationship as well. But she comes to realize she doesn’t want to end that part of their bond. In order to survive the breakup – and their last job together – they must join forces for one last night out.
72 Hours
Executive Producer
Time Zone
Time Zone is a science-fiction action thriller about a covert squad of first responders equipped with technology that allows them to manipulate time.
Time Agent
Executive Producer
Based on the 2018 Korean sci-fi short film.
The Blacksmith
Wes Loomis, a ‘Blacksmith’ – the intelligence community’s go-to weapons expert. When his clandestine lab is destroyed and his colleagues murdered, he must go on the run with only his unique set of technological skills and the help of a brilliant, young CIA analyst Noelle Hazlitt to keep him alive. They seek out Mather (Fishburne), a retired blacksmith and Wes’ mentor, to help guide them.”
Plot kept under wraps.Described as a hard-boiled action film.