Marianna Kaat

출생 : , Tallinn, Estonia


Marianna Kaat is an Estonian film and television director and producer. She is a graduate from the St.Petersburg State Theatre Arts Academy in Russia. In 1998, she founded the Tallinn-based independent production company Baltic Film Production (BFP).

참여 작품

이바나의 삶
다섯 아이를 둔 26살의 엄마 이바나는 시베리아 북서부 툰드라 지역의 유목민이다.. 기후 변화로 인해 순록들은 죽어가고 일자리를 찾아 러시아로 간 남편은 알콜 중독인 상황이다. 이바나는 어떤 선택을 할 수 있을까.
Matz Topkin, the young and lively star of Estonian paraswimming, is remarkable both in terms of his speed and personality. Matz is a role model for young swimmers, but he has something to teach for everyone.
Close Relations
Vitaly Mansky’s intimate and insightful new documentary finds him crisscrossing the Ukraine in the wake of the Maidan uprising, which has left his relatives scattered on both sides of a highly charged and dizzyingly complex political situation.
Auk nr 8
The eastern Ukrainian town of Snezhnoje, which prospered during the Soviet era when miners there were spoiled with all kinds of privileges, now lives in poverty.
Auk nr 8
The eastern Ukrainian town of Snezhnoje, which prospered during the Soviet era when miners there were spoiled with all kinds of privileges, now lives in poverty.
Auk nr 8
The eastern Ukrainian town of Snezhnoje, which prospered during the Soviet era when miners there were spoiled with all kinds of privileges, now lives in poverty.
Kalinovski Square
Three months before elections the president of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenka claimed: "You have no other choice, you will vote for me!" We were trying to figure out how did it happen that 83% of the population voted for Lukashenka? The film tracks the opposition struggle during few post-election days. The movie shows the falsehood of the official propaganda and the ambiguous, sometimes polar, attitude of simple people. Assembling together all the debris of the opinions, comparing different historical events, jeering at dictator's arrogance and manners, admiring courage and dedication of the young generation, the feature approaches the understanding of what is really going on in the middle of Europe. And one more thing -the director's sarcastic comment throughout the film does not make you bored!