Elsa Aguirre

Elsa Aguirre

출생 : 1930-09-25, Chihuahua, Mexico


Elsa Irma Aguirre Juárez (born September 25, 1930) is a Mexican actress of the Golden Age of Mexican cinema. She is considered as one of the belle divas of the Cinema of Mexico. The actress Alma Rosa Aguirre is her sister.

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Elsa Aguirre
Elsa Aguirre
Elsa Aguirre

참여 작품

¡Pedro Infante... Vive!
Herself - Guest
Viva México y sus corridos
Song/action clips from 8 or 12 movies that starred Antonio Aguilar as historical figures, with an onscreen narrator who splains things.
Albur de amor
Romantic triangle on the hacienda. Ends badly for all concerned.
La muerte de un gallero
Dramatization of a popular '70s corrido.
Los años vacios
A young woman's older brother returns home for the first time since before she was born. But... is it really him?
Las figuras de arena
Separated Mom, Dad and son all come into conflict with each other during a brief reunion visit. Everyone learns and grows.
El cuerpazo del delito
Maria de Jesus 'Chuchet' (segment "La seductora")
Anthology film: three "sophisticated" rom-com scenarios.
How to Kill my Husband
Dissatisfied wife has elaborate daydreams about murdering her husband.
El día de la boda
The love affairs of two couples, modern parents a couple of troubled teens.
The Unknown Cowboy
The Sheriff of a small town, in his search of a robber bank, gets to another city, working undercover. There, he tooks the place of man recently killed, and falls in love with his widow.
La vuelta del Mexicano
1850s. Seminary student abandons the priesthood to fight for social justice in formerly-Mexican territories of the SW USA. Sequel to El Mexicano (1966).
El matrimonio es como el demonio
Hilda Cervantes
The story of a Playboy bachelor who does not know the good that is, until he is married. Slowly, the man discovers that having a woman is not easy, but sometimes ... being faithful recomended. After sympathetic experiences and funny situations, he realizes that there are two uncorrectable errors committed by the man in your life: Being born and married!
House of Women
The women of a brothel adopt a foundling baby.
You Only Come at Night
Tourist gets involved with mother and daughter without realizing they're related, runs afoul of husband/father. It ends badly.
This Was Pancho Villa: Second chapter
La Valentina
The second chapter of director Ismael Rodríguez's series about Pancho Villa. Several stories about the life and death of the famous mexican revolutionary general.
Love Your Neighbor
Doctora Beatriz Durán
This film tells several short stories that end up lapsing in the emergency room of a hospital, because it is dedicated to nurses. Cantinflas appears at the end of the film playing the role of Luis, a man who has five daughters and looks forward to a boy, but fate plays a trick and the child dies at birth, but history gives a nice twist and a message of hope.
Vanilla, Bronze and to Die
Laura Sandoval
A beautiful woman, fatally ill of the heart, is torn between the love of a poor sculptor and a forced marriage with the sadistic son of a millionaire.
La mujer de dos caras
Minor Role (uncredited)
방대한 땅을 소유하고 있는 빅 베네딕트는 종마를 구입하기 위해 버지니아주에 있는 린튼가를 찾아오는데 이곳에서 린튼씨의 딸인 레슬리를 만나 자연스럽게 인사를 나눈다. 그들은 첫 만남에서부터 서로에게 깊은 호감을 느낀다. 이후 두 사람은 급속히 가까워져 사랑을 하게 되었고, 마침내 양가의 허락을 얻어 신혼의 보금자리를 마련한다. 결혼 후 레슬리는 빅을 따라 긴 열차 여행 끝에 광할한 텍사스에 도착한다. 자동차로 며칠을 돌 정도로 광대한 대지를 갖고 있는 빅의 농장을 보고 레슬리는 입을 다물줄 몰랐다. 레슬리는 목장 생활을 익히기 위해 여기저기를 살피고 다니는데 그러던 중 빅의 조수격인 제트 링크가 접근해 그녀에게 말을 걸고 친절하게 이곳저곳을 안내한다. 레슬리가 들어온 뒤 점차 자신의 권위가 흔들리는 것에 불쾌해 하던 빅의 누이가 사나운 말을 타고 나갔다가 낙마해 사망하는 사고가 일어난다. 누이는 유언으로 가깝게 지내던 제트 링크에게 얼마간의 땅을 상속으로 남긴다. 이에 제트는 불모의 땅 대신 현금을 주겠다는 빅의 제의를 거절하고 그 땅에 작으나마 자기 소유의 목장을 건설한다. 그 뒤 세월이 흘러 제트의 땅에서 석유가 쏟아져 나오자 그는 막대한 재벌로 성장한다. 그는 자신의 부가 쌓이며 쌓일수록 레슬리에 대한 열정이 솟구치는 것을 느끼고 괴로워한다.
A Woman's Pride
Ada Montalvo
Everything is very quiet and peaceful in the city of Taxco, until there arrives a man called Ramón Durán who exploits abandoned mines. His presence in the community will initiate a lot of changes. Ada Montalvo is a beautiful young woman with a great heart, whose strong personality wakes up the admiration of a good looking millionaire Ramón. She is the woman he has always dreamed of. However, for Ada he is nothing more than an intruder who has arrived to ruin the calm life of Taxco with his money, and she does not hide the contempt she feels towards him, even though the circumstances force her to marry him...
La doncella de piedra
A young mixed-race woman is forced to choose between her tribal heritage and her position in white society.
Estafa de amor
Bad woman plays three men off each other while enjoying the attentions of all three; a great many lives are disrupted as a result of her wickedness.
Beware of Love
Ana María
Salvador accompanied by two friends of his father whom he calls uncles, they arrive at a fair in the village, there he meets Ana. When he wins a bet he is paid with a mortgaged house, to his surprise upon entering the hom he realizes that Ana and her mother live in it, provoking a funny entanglement with an explosive final.
Singing love is born
Comical misadventures of a film crew trying to get their damn musical filmed.
La perversa
Alicia Bermúdez
Working-class girl becomes a Kept Woman, violating all of man's laws and God's Mandates.
Cuatro noches contigo
Elsa Peralta
Traveling salesman meets a young woman who's running away from home, and helps her evade detectives who are tracking her.
Diana Lozano
Young lady goes shopping for a millionaire husband.
La estatua de carne
Sculptor becomes infatuated with model. Everyone suffers.
Loving Was His Sin
Two sisters fall in love with the same man. Plus fatal illness.
Una mujer decente
Attracted by Armando, Rosa, comes to him in love. Armando travels to Paris and his return contract an advantageous marriage to Margaret. Rosa gets pregnant and is fired from her job. He goes to work as a dancer in a theater, where he acquired fame under the name Alma Rosa. Meanwhile, Armando's marriage is not going well. One night cabaret where acts Alma Rosa and then become lovers.
La mujer que yo amé
A musician is injured and threatened for defending a girl and decides to go to the capital, where fame and success achieved. She is glad to know that he has succeeded, however, has become a street prostitute prone to paralysis. Finally one day he takes courage and decides to look for, since it has become invalid again ...
The League of Girls
Two women form The League of Girls invite an interesting repertoire of young ladies to become members and get rid of men and all the evils that come with them.
Red Rain
Military leader is appointed to local government, becomes overly despotic in his leadership.
Cora Moreno
A villain has his cronies kidnap a teacher and pretends to be him, teaching in a hidden town.
Ojos de juventud
A bad woman exploits her husband's love. Infidelity, illegitimate children, self-sacrificing fatherhood... Also: Cabarets!
Algo flota sobre el agua
Labor disputes and love triangles among coastal-village fishermen.
Los viejos somos así
Two card-sharps fall for the same woman.
El ladrón
Bank employee is tempted to make use of banknotes scheduled for destruction.