Mikijirō Hira

Mikijirō Hira

출생 : 1933-11-21, Hiroshima, Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan

사망 : 2016-10-22


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Mikijirō Hira (平 幹二朗 Hira Mikijirō) was a Japanese actor. Starting as a stage actor in the 1950s, he also worked in film and television and was active until the time of his death. From the 1970s he starred in several of Yukio Ninagawa's productions, including an acclaimed role as Macbeth. Described as "Japan's best Shakespearean actor", Hira received several awards throughout his career, including an excellence award at the 2011 National Arts Festival hosted by the Japanese government's Agency for Cultural Affairs.

프로필 사진

Mikijirō Hira
Mikijirō Hira

참여 작품

The Driver
Shigeru Saigo
Legacy of Soma: Ao no Ran
Soma, an immigrant from a defeated country, lives as a fortuneteller in Japan. She is saved from corrupt court officials by Kojiro Masakado, a warrior from Bando. They get swept up in a conflict between Bando and the imperial forces.
원탁의 가족
초등학교 3학년인 코코는 오사카의 작은 아파트에서 엄마 아빠, 할아버지, 할머니, 세 명의 언니와 함께 살고 있다. 모든 사람들이 화목한 가족을 가진 코코를 부러워하지만, 코코는 그저 완벽하게만 흘러가는 똑같은 생활에 싫증이 난다. 코코가 바라고 원하는 건 오직 하나, 고독한 삶! 일본의 국민 여동생 아시다 마나의 깜찍함이 미소를 자아내는 귀여운 영화.
영원의 제로
A brother and sister learn their biological grandfather was a kamikaze pilot who died during World War II. During their research into his life, they get conflicting accounts from his former comrades about his character and how he joined his squadron.
Onmitsu Hicho
Pilot for a TV series. In the pilot Hiroshi Tachi is a lower ranked samurai investigating the the murder of Tanuma Okitsugu's son Mototomo by Sano Masakoto. Those events are a matter of history but the plot that Hiroshi unveils and is eventually killed for is fictional.
Ninja Kids!!!
The film stars Seishiro Kato as Rantaro who is sent to a ninja training school by his parents. During the summer, their teacher is invaded by a group of rival ninjas culminating in a race to ring a bell on top of a mountain.
초원의 왕 도제
Adult Tenzin (voice)
황금사자개 ‘도제’가 선사하는 금빛 전설이 시작된다! 초원에서 살게 된 철부지 도시소년 '텐진'. 음식은 맛없고 양치기는 어렵고 아빠는 늘 자기 맘대로다. 재미있는 일이 하나도 없는 '텐진' 앞에 우연히 사자개 ‘도제’가 나타나고 ‘텐진’과 ‘도제’는 둘도 없는 친구가 된다. 어느 날, 초원 전체를 위협하는 사건이 일어나고 겁에 질린 사람들은 점점 도제를 의심하는데… 과연 텐진과 도제는 사건의 비밀을 밝혀내고 정체불명의 적에 맞서 위기에 빠진 초원을 지켜낼 수 있을까?
13인의 자객
Lord Doi
막부시대에 쇼군의 동생이자 포악한 영주인 나리츠구를 암살하기 위해 쇼군의 최측근인 도이의 요청으로 신자에몬을 중심으로 13인의 자객이 모인다. 그들은 나리츠구가 에도에서 돌아오는 길에 거사를 행하기로 한다. 그러나 나리츠구의 경호대장 한베이 역시 신자에몬의 계획을 눈치채고, 그에 대한 대비책을 세운다.
폭렬닌자 고에몬
Rikyu Sen
때는 1582년. 천하통일을 눈 앞에 두었던 오다 노부나가(織田信長)는 아케치 미츠히데(明智光秀)의 모반으로 혼노지(本能寺)에서 비운의 숨을 거둔다. 그 비보를 전해 들은 노부나가의 오른팔 도요토미 히데요시(豊臣秀吉, 오쿠다 에이지)는 곧바로 미츠히데를 토벌해 주군(主君)의 원통함을 풀고, 스스로 천하통일의 위업을 달성하며 도요토미의 시대를 연다. 이렇듯 정치적인 안정은 되찾았으나, 심해지는 빈부격차 속에서 서민들의 궁핍한 삶은 극에 달해 있었는데…바로 그 때 전국에 신출귀몰하는 천하의 대도(大盜) 이시카와 고에몬(石川五右衛門, 에구치 요스케)이 혜성처럼 등장, 부자들을 상대로 금품을 털어 가난한 사람들에게 나눠주면서 서민들 사이에 영웅으로 추앙 받는다. 그러던 어느 날, 고에몬은 기노쿠니야 분자에몬(紀伊?屋文左衛門, 무사카 나오마사)의 집에서 이국적인 상자 하나를 훔쳐내고, 그 상자 속에 그의 운명과 역사를 크게 바꿀 거대한 비밀이 숨겨져 있음을 알게 된다. 그런 가운데, 상자를 비밀을 파헤치기 위해 혈안이 된 이들은 서서히 고에몬과 그의 주변을 위협해오기 시작하는데…
파트너 극장판 : 절대절명! 42.195km 도쿄 빅 시티 마라톤
Kimihiko Mikuriya
A former TV presenter is murdered. On the same day, two police officers from the Metropolitan police Special Mission Task Force, Sugishita Ukyo (Yutaka Mizutani) and Kameyama Kaoru (Yasufumi Terawaki), are guarding a female Diet member, Katayama Hinako (Yoshino Kimura). The pair identifies explosives and saves her life. From the clues left at the scene, Sugishita builds up his case and finds a connection between the murder of the TV presenter and the attempted murder of the Diet member. During a painstaking investigation, the savage murder case of a young overseas volunteer five years earlier emerges in the background, and the pair prevents indiscriminate murder at the Tokyo Big City Marathon event by suppressing the perpetrator.
오페레타 너구리 저택
Azuchi Momoyama
아버지의 사주로 산에 버려질 운명에 처한 아메치요는 아름다운 여인의 도움을 받아 위기를 피한다. 여인은 사람으로 변신한 너구리 공주였고 두 사람은 사랑에 빠진다. 아들의 미모를 시기하는 아버지, 사람과 너구리의 사랑을 부정하는 너구리들. 남은 것은 이러한 난관을 극복하는 두 사람의 사랑일 것이다.
소녀검객 아즈미 대혈전 2
Masayuki Sanada
전쟁의 싹을 자르고 평화의 날을 앞당기기 위해, 아즈미는 도요토미의 마지막 세력가 사나다 마사유키의 암살을 계획한다. 온갖 위험으로 가득한 전란의 세상에서 유일하게 살아남은 동료 나가라, 그리고 또 다른 소녀자객 고즈에와 함께 사명 완수의 그 날을 위해 묵묵히 길을 걷는 잔혹한 운명의 여전사 아즈미. 그러나 길 위에서 만난 산적단의 부두목, 긴카쿠의 얼굴에 아즈미는 망연자실한다. 어린 시절 둘도 없는 사이로 함께 자라났으며, 사명을 위해 떠나기 전 사부의 명에 의해 죽여야만 했던 나치와 너무도 닮아있었기 때문이다. 사람을 죽여야만 하는 스스로의 잔혹한 운명에 괴로워하던 아즈미는, 나치의 얼굴을 한 긴카쿠의 존재에 더욱 마음이 흔들린다. 과연 내게는 이 길 밖에 없는 것일까? 한편, 사나다의 총애를 받는 여성닌자 쿠뇨는 아즈미 편에 스파이를 심고 최강닌자 롯빠와 츠치구모를 보내 공격하는 등, 여러 술수를 부려 아즈미를 궁지에 몰아넣는다. 아즈미를 죽음 가까이까지 몰아넣으며 정신적, 육체적으로 깊은 상처를 남기는데 성공한 쿠뇨, 분노로 불타오르는 아즈미의 검기를 받아낼 수 있을지? 사나다의 진영 앞에 선 아즈미는 손 안의 검을 고쳐 쥐는데...!
Samurai Justice: Assistance in a Duel
Tanuma Okitsugu
The samurai Akiyama Daijiro is asked to help a young boy who tries to bring the man who murdered his father to justice. In the course of their quest they uncover a plot by one of the clan officials that could change the course of history.
피스톨 오페라
Goro Hanada
암살자 조직의 삼인자인 ‘들고양이’ 미유키는 조직으로부터 암살 지령을 받지만, 암살 대상이 조직의 일인자와 이인자로 밝혀지면서 곤경에 처한다. 시각적 표현의 과잉, 영화 문법의 파괴 등 스즈키 세이준 스타일의 정수를 보여준다. 을 직접 리메이크한 작품이다.
The Goblin of Mt. Kurama
The year 1864: The Shinsengumi, the shogun’s armed force in Kyoto ripped the city apart, with blades in hand, searching for pockets of resistance, slaughtering the samurai who sought to bring down the shogunate and restore Japan’s emperor to power. By chance, Murao Mayumi and his sister Shiho, meet samurai Kurata. Murao, seeking his fortune with his sword-arm, will join Shinsengumi, never suspecting his friend Kurata is secretly Kurama Tengu, who hides his face in a black hood, and who will tear a bloody swath through Shinsengumi’s massed blades, to aid the samurai who had taken up the emperor’s cause. Will friend kill friend in a time of war?
Tunnel Fantasy: Dream Legend of Tonkararin
Zuiketsu Genso: Tonkararin Yume Densetsu is a 1998 Japanese historical drama directed by Takashi Miike. It is one of three historical films included in the 2002 DVD compilation, Kumamoto Monogatari. The other two are Kikuchi-jo Monogatari: Sakimori-tachi no Uta and Onna Kunishuu Ikki, both also directed by Miike.
Tom Cat Holmes' Deduction
A detective film by Nobuhiko Ōbayashi. Made for TV.
The Mystery of Rampo
Edogawa Rampo is a writer whose latest work is censored by the government, deemed too disturbing and injurious to the public to be allowed to be published. However, after burning his drafts, his publisher shows him a newspaper with an account of events just like his forbidden story. As the film progresses, fantasy and reality intermingle in a tale that draws heavily on influences from Poe and Stoker's Dracula. The film's strongly Expressionistic direction skillfully combines a variety of media (animation, computer-generated imagery, grainy black-and-white fast film stock, color negatives) for artistic effect.
Baian the Assassin: Showdown
Second television special.
A Legend of Turmoil
A story about the development of a bright and strong yakuza. Otaki is an old-fashioned respectful yakuza who tries to protect his small yakuza family. When his boss gets shot, he decides to go after the plotters.
Saito Dosan: Rage of Power
Toshitaka Nagai
During the age of warring clans (Sengoku Jidai), many samurai lords sought to unite the country under their banners by becoming the supreme leader. One of the first to vie for power in this way was Saito Dosan, the 'Viper'. His son-in-law, Oda Nobunaga, did in fact unite the nation after subduing all of his enemies, yet falling at last to the treachery of one of his most trusted generals. This story is a pre-cursor to those later events as the brilliant military strategist Saito Dosan rises to power and notoriety as a great lord in his own right. Directed by Kudo Eiichi and with a tremendous supporting cast that includes Nakamura Toru as Oda Nobunaga and Chiba Shinichi as Akechi Mitsutsugu, battle scenes of awesome power and a unique view of Japanese history, this is a marvelous production highlighted by the action scenes done by the Japan Action Club (JAC).
King of Zipang
하야시 가이조 감독의 세 번째 작품으로, 최초 컬러 작품이다. 에도 시대 초기를 무대로 검객, 여도적, 닌자군단이 뒤엉켜 '황금의 나라'를 둘러싸고 항쟁을 벌이는, 전기(傳寄)이야기의 제맛을 충분히 다룬 장대한 스케일의 칼싸움 영화이다. 그러나 시대극의 기량과 스타성 모자라는 배우나 스탭에 익숙하지 못해서 그런지 불만족스러운 결과로 끝나고 말았다.
Set on a quiet ranch in Hokkaido. One day, a colt is born from a legendary bloodline. It is given the name Oracion or "prayer". When Oracion is grown, a factory owner buys the horse. Will he be the key to solving the man's problems? Based on the novel by Teru Miyamoto.
Tokyo: The Last Megalopolis
Yasumasa Hirai
The reincarnation of a 10th century Japanese general haunts 1920's Tokyo.
The Return of the Newshound and the Lady Cop
A jewelry broker is killed and a large amount of money is stolen. A female detective from the Metropolitan Police Department transforms into a geisha to catch the criminal.
Family without a Dinner Table
This gripping docudrama is a fictionalized account of what could happen to a Japanese family when one of their sons shames them in front of the entire nation.
Early Spring Story
A university student Hitomi falls in love with a middle-aged man Okawa, who was the lover of her deceased mother. Hitomi's feelings shift back and forth as she is not sure whether it is true love or just a realization of her mother's romantic dream...
Sure Death! Brown, You Bounder!
When the Shogunates greatest secret is stolen, the fate of the nation hangs in the balance. The Shogunate sends an incompetent cop, Tanaka, to Kyoto to act as a stalking horse. Hoping the thieves will kill Tanaka and the Ninja Spies will kill the thieves. But what the Shogunate doesn't realise is that Tanaka's even more incompetent assistant Mondo is in fact the leader of a gang of revengers for hire, there motto is "Sure Death" (or your money cheerfully refunded). Mondo doesn't know that everyone knows about the secret, but they all think he does. Poor Mondo, he not only has to deal with crazed Shogunate extremists, oddball ninjas, crooks who work for the Emperor and bicycle riding foreign death squads. He also have to deal with a wife and a crazy mother-in-law!
The Street of Desire
Seijiro Igawa
A valet at a fancy nightclub hatches a plot to punish those responsible for his father's death.
Battle Anthem
Emperor Meiji
The story of Japan's victory in the battle of Tsushima Strait.
The Bored Samurai
Saotome Mondonosuke
Saotome Mondonosuke is Hatamoto (a high-class warrior who is allowed to see the Shogun in person) who has a crescent-moon-shaped scar on his forehead with flashy clothes and a handsome face, and is proficient in all the military arts and called Bored Hatamoto. Mikijiro Hira acts as such a hero in history. Mondonosuke is secretly ordered to look into the suspicious movement in Nagoya castle by the Ometsuke, and he found out about the misconduct and sole it. This is a period movie about the hero!
아마기 고개
Kenzo Onodera
인쇄소를 운영하는 '오노데라'는 어느 날 '타지마'라는 노인에게 '아마기산 살인사건'의 수사 참고 자료의 인쇄를 부탁받는다. 그 원고를 보고 그는 자신이 소년 시절에 겪었던 일을 떠올리게 되는데...
Messengers to Satsuma
By all indications, an anti-government conspiracy is brewing in the Satsuma Domen. Already seven oniwaban spies sent by the shogunate have infiltrated Satsuma in order to scout everything on the spot. However, they had all disappeared, and it was unclear whether they were alive or dead. Kenzaburo Kamiya and Iori Matsumura successfully infiltrate as the eighth and ninth spies and witness law-breaking exercises using a cannon. However, soon Satsuma men found them and drove them to the cliff...
To Trap a Kidnapper
Hideyuki Mitamura, a student at a private school near Osaka, is kidnapped on his way home from school.
The Shootout
A run-in with the police once again puts three former reformatory inmates on the wrong side of the law. Their situation becomes increasingly desperate as events spin out of control, culminating in an audacious hijack at sea...
Willful Murder
The president of the Japanese National Railways is found dead during a period in which train service is plagued by numerous layoffs, strikes and shutdowns. The government says that the president was murdered; the police claim it was a suicide. A quizzical reporter follows the case for years, but the basic question remains unanswered: was the victim killed by members of the burgeoning Communist movement in Japan, or was the death stage-managed by the authorities in hopes of discrediting the Communists?
Tokugawa Ichizoku no Houkai
Tokugawa Yoshinobu (15th Sho-Gun)
Flickering Flames
In the early hours of April 13th, a five year old hemophiliac child was kidnapped by someone from Tanemura General Hospital in Tokyo, Setagaya. Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department Inspector Kitahara, who received the report, goes quickly to the Tanemura home, along with other police to speak to the family of the child. Then, suddenly, the phone rings. The kidnapper wants money.
Utamaro's World
Yume no ukihashi
Utamaro was an artist who lived in Edo (which was later to become modern-day Tokyo) in the late 18th century. This film, which has a complex and wide-ranging storyline, recreates the world of that time, as it appeared in Utamaro's paintings.
Tenpo suiko-den: ohara yugaku
Yugaku Ohara
Sky Scraper!
A film about the construction of the Kasumigaseki Building, the first high-rise building in Japan.
Thousand Cranes
Kikuji Mitani
The entangled relations between the son of a seductive tea-ceremony teacher and the women in his father's life. Based on the novel by Kawabata Yasunari.
태양의 왕자 호루스의 대모험
Grunwald the Demon of Ice (voice)
아기 때 악마 그룬왈도에게 마을이 멸망당해 아버지와 단 둘이 멀리 피신해 해안가에서 난파선을 개조해 만든 움막에 살던 호루스가 소년이 되어 은빛 늑대 일당과 싸우다가 고대의 바위 거인 모그를 깨우게 되고. 모그의 어깨에 박혀 있던 태양의 검을 뽑아냈는데 마침 아버지가 병으로 돌아가시면서 남긴 유언에 따라 그룬왈도의 손아귀로부터 살아남은 사람들이 살고 있는 마을을 찾아서 절친인 아기 흑곰 코로와 함께 배를 타고 떠나면서 시작된다.
Portrait of Chieko
Takamura, a poet and sculptor, marries a budding artist named Chieko who dreams of becoming an oil painter. When a series of hardships befall her family, she finds herself unable to confide in her husband, and the pain she carries within begins to weigh heavily on her sanity...
Three Faces of Love
Kenkichi Katsuma
When a gifted Japanese craftsmen dies, his three daughters are summoned to decide who will take over the family ribbon business in this family drama. Only one daughter cares to carry on her father's work, but she is met with resistance from her stepmother. One sister cares nothing for the artisan tradition, while the other is an icy opportunist whose only love is for money. It is the daughter who cares the most for her father's work who wanders away in a symbolic journey of self discovery.
타인의 얼굴
신설 공장을 점검하던 중 실수로 얼굴에 큰 화상을 입은 오쿠야마는 얼굴을 잃게 되고, 아내와 동업자인 전무, 비서들과의 대인 관계도 잃었다고 생각한다. 얼굴을 완전히 바꾸어 자신의 아내를 유혹하기로 결심한 그는 정신과 의사를 찾아간다. 의사는 오쿠야마에게 모든 행동을 보고 한다는 조건으로 가면을 만들어 주는데... 이베 코보의 동명 소설을 1960년대 당시 새롭게 떠오르던 감독 테시가하라 히로시가 영화화한 작품. 얼굴에 큰 화상을 입고 얼굴을 잃은 후 모든 것을 잃었다고 생각하게 된 한 남자가 ‘타인의 얼굴’을 지니게 되면서 겪게 되는 심리적 변화와 그를 통해 ‘얼굴’이 상징하는 개인의 정체성에 관한 문제를 다룬 작품이다. 인간의 온갖 장기로 가득한 병원의 초현실적이면서 기이한 풍경, 얼굴을 스스로의 정체성이라 믿으며 그것을 주변 사람들과 부인에게 시험해보려는 남자의 욕망과 좌절 등 왜곡된 인긴 심리를 우울하고 어둡게 묘사했다. 일본 영화음악계의 거장 타케미츠 토오루의 음악 역시 영화의 어두운 분위기를 잘 살려내고 있다.
Warm Current
Yuzo Hibiki
다섯 놈의 신사
Before leaving prison, Oida uncomfortably enters into an agreement with his cell mate: in exchange for a half-share of 30,000,000 yen, he is to assassinate three strangers given to him on a list. However, upon meeting his first potential victim, Oida has second thoughts. Yet, even as he tries to back out, the body count starts climbing. Oida must now try to alert the people on his list of their impending danger, and find out why they are being targeted in the first place.
야수의 검
Yuuki Gennosuke
Legendary swordplay filmmaker Hideo Gosha's Sword of the Beast chronicles the flight of the low-level swordsman Gennosuke, who kills one of his ministers as part of a reform plot. His former comrades then turn on him, and this betrayal so shakes his sense of honor that he decides to live in the wild, like an animal. There he joins up with a motley group who are illegally mining the shogun’s gold, and, with the aid of another swordsman, gets a chance not just at survival but to recover his name and honor.
Illusion of Blood
Sato Yomoshichi
The ghost of a samurai's wife takes revenge on her husband.
자토이치: 관문깨기
Blind swordsman/masseuse Zatoichi befriends a young woman looking for her father, a village leader who has disappeared. As he helps her investigate the disappearance, Zatoichi also becomes involved with another young woman who is trying to help her brother, who has murdered someone at about the same time and place as the missing man was last seen.
밤의 편린
Eiji Kitami
Yoshie Nogami, a factory worker by day, moonlights as a hostess at a bar. One of the regulars, Eiji Kitami, invites her out on a date. Still only 19, she goes along out of curiosity and ends up spending the night at a hotel where she gives herself to him. They begin a passionate love affair and move in together, after which Yoshie begins skipping work at the factory and rarely returns to her family home. Before long, Eiji’s demeanor changes and he begins to constantly ask her for money. Despite claiming to be a businessman, he is actually a local thug, and his inability to pay his dues to his gang leads him to force Yoshie into prostitution.
도쿠가와 막부 4대 장군의 동생을 차기 장군으로 올려서 실권을 잡으려고 하는 막부의 대노 사카이 그룹에 몇몇 무사들은 불만을 품고, 사카이를 암살하려는 계획을 세운다. 영화는 막부 그룹과 반란 그룹 사이의 암투를 담담하게 묘사한다. 신선한 영상미와 대담한 연출이 빛나는 작품으로 핸드헬드로 찍은 최후의 결전 장면은 압도적인 인상을 남긴다. 1960년대 초반 토에이사는 이전까지의 형식적인 시대극에서 탈피하여 쉬운 형식의 시대극을 대거 양산하기 시작하였다. 이 작품도 그 중 하나이다.
3인의 사무라이
Einosuke Kikyo
3인의 사무라이는 방앗간이라는 한정된 공간을 중심으로 이야기가 진행이 된다. 지주의 딸을 납치한 소작농들은 뒷일이 어찌 될지도 모르는 단순 무식한 사고에서 자신들의 처우 개선을 요구한다. 목숨을 담보로 한 처절한 투쟁이었지만 그들은 힘도 지혜도 없다. 단지 그렇게 하지 않고는 더 이상 살아 갈수 없는 처절한 환경 속에서 나름대로 방법이라고 찾은 게 지주 딸을 납치하여 그 딸의 생명을 담보로 잡고 자신들의 생계가 걸린 조항들을 요구하는 것 이었다. 물론 관철시켜 주면 딸을 풀어 주려고 하지만 지주 계급은 이들의 저항을 일거에 무시해 버리고 무력으로 진압하려 한다. 며칠 뒤 영주의 순시가 있을 예정이어서 그 이전에 이 반란 아닌 반란을 진압해야 한다는 강박 관념까지 앞서서 그들은 무리하게 감옥에 수감되어 있던 죄수들에게 미끼를 던져 그들을 해치우게 하는 전략을 쓰지만 투옥되어 있던 죄수 중 하나가 소작농의 처지를 알게 되고는 오히려 그들 편으로 돌아선다. 한편 방앗간을 우연히 들렀던 나그네 무사는 여인을 인질로 잡은 그들을 오해하여 공격하려 하다가 그들의 이야기를 듣고는 참여도 방관도 못하는 입장에 처하지만 딱한 그들의 앞일을 염려하여 떠나지 못하고 합세하게 되고 만다. 보냈던 자객들이 소작농과 무사에게 무참하게 당하고 말자 이번엔 소작농의 가족을 볼모로 그들과 맞서지만 소작농의 가족은 스스로 자결하여 이들의 투쟁을 돕는다. 결국 서로 물러설 길이 없어진 두 세력 간에 화합점이 나온다. 인질을 풀어주는 대신 소작농에게 죄를 묻지 않겠다는 것, 그러나 처벌을 받아야 한다는 것. 그 처벌은 태형 100대였고 소작농에게 가세했던 무사는 싸워봤자 결국 소작농들이 모두 죽고 말 것 이라는 걸 알고 대신하여 그 처벌을 받겠다고 자진하여 나서지만 지주 계급은 무사를 처벌하고 나머지 주동세력을 모두 사살한다. 이에 회의를 품은 지주 측의 고용 무사가 이들에게 반기를 들고 소작농 측으로 가세하여 3명의 무사가 결성되고 이들은 지주가 불러들인 당대의 무사와 대결을 하게 된다.
The Third Ninja
Three Iga ninja are on a hunt for Chidoken, a Takeda ninja sent out to assasinate Lord Nobunaga.
Miyamoto Musashi: The Duel at Ichijo Temple
Yoshioka Denshichiro
In the fourth installment, Musashi's potentially greatest opponent Kojiro jumps in and out of the story at the oddest and most coincidental moments. As his great love Otsu has succumbed to madness. Musashi then sets off to beat the functionaries of a treacherous clan in an arranged duel. 73 against one. Boastful Kojiro watches, secure in the knowledge that only he is a worthy opponent.
Sasuke and His Comedians
Hanzo Hattori
Osaka in the early 1600s, aftermath of the historical Battle of Sekigahara; a group of orphan children are wandering through the battlefield scavenging for armour when they encounter a young boy named Sasuke with magical powers he says came from a meteor that crashed onto the Earth…
Legends of Honor
First ninkyo yakuza picture at Toei directed by Teruo Ishii
Miyamoto Musashi: Birth of Two Sword Style
Yoshioka Denshichiro
In the third installment of Yoshikawa's novel Musashi, things continue from the 2nd film at the end of battle, where Miyamoto continues on a mission of learning; with the introduction of his arch-rival Sasaki Kojiro; and lastly the large cast of characters rendezvouses for a fateful finale.
League of Gangsters
A yakuza man is released from prison after serving a long sentence. He immediately sets about creating a new gang and attempts to pull off a huge ransom score.
Life of Hishakaku 2
Upon his release from the prison, Hishakaku joins the Kikkyo family who is struggling to regain their turf from their rival, Domoto family. To reciprocate the kindness of the Kikkyos, Hishakaku heads to meet the leader of Domoto, Osumi, and finds himself emotionally involved with her.
Tragedy of the Coolie Samurai
Gonza was a handsome young laborer, a footman and spear-carrier, working hard for his meager wage. All Gonza wanted was to marry his young sweetheart, but despite their mutual poverty, her status as the daughter of a samurai blocked their path to happiness. A chance opportunity to achieve samurai status would come one day, but Gonza will regret trusting the so-called honorable samurai who extended this fateful offer, and the terrible price he'd pay, fighting for his life in one of the most blood-spattered samurai battles ever filmed.
A Fishmonger's Tour
The supply of sea bream to the fish market has decreased, and the price has increased to a whopping 1 ryo, and unable to face his customers openly anymore, Tasuke closes the shop and goes on a trip to celebrate the first wedding anniversary with his wife Onaka. Staying at the inn, Tasuke sees that dishes from magnificent sea bream are served here, which is very cheap. Tasuke goes to a fishing village and finds out here that a rich merchant is stopping the shipment of fish...
The Red Shadow
Jûrôzaemon Mizuno
Fifteen years after Ishida Mitsunari lost in the battle of Sekigahara, Tokugawa Ieyasu foresees his unavoidable battle with Toyotomi Hideyori and goes into Fushimi Castle. At the night, Hattori Hanzo, the leader of 36 Iga members who were performing as guards of the castle, perceives the existence of a ninja and captures the mysterious sneaker.
The King
The film takes place at the junction of the two eras of Meiji and Taisho. Sakata Sankichi, an uneducated zori sandal maker, becomes a professional shogi player through his genius shogi skills and lives a fanatically devoted shogi game supported by the love of his family. This is the 3rd adaptation of Hideji Hojo's famous play.
Revenge for His Lover
Kamio a mistreated samurai clerk of Edo Castle and ronin (“Sir Quarrel”) Ibara, take up a vendetta against 17 wicked castle men.
365 Nights
A touching drama about a love triangle between a young architect, Koroku, and two women, Ranko and Teruko. Ranko comes from a wealthy family and is offering to repay Koroku’s family debts in exchange for marriage, but Koroku is in love with his landlord’s daughter, Teruko. Things are further complicated when the wicked Tsugawa takes interest in both women, for his own marriage.
Hibari the Traveling Performer
Kimie, a traveling guitarist, performs at various inns at help out her sickly mother. One night while out with her mother, Otoshi, Kimie unexpectedly sees her father, who had abandoned the family 20 years ago. Her hopes for a happy reunion are quickly dashed as her father, having married into a wealthy family, wants nothing to do with her. Will Kimie be able to regain her father’s love?
Genkuro Yoshitsune
An exciting historical drama that dynamically depicts the life of Minamoto no Yoshitsune from the period of his stay on Mount Kurama to his reconciliation with his brother Yoritomo.
Lady Sen and Hideyori
Sakazaki Dewanokami
From the late 1500's through the founding of the Tokugawa Shogunate many battles were fought as the great warlords vied for power over the nation. Princess Sen, a daughter of Tokugawa Ieyasu, is caught amidst the family feud between the Tokugawa and Toyotomi families. When her father Lord Tokugawa Ieyasu attacks her husband Toyotomi Hideyori's castle, her life takes a sudden turn for the worse. Will she ever find peace in her life again? One of Hibari Misora's most memorable performances, a movie you will never forget!
The Christian Revolt
In the year 1637 in Shimabara of Tokugawa-era Japan, oppressed peasant Christians revolt against the shogunate with the aid of a charismatic Christian rebel leader Shiro Amakusa.
뒤얽힌 관계
죽음을 앞둔 한 사업가는 2억엔의 유산을 자신의 세 자식들에게 물려줄 계획이다. 그러나 이 계획을 알게 된 그의 동료는 자신이 유산을 차지하기 위해 계획을 세운다.
Works of the Fish Man
Katsujiro the fisherman overcomes his laziness when he learns of his younger sister Okiku’s unfortunate fate. Nakamura Kinnosuke stars in two roles (Katsugoro and Aoyama Harima) in this film about the tragic nature of society in the late Edo period.
Case of Umon: Woman of the Magic Lantern
Detective Umon’s services are called upon when ronin Yaichiro is killed with a peculiar weapon, a stone wrapped in a towel.
The Orphan Brother
Jirô, eldest son (voice)
After their father quarrels with local military men, Anju and Zushio are forced to flee, but they are captured and sold into slavery. When their mother dies, they are sold to Sansho the Bailiff, a cruel man who subjects them to hideous torments. While Anju falls into a lake and is transformed into a swan, Zushio escapes and after being adopted to a nobleman grows to a young man. He will then fight to defeat the evil Dayu and free all the slaves.
20 Duels of Young Shingo - Part 2
The second film in the 20 Duels of Young Shingo trilogy directed by Sadatsugu Matsuda.
The South Sea Wolf
Takayanagi Kujuro
Namie's back in trouble, after getting snatched by an evil gang in search of the treasure. Kirimaru sets out to rescue his sweetheart and falls in with a band of pirates also hunting the hidden stash.
Samurai Knights
Tange Sazen and the Princess
Tange Sazen interferes with an evil plot against the Iga Yagyu family.
Mask of the Moon
Young swordsman, Tsukigata Hanpeita, longs for the day when rival clans cease their struggles for power and put an end to meaningless feudal wars. When he is appointed to oversee the Choshu Clan, he takes it upon himself to work towards the peace that he has dreamed about. With his affectionate personality and compassion for life, Hanpeita’s popularity grows among the people, making him a threat to those thirsty for conflict and power. A betrayal by those closest to him leaves Hanpeita caught in a trap that could ultimately cost him his life.
A Young Warrior on Mount Fuji
The epic battles between the Heike and Genji (Taira and Minamoto clans) take centerstage as the defeated leader of the Genji, Minamoto Yoritomo resolves to end his clan's exile and avenge the brutal loss in December, 1159 as they had fought under the white banner of the Emperor, while the Taira fought under their red flags in a battle to the death. The fight only took one day, with the Genji suffering utter defeat which led to their exile. His father, Yoshitomo, took responsibility for the loss and rather than live in humiliation, he decides to commit suicide with all his sons following him. However, the bravest warrior among them, Yoritomo stands tall and declares that he will not kill himself, but rather will fight to restore the clan.
20 Duels of Young Shingo - Part 1
With plenty of action, and a strong story about the growth and development of an expert swordsman, who just happens to be from an extremely privileged background.
Sword of Destiny
When master swordsman Mikogami Genshiro of the Ono fencing school returns to find that his ailing sensei has been murdered in the dead of night, he must find the culprit and exact revenge. His return sets off a series of violent incidents and incites a high ranked female skilled in sword to test his mettle after he unwittingly offends her. The ever delightful Misora Hibari co-stars with the great Tsuruta Koji in this exciting tale set in the earliest days of the Tokugawa shogunate. Lots of exciting swordfights highlight this entertaining motion picture!