Grete Wurm

Grete Wurm

출생 : 1919-06-08, Wiesbaden, Germany

사망 : 2002-03-28

프로필 사진

Grete Wurm

참여 작품

Polnischer Sommer
The World That Summer
Der Tote bin ich
Als Hitler das rosa Kaninchen stahl
Frl. Lambeck
Anna is a Jewish girl in Germany. When the Nazis come to power in the 1930s, her family has to flee the country without being able to bring any of their belongings. Even young Anna's pink toy rabbit has been confiscated along with the family's other possessions. Initially the family lives in Switzerland, but even here they come to feel the antisemitism. And when money becomes scarce, and Anna's father can't find work as a journalist and Jew, they move on to France, where they are no long submitted to racial discrimination, but struggle financially. Eventually the entire family manages to go to England.
Späte Liebe
Shirin's Wedding
In order to be reunited with Mahmood (Ören), a man she was promised to as a young girl, 20-year-old Shirin (Erten) leaves the life she had in a small village in Turkey in search of him.
Der Angestellte
Fräulein Rosenthal
Das Mädchen meiner Träume
Nachrichten aus der Provinz
Der Vetter Basilio
Tante Victoria
Zeit der halben Herzen
Frau Epsberg
Heim und Herd
Mrs. Morgan
Die Reisegesellschaft
Frau Loiseau
Frau Brusche
Das Bildnis des Dorian Gray
Mutter Vane
Das Land der Verheißung
Mrs. Sharp
Mordprozeß Dr. Jordan