Rider is a romantic action entertainer movie directed by Vijay Kumar Konda. Produced by Sunil Gowda Chandru Manoharan. The movie casts Nikhil Kumar and Kashmira Pardeshi are in the lead roles along with Dattanna, Achyuth Kumar, Chikanna, Shivaraj KR Pete, Sampada Hulivana, Rajesh Nataranga, Shobaraj, Niharika, Anusha are seen in supporting role while Arjun Janya scored music for this movie.
Vijay has everything going for him – he lands a plush job and is about to marry his love. But what happens when he finds himself in the centre of a conspiracy?
Vijay has everything going for him – he lands a plush job and is about to marry his love. But what happens when he finds himself in the centre of a conspiracy?
Bujji and Krishnaveni run away on the same day to avoid getting married, leaving their village to believe that they have eloped. The two soon fall in love, unaware of their mutual circumstances.
Bujji and Krishnaveni run away on the same day to avoid getting married, leaving their village to believe that they have eloped. The two soon fall in love, unaware of their mutual circumstances.
A carefree young man leading an aimless life falls in love with a cultured and simple woman, but she does not reciprocate his emotion. However, when circumstances force her to marry him, he embarks upon a journey to make his wife fall in love with him. Will he succeed in his mission?
A carefree young man leading an aimless life falls in love with a cultured and simple woman, but she does not reciprocate his emotion. However, when circumstances force her to marry him, he embarks upon a journey to make his wife fall in love with him. Will he succeed in his mission?
A carefree young man leading an aimless life falls in love with a cultured and simple woman, but she does not reciprocate his emotion. However, when circumstances force her to marry him, he embarks upon a journey to make his wife fall in love with him. Will he succeed in his mission?
A carefree young man leading an aimless life falls in love with a cultured and simple woman, but she does not reciprocate his emotion. However, when circumstances force her to marry him, he embarks upon a journey to make his wife fall in love with him. Will he succeed in his mission?
Karthik works in a software company. He falls in love at first sight with a girl Sruthi who attends his friend’s wedding. He gets hold of the phone number of the girl and while noting it down he makes a mistake. And he ends up calling another girl. Meanwhile Sruthi falls in love with Karthik’s colleague Madhu. The rest of the story is all about comedy of errors and how Karthik finds about his true love.