Tomohiko Tsuji

참여 작품

아무것도 우리를 멈출 수 없다
Director of Photography
대담하고 급진적인 핑크 영화를 만드는 와카마츠 프로덕션은 1960년대와 70년대 전성기를 맞았다. 영화사 사무실을 찾아온 꿈 많은 소녀 메구미는 와카마츠 코지 밑에서 일하기 시작하는데…. 실제로 와카마츠 코지의 조감독 경력이 있는 시라이시 카즈야가 연출을 맡은 작품이다.
섬바디스 실로폰
Director of Photography
A married woman obsesses over a hairstylist she becomes involved with.
천년의 유락
Director of Photography
일본을 대표하는 사진작가 아라키 노부요시와 함께 서울의 뒷골목 풍경을 담아 냈던 『이야기 서울』이란 책의 작가 나카가미 겐지의 동명 소설을, (2010)로 베를린영화제에서 여우주연상을 수상한 테라지마 시노부를 주연으로 기용해 와카마츠 코지가 영화화 했다. 골목 골목으로 얽혀있는 와카야마현의 한 마을에서 같은 피를 이어받고 태어난 나카모토 혈통의 남자들. 여자들이 가만두지 않을 정도의 미청년 한죠. 한죠의 삼촌뻘인 불량청년단의 두목 미요시. 미남 이지만 얼굴에 큰상처를 입은 신이치로. 이들의 젊은 남자들의 슬프고도 정열적인 파멸로 치닫는 “피의 숙명”을 지켜보는 산파의 모습을 그려내고 있다. 시대가 변하여도 남자들의 운명은 변하지 않는다. 아기에서 죽음까지를 거듭하는 윤회적인 이야기는 업보의 깊이을 느끼게하는 신비적인 세계관이라 할 것이다. 테라지마 시노부 이외에도, 베니스영화제의 신인 배우상을 수상한 소메타니 쇼우타, 야마모토 타로와 타카오카 소우스케를 기용한, 와카마츠 코지의 아나키즘에 근거를 둔 기용도 돋보인다. (2012년 제17회 부산국제영화제)
11.25 The Day He Chose His Own Fate
On November 25th 1970, a man committed ritual suicide inside the Tokyo headquarters of the Japanese Ministry of Defence, leaving behind a legacy of masterpieces and a controversy that echoes to this day. The man was Yukio Mishima, one of Japan's greatest and most celebrated novelists. With four members of his own private army - the Tatenokai - Mishima had taken the commandant hostage and called upon the assembled military outside the Ministry to overthrow their society and restore the powers of the Emperor. When the soldiers mocked and jeered Mishima, he cut short his speech and withdrew to the commandant's office where he committed seppuku - the samurai warrior's death - tearing open his belly with a ceremonial knife before being beheaded by one of his colleagues. What was Mishima truly trying to express through his actions? And what did he witness during his final moments?
Petrel Hotel Blue
Seeking to exact revenge upon Yoji, Yukio travels to an area surrounded by the sea, desert and lava topped mountains. There, Yukio meets mysterious Rika and becomes enchanted by her presence. While, Yukio can't get Rika out of his mind, he faces off against Masakazu, a former subordinate of Yoji, and a detective chasing Rika.
Lost Paradise in Tokyo
Director of Photography
Mikio and his older brother Saneo, who is mentally handicapped, live together and have just buried their father. One day, Mikio hires a hooker named Marin for his brother. Marin is an underground singer who goes by the name Fala. A video producer who is filming Fala's documentary finds out about her double life, and proposes to film her and Saneo's sex life. Dreaming about leaving Tokyo with Saneo with a huge sum of money from the film, Mikio and Marin agree to the offer.
Director of Photography
During the Second Sino-Japanese War, in 1940, Lieutenant Kurokawa returns home as a honored and decorated soldier but deprived of his arms and legs lost in battle. All hopes, from the villagers and women to close family members, turn to Shigeko, the Lieutenant's wife. She must honor the Emperor and the country in setting an example for all by fulfilling her duty and taking care of the 'god soldier'. Kurokawa prior to leaving to fight in the war regularly beat and berated his wife for her barrenness and inability to bring him a son. When he returns home as an amputee with no hearing and no speech, his wife dutifully attends to him, even though he shows little appreciation for her dedicated care. His main concerns are getting fed and getting sex. Even in his own degraded condition, he manages to berate his wife. Eventually, though, his own memories infiltrate and he is haunted by his horrible, sadistic deeds, performed while in the duty of the Japanese military.
실록 연합적군
Director of Photography
일본의 학생운동이 막을 내린 계기가 된 나가노의 ‘ 아사마 산장’사건을 소재로 혁명을 좇던 젊은이들이 파국에 내몰려야 했던 과정을 상세히 기록한 영화. 1972년 다섯 명의 젊은이들이 눈 덮인 산장에서 경찰과 10여일간 대치하며 농성을 벌이다 체포된다. 이들은 당시 학생운동의 상징적 단체이던 연합적군으로 이 사건 이후 일본 학생운동은 막을 내리게 된다. 혁명전사를 꿈꾸던 젊은이들이 동료간에 린치, 살인, 이후 인질극을 벌이게 되는 과정을 치밀하게 담아냈다.
9.11-8.15 Nippon Suicide Pact
A film that reconsiders the modern state of Japan in relation to the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the U.S.
9.11-8.15 Nippon Suicide Pact
Director of Photography
A film that reconsiders the modern state of Japan in relation to the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the U.S.
Cycling Chronicles: Landscapes the Boy Saw
Director of Photography
A Japanese teenager bicycles aimlessly through the countryside after killing his mother.
Perfect Education 6
Director of Photography
Fumiya owes 5 million yen to a female load shark for a gambling debt, while having affair an with Mrs. Hosoi who offers him 5 million to murder her husband. Fumiya has no choice but to kill Mr. Hosoi. Unfortunately he's see by a neighbor. In the escape, he meets a girl named Akiko. He hides in her house. Later on, Fumiya and Akiko fall in love and have sex. After that, he finds that the house owner Shin kidnapped Akiko whem she was a little girl and has kept her in the house for over a decade. Fumiya is determined to take her away from Shin's brutal confinement. A battle of wills between jailer, prisoner and accidental savior begins….
The Heart of Japan: Ichirō Hariu, the Man Who Embraced the Whole of Japan
A film exploring the correlation between self and otherness and ancient layers of Japan's history, by following the footsteps of art and literary critic Hariu Ichirō as he walks around Gwangju, South Korea, and speaking in his home in Japan.
The Heart of Japan: Ichirō Hariu, the Man Who Embraced the Whole of Japan
Director of Photography
A film exploring the correlation between self and otherness and ancient layers of Japan's history, by following the footsteps of art and literary critic Hariu Ichirō as he walks around Gwangju, South Korea, and speaking in his home in Japan.
Tokyo Elegy
Director of Photography
This transnational production featuring a South African- born director, a Dutch leading man, and a Japanese cast and crew tells the story of a passionate love affair between a convict and a porn star, which is undone by greed and private ghosts. Escaping from the Japanese police, Jack meets Keiko, a money-hungry adult film actress and the younger sister of his ex-wife. He takes refuge in her flat and soon they fall in love. Jack is unable to leave her apartment because he quickly learns that both the police and the dreaded yakuza are after the criminal. He grows distraught and despondent, spending hour upon hour alone as Keiko works long hours on the set. At one point, Keiko visits the yakuza don who placed the hit on Jack and agrees to hand him over in exchange for a pile of cash. But she has one stipulation: that she get to spend three days with her soon-to-be deceased lover. The boss agrees only if she engages in kinky sex with him. The deal seems set until unforeseen events occur.