Michael Grandage

Michael Grandage

출생 : 1962-05-02, Yorkshire, England, UK

프로필 사진

Michael Grandage

참여 작품

나의 경찰관
금지된 사랑과 변화하는 사회 관습을 아름답게 그려낸 이야기. 경찰관 톰(해리 스타일스), 교사 매리언(에마 코린), 미술관 큐레이터 패트릭(데이비드 도슨) 간 40년의 세월을 뛰어넘는 사랑의 삼각관계를 담아낸다.
Under the watchful gaze of his young assistant, the artist Mark Rothko takes on his greatest challenge yet: to create a definitive series of paintings for the Philip Johnson-designed Four Seasons restaurant in architect Mies van der Rohe’s iconic Seagram Building. Award-winning stage and screen actor Alfred Molina reprises his critically acclaimed performance as the American abstract expressionist painter Mark Rothko in playwright John Logan’s Tony Award-winning 2010 play Red. Molina is joined by rising star Alfred Enoch (How to Get Away With Murder) as Rothko’s assistant Ken. Original Broadway director Michael Grandage returns to direct this 2018 West End revival, the first U.K. production since the play’s 2009 world premiere at the Donmar Warehouse.
The Metropolitan Opera: Don Giovanni
Production Design
Simon Keenlyside smolders dangerously in the title role of Mozart’s version of the legend of Don Juan, creating a vivid portrait of a man who is a law unto himself, and all the more dangerous for his eternally seductive allure. Adam Plachetka is his occasionally unruly servant Leporello. It’s when Giovanni tangles with Donna Anna (Hibla Gerzmava) that things start to unravel, aided by the reappearance of Donna Elvira (Malin Byström), who is determined not to let her seducer go. With Paul Appleby as Don Ottavio, Donna Anna’s eternally steadfast fiancé. Principal Conductor Fabio Luisi leads the Met Orchestra and Chorus.
냉장고에 종이를 댄 채 그대로 서서 작업을 할 만큼 쉴 새 없이 글을 써대는 토마스 울프(주드 로)는 놀라울 정도로 아름다운 문장에도 불구하고 여러 출판사에서 퇴짜를 맞는다. 뉴욕 스크리브너 사의 편집자 맥스 퍼킨스(콜린 퍼스)는 토마스에게 받은 두꺼운 원고뭉치를 집에까지 들고 가서 아이들의 소란을 피해 옷장에서 홀로 읽는다. 어니스트 헤밍웨이와 스콧 피츠제럴드의 원고를 다듬었던 맥스는 또 한 명의 천재 작가가 탄생했음을 직감한다. 그는 토마스를 설득해 수많은 문장들을 잘라낸 끝에 한 권의 책을 출간하는데...
냉장고에 종이를 댄 채 그대로 서서 작업을 할 만큼 쉴 새 없이 글을 써대는 토마스 울프(주드 로)는 놀라울 정도로 아름다운 문장에도 불구하고 여러 출판사에서 퇴짜를 맞는다. 뉴욕 스크리브너 사의 편집자 맥스 퍼킨스(콜린 퍼스)는 토마스에게 받은 두꺼운 원고뭉치를 집에까지 들고 가서 아이들의 소란을 피해 옷장에서 홀로 읽는다. 어니스트 헤밍웨이와 스콧 피츠제럴드의 원고를 다듬었던 맥스는 또 한 명의 천재 작가가 탄생했음을 직감한다. 그는 토마스를 설득해 수많은 문장들을 잘라낸 끝에 한 권의 책을 출간하는데...
The Marriage of Figaro
Perhaps no opera is as closely and affectionately associated with a single opera house as Le Nozze di Figaro is with Glyndebourne. Michael Grandage's staging is no less than the seventh in the festival's history, and sets the opera in the sleazy Sixties. Directed by Robin Ticciati, the production was lauded for its "ideal pacing" and youthful cast (which includes "no weak link" and "looks gorgeous"—The Sunday Times), and continues Glyndebourne's rewarding explorations of Mozart and Da Ponte's "day of madness".
The Metropolitan Opera: Don Giovanni
Production Design
Imbuing the familiar Don Juan myth with a captivating combination of comedy, seductiveness, danger, and damnation, Mozart created an enduring masterpiece that has been a cornerstone of the repertory since its 1787 premiere. The opera offers a rare opportunity for two baritones to star alongside one another as the title Lothario and his faithful yet conflicted servant, Leporello, as well as three memorable female roles—multifaceted women who both suffer the Don’s abuses and plot their revenge.
The Metropolitan Opera: Don Giovanni
Imbuing the familiar Don Juan myth with a captivating combination of comedy, seductiveness, danger, and damnation, Mozart created an enduring masterpiece that has been a cornerstone of the repertory since its 1787 premiere. The opera offers a rare opportunity for two baritones to star alongside one another as the title Lothario and his faithful yet conflicted servant, Leporello, as well as three memorable female roles—multifaceted women who both suffer the Don’s abuses and plot their revenge.
Britten: Billy Budd
Captain Vere, an old man, is haunted by a moment in his life when he was tested and found wanting. Based on Herman Melville's novella of naval life in the late 18th Century, Benjamin Britten's 'Billy Budd' is a gripping reflection on good and evil, innocence and corruption.
National Theatre Live: King Lear
Stage Director
An ageing monarch. A kingdom divided. A child’s love rejected. As Lear’s world descends into chaos, all that he once believed is brought into question. One of the greatest works in Western literature, King Lear explores the very nature of human existence: love and duty, power and loss, good and evil.
죠지 왕의 광기
18세기 영국 왕실. 영국 역사상 최장기 집권(60년)한 왕 중 왕 죠지 3세(George III: 니젤 호슨 분)는 재위한지 30년이 가까워 지는데도 일선에서 은퇴할 기미를 보이지 않는다. 놀라운 것은 무려 열 다섯명이나 되는 왕자와 공주를 뒀는데도 후궁은 한명도 두지 않았다는 사실이다. 정력과 권위는 정력과 비례하는 것일까?
102 Boulevard Haussmann
In 1916 author Marcel Proust is leading a reclusive life in Paris. He hires a quartet of musicians and befriends one of them, a wounded serviceman.
Somewhere to Run
Teenagers Sarah and Debbie run away from home and find themselves on the streets of London.