Tefft Johnson

Tefft Johnson

출생 : 1883-09-23, Washington, District of Columbia, USA

사망 : 1956-10-15

프로필 사진

Tefft Johnson

참여 작품

The New Klondike
Col. Dwyer
Tom Kelly, a small-town baseball pitcher, is sent to a minor-league team in Florida, and fails to make the team. He starts dabbling in real estate, in the midst of the Florida land boom (in which a lot of the land sold was under water), makes a fortune and buys into the team that cut him from its roster.
The Love Net
Little Patty Barnes lives with her grandfather, Captain Amos Barnes, in a rickety shack on the New England coast. The wealthy Mrs. Gaythorne, who wishes to adopt Patty, instructs James Henley to secure the mortgage on the shack, and when Amos, now homeless and penniless, departs for the poor farm, Patty is forced to live with the cruel old woman.
A Marriage of Convenience
John Morley, Paul's Father
Billy Emerson and Mildred Girard are secretly engaged to be married after Billy graduates from West Point and becomes a lieutenant. A very serious setback to their tentative understanding occurs when Mr. Girard loses heavily in a stock transaction that places himself under obligations to his friend Morley, whose son Paul, is anxious to marry Mildred.
Dixie Madcaps
As the name suggests, this two-reeler contains racial stereotypes common in its day (the Teens) but which are offensive to modern sensibilities. With vaudevillians Jane and Catherine Lee and a large African-American cast.
The Writing on the Wall
Irving Lawrence owns some of the most decrepit tenements in town and is an all-around bad guy. He won't cooperate with the efforts of his wife, Barbara, to help the poor and sees other women behind her back. Muriel, one of his cast-offs, meets and marries Barbara's brother, Payne. Lawrence makes trouble for Muriel and fabricates a scandal involving his kindly brother Schuyler and Barbara.
Who Killed Joe Merrion?
Sir Philip Randall, a prominent judge, is fed up with the antics of James, his scapegrace son, and tosses him out of the house. The conflict between father and son leaves Mrs. Randall heartbroken, and when she dies, she makes her husband swear to help James if he ever needs it. When Joe Merrion, a bookmaker, is found dead, circumstantial evidence points to Squire William Rufford. Although Randall can't believe he committed the crime, he is forced to convict him and sentence him to prison. But later, when James, whose wild ways have left him penniless, comes to his father for help, Randall discovers that he was the killer.
Sonny Jim and the Amusement Company, Ltd.
Sonny Jim's Father
A short comedy in which Jimmy organizes a show with cowboys and Indians. The highlight is the arrival of Buffalo Bill on a donkey. Jimmy goes to Sunday school, where he scares the teacher with a frog. As a punishment, he is not allowed to go to the picnic.
Sonny Jim and the Amusement Company, Ltd.
A short comedy in which Jimmy organizes a show with cowboys and Indians. The highlight is the arrival of Buffalo Bill on a donkey. Jimmy goes to Sunday school, where he scares the teacher with a frog. As a punishment, he is not allowed to go to the picnic.
The Battle Cry of Peace
Enemy agents under the leadership of "Emanon" conspire with pacifists to keep the American defense appropriations down at a time when forces of the enemy are preparing to invade. The invasion comes, and New York, Washington, and other American cities are devastated.
Buddy's Downfall
Left behind by his brothers on their fishing trip, Buddy is disconsolate until he sees Lilly, a stylish young lady from the city, who is visiting Mrs. Boyd, their next-door neighbor. He awkwardly makes her acquaintance, and it proves to be a case of love at first sight on his part. She is older than he and although secretly amused, is gracious to Buddy and he acquires such a swelled head that he passes haughtily by his old friends, Grace and Elsa Forster.
The Little Captain
Sonny Jim's Father
While visiting General Forbes, a friend of his Daddy, Sonny Jim imitates the soldiers at the garrison and feels certain that he was cut out for one of them. The General tells him always to help a comrade in distress. Later, a convict escapes from prison and coming upon Sonny Jim playing sentinel, asks help and says he is a comrade in distress. Sonny Jim remembers the General's command, secures one of his father's suits, a large chicken and an apple pie, and finds the convict a hiding place in the cellar.
The Little Captain
While visiting General Forbes, a friend of his Daddy, Sonny Jim imitates the soldiers at the garrison and feels certain that he was cut out for one of them. The General tells him always to help a comrade in distress. Later, a convict escapes from prison and coming upon Sonny Jim playing sentinel, asks help and says he is a comrade in distress. Sonny Jim remembers the General's command, secures one of his father's suits, a large chicken and an apple pie, and finds the convict a hiding place in the cellar.
Buddy's First Call
Buddy Watson, the youngest of three brothers, and just getting accustomed to long pants, meets Elsie Forster at a church social and is smitten by the young lady's charms. He writes, addressing the letter simply, "Miss Forster," asking permission to call. Elsie gets the note and joyously answers "yes," but Grace, her sister, sees the letter and is quite sure he means her.
Buddy's First Call
Buddy Watson, the youngest of three brothers, and just getting accustomed to long pants, meets Elsie Forster at a church social and is smitten by the young lady's charms. He writes, addressing the letter simply, "Miss Forster," asking permission to call. Elsie gets the note and joyously answers "yes," but Grace, her sister, sees the letter and is quite sure he means her.
Sonny Jim at the North Pole
Sonny Jim's Father
Sonny's daddy reads in the morning paper an article concerning the Pole, and explains it to Sonny, who unfortunately has been reprimanded for some trivial mishaps at breakfast and told that if such things happen again Shep will be sent away. In desperation he and Shep start out for the North Pole.
Sonny Jim at the North Pole
Sonny's daddy reads in the morning paper an article concerning the Pole, and explains it to Sonny, who unfortunately has been reprimanded for some trivial mishaps at breakfast and told that if such things happen again Shep will be sent away. In desperation he and Shep start out for the North Pole.
An Easter Lily
The third in the series, An Easter "Lily" takes on upstairs/downstairs race relations with childhood candor. Following his family’s African American maid to the laundry, Sonny Jim befriends her daughter Lily and shares his teddy bear. With Easter approaching, Mother Dear buys her boy a new outfit and readies her home for relatives. Sonny Jim talks about the coming festivities with his playmate. When he learns that she does not have holiday clothes, he appropriates the white frock of his visiting cousin and invites Lily to join his family for Sunday worship.
An Easter Lily
Sonny Jim's Father
The third in the series, An Easter "Lily" takes on upstairs/downstairs race relations with childhood candor. Following his family’s African American maid to the laundry, Sonny Jim befriends her daughter Lily and shares his teddy bear. With Easter approaching, Mother Dear buys her boy a new outfit and readies her home for relatives. Sonny Jim talks about the coming festivities with his playmate. When he learns that she does not have holiday clothes, he appropriates the white frock of his visiting cousin and invites Lily to join his family for Sunday worship.
Marrying Sue
Sue's Father
Sue's father has chosen Percy; Sue's mother has chosen Patterson, while Sue has chosen Jack. Mother and father decide that they can never be reconciled while each champions a candidate for their daughter's hand.
Marrying Sue
Sue's father has chosen Percy; Sue's mother has chosen Patterson, while Sue has chosen Jack. Mother and father decide that they can never be reconciled while each champions a candidate for their daughter's hand.
A Christmas Story
Father Wilson
Though her father forbids her to marry Jack Harvey, a poor young artist, Molly Wilson becomes his wife and goes away with him to another town. Bessie, the eldest daughter, an attractive widow with two baby boys and a baby girl, pleads with her father in Molly's behalf, but he is obdurate.
A Christmas Story
Though her father forbids her to marry Jack Harvey, a poor young artist, Molly Wilson becomes his wife and goes away with him to another town. Bessie, the eldest daughter, an attractive widow with two baby boys and a baby girl, pleads with her father in Molly's behalf, but he is obdurate.
The Sale of a Heart
John Myerson
To avoid ruin, an impoverished count arranges a marriage between his daughter and a wealthy man she does not love. After an accident, she is taken in by a gifted artist who saves her from an unseemly fate.
Put Yourself in Their Place
Mr. Johnson
A comedy short directed by James Young and starring Clara Kimball Young and himself.
Vampire of the Desert
William Corday, the Vampire's Victim
Ishmael, the son of Hagar, an old hag, living on the edge of the desert, falls completely under the charms of Lispeth, a vampire. One day there passes the miserable hut in which these three strange people live, a wealthy banker, named William Corday, his wife and son. Derrick. Lispeth wields her magic power over the husband and soon has him in her power. When he attempts to kiss her, she repulses him. So clever is she that the wife has no idea of her husband's unfaithfulness.
The Strength of Men
John Cummings - Marie's Father
Two men, rescued from the elements at different times by a father and daughter who live in a remote spot in the forest, become bitter rivals for the girl's love and eventually agree to a river-race to decide the issue between them.
The Old Guard
Colonel Millard
A short film directed by James Young and starring Charles Kent & Clara Kimball Young.
The Little Minister
To start a little in advance of our story, Lord Rintoul, of the English nobility, finds a little Gypsy girl three years old, who had been deserted by her parents. Fifteen years later, Gavin Dishart, the Little Minister, receives an appointment, his first, at Thrums, Scotland. This was made possible through the self-sacrifices of his widowed mother, to educate him for the ministry. The community of Thrums is made up of weavers, who work hard, have little and accomplish much. They are ultra-religious and look upon their pastor with such reverence that he is a little lower than the angels. While naturally intelligent, they are grounded in dogma and intolerance. Just after the Little Minister takes charge of the "Auld Licht Kirk" and the Manse, the weavers resent a reduction, by the manufacturers, in their pay and a strike is declared.
The Mills of the Gods
Piche, Miguel's Brother
A silent crime film in which the wealthy landowner Lorenzo, who has been taunting poor Miguel and his family for years, eventually gets his comeuppance.
His Official Appointment
Secretary of State
This touching short film lasts only 10 minutes, 34 seconds, but is rather engaging. Charles Kent is an old man, who has spent all he owns on influencing a government appointment. His faithful black servant, Amber (Hal Wilson), cares for him as he waits to hear from the Capitol. No one there intends to do anything but make fun of him, even sending a false appointment, to his shame.
As You Like It
An Exiled Duke
After the overthrowing of Duke Senior by his tyrannical brother, Senior's daughter Rosalind disguises herself as a man and sets out to find her banished father while also counseling her clumsy suitor Orlando in the art of wooing.
The Signal Fire
A short romantic drama in which a captain and his wife are separated by a shipwreck. The woman ends up on a desert island with another man, and they have a relationship. When they are saved by the captain, he decides to stay behind on the island, alone.
Coronets and Hearts
Leaving England, in search of an American wife, young Cyril, son of the Earl of Creston, on reaching America meets Lilly Penn, and immediately lays siege to her heart and her fortune when he learns that she is an heiress.
Written in the Sand
Gyntsen - Norma's Father
Love is awakened in the heart of Peter Hansen when he sees his name written within the outlines of a heart on the sands of the seashore. Above his own name is written the name of "Norma," a daughter of Gyntsen, the aristocrat of the little village. Norma's father is a widower. He idolizes his daughter. Peter is a quiet, noble fellow, a fisherman, with the instincts of a poet and the rule of a king. He is not given to associating with his fellows, being of a retiring disposition. His natural timidity and shyness forbid him to make known his love for her and he worships her in silence.
The Heart of Esmeralda
Mr. Foster - Esmeralda's Father
Esmeralda Foster, an attractive girl, is very much impressed with Duncan Miller, a crafty country swain, who makes love to Esmeralda because of her father's wealth.
The Miracle
The Grand Vizir
A story of that famous adventurer, Haroun al Rashid, the Caliph of Bagdad.
The Light of St. Bernard
Pierre Martin
Marie, a self-dependent girl, compromises herself by associating with Petro Maquin. She asks him to keep his promise to marry her. He ignores her and leaves the village to join a band of wreckers. The gossips circulate scandal about her, bringing reproach upon her name.
Yellow Bird
John Strong
Disregarding the sanctity of "Song Bird's" feelings, John Strong, a young surveyor in the pioneer forests of the west, makes love to the Indian maiden whenever he chances to meet her, until she longs and looks for his coming and going, and finds that he has made himself part of her life.
The Serpents
Wending their way and locating in a land far from the contentions through which they passed a few weeks before, Eric and Chloe are located in a garden spot of primeval beauty, surrounded by all the imposing grandeur of nature. Chloe is pursued by the covetous desire of Haakon, a false friend, who strives by subtle charms to lure her from Eric, who in turn is tempted by Linda, her cunning and beauty, to desert Chloe and live with her.
The Victoria Cross
Col. Carson
Ellen Carson volunteers to serve with Florence Nightingale in the Crimean war and witnesses the charge of the Light Brigade.
The Cave Man
After her father dies, Chloe, played by Edith Storey, is left alone in the world. She is discovered and taken home to their cave by brothers Dagban and Eric, who vie for her affection in an allegory about “brain vs. brawn.” When “Dagban threatens to do her bodily harm unless she accedes to his intentions” Eric beats up his brother to protect Chloe, and then subsequently leaves the cave he calls home to avoid further conflict. By this point, he has won Chloe’s affection with his kindness and love, and she decides to follow him and “together they continue their journey, seeking happiness in the land beyond the horizon, which joins earth with heaven.”
Captain Jenks' Diplomacy
Sir Brian, an irascible old gentleman, who suffers from gout, receives a note saying his son Gerald is very ill at college, and asking him to come to Dublin. He is too ill to go so he gets his friend, Captain Jenks, to go instead of him. Jenks finds Gerald being nursed by a pretty girl and soon discovers that Gerald is in love with her.
The Seventh Son
Secretary of War Stanton
At the outbreak of the Civil War in the United States, the six sons of widow Beecham enlist. The seventh son is very anxious to join the army and fight for his country, but his brothers insist upon his remaining home with his mother.
Love Finds the Way
Mr. Durand - Margaret's Father
Romantic comedy about an overprotective father who locks up his daughters in order to 'protect' them from their two cowboy friends. The friends call in the help from a widow who knows Johan, in the hope she can mollify him. She can, and additionally steals his heart, so in the end there are three happy couples.
Love Finds the Way
Romantic comedy about an overprotective father who locks up his daughters in order to 'protect' them from their two cowboy friends. The friends call in the help from a widow who knows Johan, in the hope she can mollify him. She can, and additionally steals his heart, so in the end there are three happy couples.
Father and Son
A Chinese man cares for the orphan of a dying woman who stumbles into his laundry.
Willie's Sister
Willie Green, off for college, tearfully kisses Ma and Pa and Sister good-bye. Arrived on the campus, he approaches a grave and reverend senior to ask where the proctor is located. The senior knocks off his hat. Willie replaces it and laughs feebly at the joke. The senior sternly tells him to take it off and be respectful to his betters. Willie obeys, and awe-stricken, repeats his question. The senior points, Willie dodges, gathers up his suitcases and exits cautiously, watching the senior. The proctor places him in a room with a senior, who makes life a burden to him, using him as a valet.
Cardinal Wolsey
King Henry VIII
Directed by J. Stuart Blackton and Laurence Trimble.
The Younger Brother
The Older Werner Brother
When the two Werner brothers are called to the front it is not strange that the mother is very solicitous about the younger brother and enjoins the older boy to care for and defend him at all hazards. The English army is transported lo the Soudan and is now encamped in the midst of the activities of the campaign.
Carleton Holt locates at one of the mountain inns. On one of his daily trips he hears a mountain maid singing in the woods. Jumping from his horse, he makes his way to where she is sitting to find her holding a bunch of arbutus in her hands. He is fascinated. It is mutual.
Auld Lang Syne
Among the green hills of Scotland dwelt two farmer lads, Tammas and Geordie, fast friends tried and loyal as members of the same clan. They are both very much in love with Jenny, a little Scottish lass, and Geordie dreams of what might be if he were successful in his wooing.
Madge of the Mountains
Harry Brownley, son of a rich New Yorker, reads a newspaper account of U.S. Revenue officers' plan to raid an illicit distillery in the Tennessee mountains. The young fellow asks his father's permission to join the forces under Sheriff Jackson, of Pikesville, Tennessee. The father reluctantly consents and the son starts out to satisfy his adventurous nature.
The Mate of the 'John M'
Capt. Dale of the John M
Jim, the mate of the ship "John M.," is in love with Mandy, the daughter of Captain Dale. Before she leaves for boarding school, she hurries to the ship to say good-bye to it, her father and Jim. Six years have now passed, and Mandy has grown to a big and handsome girl. As Captain Dale is going to make another trip, Mandy asks him if she cannot go along. Mandy's school chum's brother wishes to go also, and the Captain gives his consent. Jim grows a little jealous at the young man's presence on board.
His Sister's Children
Harry's Sister's Husband
Harry Burton's sister and her husband are suddenly called away for a few days on business and telegraph him to come to their home and take care of their two little boys, "Toddie and Budge." He at once complies, and is soon with the children, assuming his duties as "governor." Helen Manton, stopping in the same town, thinks a great deal of Harry Burton, and naturally he of her.
The Child Crusoes
Captain Rhines
Jack, a little orphan, is anxious to become a sailor, and although Captain Rhines refuses to take him aboard his ship, manages to sneak in as a stowaway. When out to sea a few days, he is discovered, and is about to be disciplined, when the captain's daughter, May, intercedes. A terrific storm strikes them, and the ship is dashed to pieces. The captain, with the assistance of Jack, builds a little raft, and with little May, they set out for an island which they can hardly discern, as it is so many miles away. After drifting for many hours, they at last reach the island, which is inhabited by a savage tribe.
A Quaker Mother
Mrs. Pearson is a little different from most mothers, at least in her general appearance, for she has that sweetness and calmness of disposition, which is characteristic of the Quakeress. Lois, her only child, does not inherit her mother's sedate and quiet temperament, apparently she is no different from other girls, quite natural, and does not object to the attentions paid her by John Harmon, who is very much in love with her.
A Tale of Two Cities
A condensed silent film version of the Charles Dickens classic about the French Revolution and its subsequent Reign of Terror.
Vanity Fair
Capt. Dobbin
A silent short film telling the classic story of Becky Sharp.
Twelfth Night
When Viola and her twin brother Sebastian are shipwrecked and separated, Viola dresses in her brother's clothes and becomes a page in the palace of the Duke of Orsino. Thinking Viola is a boy, the Duke sends her with a message to Olivia, whom he loves. A series of complications begins when Olivia falls in love with the page 'boy'