Mao Miyaji
출생 : 1984-02-02, Sumoto, Hyōgo Prefecture, Japan
Mao Miyaji is a Japanese actress.
Misaki Kuwahara
In order to support her son, single-mother works at a bar that operates an undisclosed adult entertainment business. One day, Ishioka Kazuya comes into the store as a customer, but Ishioka never sleeps with her, and instead just looks at the scenery outside the window.
Shiori is a star university student with an incredible palate for wine who dreams of studying winemaking in France. However, to her dismay she is assigned to a rural sake brewery for her internship. To make matters worse, upon arrival she discovers that the brewery owners don’t exactly want her around.
However, as it becomes clear that Shiori will be sticking around, she tries to make the best of things and begins to pitch in at the brewery, perhaps even warming up to the idea of drinking sake. And when the brewery owner falls gravely ill, and his upstart son Kanji is forced to take the lead, Shiori may provide the spark that can save the brewery and change her own life in the process..
Midori Oseto
집안 사정으로 지방의 고등학교로 전학간 카사이 마이(아다치 리카)는 그 곳에서 중학교 시절에 마이의 그룹에게 괴롭힘을 당하고 있던 오다기리 시노(에노사와 마나미)와 재회하게 된다. 마이는 시노를 기억하지 못했지만, 원한을 계속 안고 있던 시노는 보복을 하려고 생각하고 반 친구들까지 끼어들어 배틀이 시작된다.
Ritsuko Sada
아버지의 갑작스런 커밍 아웃으로 인해 혼란 스러운 열다섯 소년 긴 어머니의 학대와 폭력에 시달리는 열다섯 소녀 나루미 열다섯 소년, 소녀의 순수하기에 애달픈 사랑 이야기. 자기만의 상처를 안고 있는 서로가 서로에게 끌리게 되고, 그들을 둘러싼 모든 속박으로부터 벗어나고자 한다. 사랑은 아이들에게 희망을 품게 하기도 하지만 상처로 다가오기도 한다.
Yukiko Kawagishi
The body of Kazuyoshi Kawagishi, a construction company worker, is discovered stabbed to death in Shinjuku Central Park in Tokyo. Detective Masanao Ushio of Shinjuku West PD begins an investigation and finds that the murdered Kawagishi was an honest person who didn't have any troubles. Kawagishi worked for a company in Kofu City in Yamanashi, leaving behind his wife and daughter on Awaji Island in Hyogo. He seems to have started working as a laborer 3 years ago, having fallen on hard times when the company went bankrupt. Saeko Kawamura, Ushio's reporter friend, calls him wanting to talk about the case. According to Saeko, Kawagishi was one of the survivors of the "bus hijack arson case" that happened three years ago. In the bus hijack arson case, a man who was hallucinating under the influence of dangerous drugs set fire to an intercity bus going to Shinjuku and departing from Kofu Station...
Imaoka Shinji, one of Japan's best-known adult film directors and The Drudgery Train scriptwriter, tells a couple's secret tale. One day, Koji (Kaneko Noboru)'s wife Kaori (Miyaji Mao) suddenly dies. He learns from the doctor that Kaori was three months pregnant, but Kenji knows it can't be him. Eventually, he discovers an unknown side of Kaori.
사건, 사고를 추적하는 TV 프로그램의 계약직 조연출이자 열혈 트위터리안인 ‘유지’(아야노 고). 대중의 흥미를 끌 수 있는 새로운 소재를 찾던 중 ‘백설공주’ 비누 회사에 근무하는 미모의 여직원이 숲 속에서 칼에 잔인하게 찔린 뒤 불에 타 살해된 사건을 알게 된다. 흥미로운 화제거리가 될 것 같다는 생각에 ‘유지’는 피해 여성의 동료들을 인터뷰하기 시작하고, 사건 이후 갑자기 사라진 같은 회사 동료 ‘미키’(이노우에 마오)가 유력한 용의자로 의심받고 있다는 사실을 알게 된다. 이에 ‘유지’는 ‘미키’를 범인으로 지목하는 정황과 인터뷰 내용을 자극적으로 편집한 방송을 내보내고, 그의 취재 내용은 순식간에 화제로 떠오르며 온라인을 달구기 시작한다. 그러던 중 의문의 한 시청자로부터 “당신의 방송은 모두 거짓말이다”라는 항의 편지가 도착하는데…
Pikanchi Half is a spin-off of the two previous movies in the Pikanchi series, showing the five friends, now in their 30s, having a reunion as they are running into problems with family and work
This is based on a collection of short stories by Keigo Higashino. A membership-based investigation agency dedicated to VIP will usually lead the case to a quick and calm resolution. Members are only VIPs in the political and business world. Tow people are in charge of it, a man in his mid-30s who has a deeply carved face away from the Japanese and a beautiful woman who seems to be in his late 20s. She works as an assistant to the man, and has extraordinary memory. Their group is nicknamed the Detective Club by the owners who are VIP members.
Shuichi Minamida lives comfortably on the proceeds of his father's legacy, but he struggles with the idea that his beautiful wife, Moyako, no longer loves him. One day he confesses his worries to Kotoura, his dentist. Kotoura summons the Akechi detective agency and asks them to investigate his friend's wife, Miyako. Fumiyo Akechi takes the case and begins her investigation. She soon notices that something strange is going on between Miyako and the dentist. This observation leads to a tragic ending which none of those involved could ever imagine.
Kazuyo Kita
The suicide of a female teacher 15 years ago was actually a murder. A new investigation team, spearheaded by Mizorogi, is formed based on new information turned in to the police. Obsessed about cracking cases right up till the statute of limitation, Mizoguchi has a bitter thought about a 300 million yen case that has reached the statute of limitation... When he goes to investigate the male high school student(s) whom the woman had taught and other persons related to the deceased, he sees an unexpected connection with another case...
A heart-full fantasy drama that is a movie adaptation of Koshi Yamamoto's short story collection "Wara no Hito" starring Mari Natsuki.
On her way to Chikura to live with her son, Yasue Amami gets off at the Tateyama train station. She wants to see her old house. The a new owner, Mitsuko Kawahara, intends to demolish the place and replace it with a modern new house. With Mitsuko's permission, Yasue enters her old home. Her family had rented it during World War II to escape air raids over the city, and they stayed on for a few years after the war. As Yasue visits the grounds, memories come flooding back.
Kazue Futaba
Michiru has lost her eyesight, and to make matters worse, her father dies shortly afterwards. She is now all alone and spends most of her day isolated in her home. Akihiro is a Chinese-Japanese immigrant, that has had to deal with racism all throughout his life. He is now tormented at work by one of his older co-workers named Toshio. One day at a train station in front of Michiru's house, Toshio is thrown into the path of an oncoming train. The only person seen at the train stop was Akihiro. Akihiro frantically flees from the scene and manages to enter Michiru's house without her knowledge. After a few days, Michiru starts to sense the presence of another person in her home.
Kana Takahashi
댐 걸설로 인해 결국 사라져 버리게 된 도쿠시마현의 작은 마을, 그곳에 살고 있는 사진관 주인이 마을 주민들 전체의 가족사진을 찍기 시작하는데... 사라져가는 마을의 아름다운 풍경을 남기기 위해 사진을 찍는 완고한 남자와 그의 아들이, 부모자식간의 인연을 회복해 나가는 드라마를 축으로 가족의 따뜻함을 그린 감동적인 작품. 제8회 상하이국제영화제에서 최우수작품상을 수상했으며, 주연인 후지 타츠야는 최우수 남우주연상을 받았다. 무대가 된 도쿠시마현 산간지역 마을의 자연에 둘러싸인 정감어린 풍경이 따뜻한 이야기를 가득 채운다. 극중에 사용된 사진가 다츠키 요시히로의 많은 작품들도 볼거리.
Sequel to the 2002 film Pika*nchi Life Is Hard Dakedo Happy, starring members of boy band Arashi.