Francesco Quinn
출생 : 1963-03-22, Rome, Lazio, Italy
사망 : 2011-08-05
Dino (voice)
시카고 도심 한복판, 정체 불명의 푸른 빛이 하늘을 향해 쏘아 올려진다.빛은 오랜 시간 동안 달의 어둠 속에 잠들어 있던 디셉티콘 군단을 깨우게 되고,순식간에 시카고를 점령한 디셉티콘 군단의 무차별 공격으로 인해 도시는 초토화된다.오토봇의 수장 옵티머스 프라임은 디셉티콘의 도심 공격이 40년 전 인류의 달 착륙과 관련이 있다는 것을 알아내고,다시 한번 우주의 운명을 건 최후의 전면전에 나서는데… 수천년을 끌어온 오토봇 VS 디셉티콘의 전쟁. 그 최후의 전투가 지금 시작된다!
Ricardo Flores
Lifetime Movie is a sequel to their 2009 film NATALEE HOLLOWAY and picks up in 2010 on the five-year anniversary of her death. Beth Holloway (Tracy Pollan) is still trying to find out what happened to her daughter when the already strange case takes another turn when Joran Van Der Sloot (Stephen Amell) is arrested for murdering another girl. If you've followed this case like I have then there's not going to be any new twists or turns in this film but then again that was pretty much true for the first one. I was a little surprised to see how well-made this thing was and there's no question that it's a better movie than the 2009 one but at the same time there are a few too many flaws to really call this a good picture.
Ron Garcia
African exchange student, Stan Rohamba arrives in the U.S., excited to be a part of the "model democratic system". While campaigning for a powerful American senator, Stan uncovers a host of dishonest activity leading directly back to his home country of Mombaire. His discoveries could cost him his life
A comedy/drama about four Italian single fathers trying to cope with American ex-wives, children, family, and new relationships, set in New York and Rome.
After killing former sheriff Matt Austin's wife and son for revenge, a quest begins. An escaped prisoner shows that he remembers who sent him to do time in jail so long ago. In a small town saloon Austin's mission to locate his family's murderer comes to an end. The pursuit was long and difficult. Upon discovering the killer a gunfight ensues, unfortunately in the crossfire an innocent bystander is shot and injured. Once again the murderer made a quick getaway.
조니(피스톨레로), 젠트, 써니(코만치)는 오토바이 갱단 ‘빅터스’의 일원이다. 조니는 빅터스의 대장이다. 조니는 또 다른 ‘666’갱단의 우두머리인 듀스 그리고 빌리윙스와 라이벌 관계이다. 빌리윙스는 오래 전에 써니의 어머니이자 인디언인 체로키 키섬을 죽였고, 조니는 체로키가 써니를 위해 남긴 비밀상자를 지켜주고 써니를 돌봐주기로 약속했었다. 빅터스 조직 내의 일부 단원들이 조니에 대한 반란을 준비하게 되고 이를 미리 알아차린 조니는 젠트와 짜고 반란자를 차례대로 처치한다. 한편 듀스와 빌리윙스는 조니와 젠트, 써니를 제거하고 체로키가 남긴 비밀상자를 차지하려 하지만, 조니에게는 예전의 빅터스 일원이었던 에디가 나타나 도움을 주게되어 결국 듀스와 빌리윙스는 조니 일행에게 먼저 죽음을 당하게 되는데...
Ruben Vega
A white woman is kidnapped from her home by Apache Indians. Traded to the Mojave Indians, she lives as a squaw for 11 years until she is found by her husband. Unfit for society he keeps her in a shack in the desert. Her solitary existence is transformed with the arrival of a Mexican. He befriends her, reignites her self-worth and increases her confidence. He re-introduces her to her husband and leaves. As he is leaving town he is ambushed by her husbands men and there is a gun-battle. Who lives and who dies?
A young American journalist attempts to piece together the fractured memories of a love lost amidst the ongoing Juarez, Mexico murders.
Haunted by the fact that he left a man behind in Afghanistan, a soldier (Bacic) pulls together a special task force to save his comrade.
Smoldering Park Worker
애완동물 목욕 트럭을 운전하는 이앤은 LA 근교의 한적한 공원에서 동료인 폴란드 미녀 크리스타에게 사랑을 고백하려 한다. 그러나 크리스타는 이앤을 냉정히 짓밟고 커다란 SUV를 끌고 나타난 데니스에게 가버린다. 데니스는 크리스타와 차에서 격렬한 성관계를 즐기고, 아내인 페기와 그녀의 친구 클레어가 이 장면을 지켜본다. 이때 근처에서 자살을 시도하던 에이프릴이 자꾸 물건을 빌려달라며 이앤을 찾아온다. 한편, 같은 직장에서 일하는 네이선, 바바르, 메레디스, 셰릴도 점심 식사를 위해 공원을 찾는다. 메레디스는 점심시간마다 단둘이 사라지는 네이선과 바바르에게 게이라고 몰아붙이고, 네이선은 자신들은 자연주의자라며 메레디스와 셰릴 앞에서 훌훌 옷을 벗는데... (캐치온)
Marion Radford
The movie starts at the 1998 bomb attack by the Real IRA at Omagh, Northern Ireland. The attack killed 31 people. Michael Gallagher one of the relatives of the victims starts an examination to bring the people responsible to court.
Vlad Tepes
Death and spiritual torment stalk three American students visiting the Carpathian mountain homeland of Vlad Tepes.
A young woman named Esmeralda and her family move to New York from a rural area of Puerto Rico. The transition is difficult due to the many challenges she and her family face.
In a historical interview only a few months before his death, the harger-than-life star of Zorba the Greek seaks frankly about his memorable role, his tumultuous marriages and 13 children, and his insatiable passion for art. Arnold Schwarnegger, Alan Bates, Francesco Quinn, Alex Quinn, Lorenzo Quinn amongst others offer exclusive personal anecdotes on the man behind the legend.
Dean sees mafia boss Santelli whack an FBI infiltrator and is relocated to a remote cabin in the Sierras for protection. While Santelli's crew tries to locate him, Dean gets company from the beautiful Monica.
In the sixth film in the series, in February 1916, high school student Indy's plan of taking his girlfriend Nancy is sidetracked when a mysterious break-in, the theft of an electric motor, and rumors of German spies result in a mystery that only young Indy and Nancy can unravel. Indy and his father then head to the southwest to visit family in Albuquerque, where Junior is taken captive by Pancho Villa and his riders.
A crooked politician and a group of assassins get trapped in a psychological mind game orchestrated by a vengeful MIA soldier, Sphinx
Luis Mendes
A wealthy banker and his daughter are kidnapped by a gang of thugs. The girl's boyfriend, who serves in the special units of the US Navy, is in possession of particular psychic powers. It will be thanks to these powers he will discover the place where the two abducted were locked.
Three episodes based on O. Henry's texts. The first deals with the friendship between a painter and two young women. The second, a young man who receives an insignificant amount of his uncle, as an inheritance. The third concerns two people who make it all possible when they give themselves love as Christmas presents.
Three episodes based on O. Henry's texts. The first deals with the friendship between a painter and two young women. The second, a young man who receives an insignificant amount of his uncle, as an inheritance. The third concerns two people who make it all possible when they give themselves love as Christmas presents.
Frank 'Rhino' Rhinoslavsky
Film producer Sy Lerner makes a bet with a fellow film executive that he can turn any nobody into a star at the Cannes Film Festival. A New York cab driver who is visiting the festival is chosen as the test subject to settle the bet and Sy uses his skills of hype and manipulation to try and turn the cab driver named Frank into the talk of the town. Many celebrities make cameos throughout the film.
Tommy (segment "Double or Nothing")
Evan, a beautiful bounty hunter after a seductively handsome and charming con man who makes his living using his looks and wit to defraud women of their fortunes. This time Evan has met her match and he won't give up without a fight. Then, it's Christmas Eve at Fort Louis and Chandler has the weekend off. Chandler and two of her girlfriends opt for a night of wild abandon at the local bar. Finally, men have been taking care of Alicia all of her life. Now she is forced to make a decision -either hustle the streets or hustle the game of pool...and pool it is.
Mark Curtains
베테랑 경찰 스완슨(Lou Swanson: 카민 카리디 분)이 임무 수행 중 정체 모를 일당에게 살해되고 만다. 강력 수사 담당인 제이크(Jake Wilder: 척 노리스 분)에게 이 사건의 수사 명령이 떨어지고 그는 과거 스완슨의 파트너였던 경찰견 리노와 파트너가 된다. 그날 밤, 제이크의 집에 스완슨의 손자(Matthew Swanson: 에릭 본 데튼 분)와 여경관 사비나(Savannah Boyette: 미쉘 라마 리차드슨 분)가 찾아오고 그들이 집을 나서는 순간 의문의 일당이 다가와 총격을 가한다. 총격전을 벌이던 제이크는 죽음을 무릅 쓴 격투 끝에 일당들을 체포한다. 경찰의 수사망이 좁혀드는 가운데, 범죄 조직은 결전을 대비해 맹훈련을 거듭하며 음모를 서서히 진행시킨다. 한편 우연히 정보를 입수한 제이크는 조직의 본거지로 쳐들어가지만 밖에서 대기하던 일당은 살해당하고 제이크와 리노는 포위된다. 리노는 창을 부수고 탈출에 성공하지만 제이크는 격투 끈에 체포된다. 모진 고문을 당하던 제이크는 리노에 의해 구출되고 그들의 우정은 깊어 간다. 범죄조직은 대규모 종교 행사일에 그들의 거사일로 잡고 음모가 실현되려는 순간 제이크가 나타나면서 경찰과 범죄조직간에 무차별 총격전이 벌어진다.
A psychologist decides to try life as a stripper to gain insight into the psyche of a stripper and finds she enjoys the freedom she feels with her body...
Bunny Wedman
A physicist involved in classified military research meets a woman who he begins to suspect is a spy. Her sister is involved with the mob and one of the spies is working with the mob. He unwillingly helps the FBI figure this all out.
John Reed
A detective becomes obsessed with bringing a man to justice, whom he is sure is a serial killer and the murderer of a woman with which both men were involved. However, the supposed killer may be as much a victim as the murdered people.
Young Santiago
상처를 한 후 딸을 도시로 시집 보내고 홀로 사는 산티아고 노인은 84일 동안 고기를 한 마리도 낚지 못하자 마을 청년들의 놀림감이 된다. 산티아고에게 고기잡는 법을 배우면서 항상 그를 따라다니는 소년 마놀라는 노인을 항상 감싸준다.그리고 식당 주인 로페즈도 노인을 위해 성심성의껏 도움을 준다. 다른 사람을 전혀 의식하지 않는 노인은 85일만에 또다시 고기를 잡기 위해 바다로 나갔는데 마침내 거대한 물고기를 만난다. 노인은 이틀간의 사투 끝에 대어에 작살을 내리꽂는데 성공, 배에다 매고 흐뭇한 마음으로 콧노래를 부르면서 노를 젓는다. 그러나 얼마후 상어떼가 몰려와 그 고기를 노린다. 노인은 칼로 상어 몇마리를 죽이지만 도저히 당해낼 수가 없다. 상어들에게 무차별 공격을 당한 고기는 앙상하게 뼈만 남게 되고 산티아고 노인은 그 고기를 배에 매단 채 흥얼거리면서 항구로 돌아온다.
Captain Franchetti
It is 1942 and the conflict between the U.S. and Germany is getting heated, U.S. Intelligence soon discovers that the Natzis are planning to capture Winston Churchill. In order to protect him they send commando Al Cooper to guard Churchill who is going by train to Casablanca where he will meet with Roosevelt and Stalin.
Daniel Morrell
A half-breed Marine takes on greedy industrialists in the Amazonian rain forests. Marvelous Marvin proves his ability as a fighter!
Adult Mahmud
A French girl is kidnapped and sold as slave to the sultan of the Ottoman Empire.
As a boy the orphan Antonio Stradivari heard for the first time in his life the sound of a violin and he was fascinated by its voice. He tried to construct a violin and attracted the attention of Niccolò Amati, a famous lutist of Cremona. Antonio became apprentice in his bottega (workshop). Grown up, he fell in love for Francesca and he succeeded in marrying her. Afterwards he became more and more famous for his violins and he was granted a diploma from the king of Spain. After the death of his wife he was almost forced to marry again. He was chosen by Antonia Maria and it will be a happy marriage. In the background we have a look at the history of Northern Italy during the seventeenth century.
A rock-star who stopped singing after the death of his brother finds a female genie in a vase. She tries to help him live again.
크리스 타일러(찰리 쉰)는 대학 생활의 권태로움에서 벗어나 영웅의 모습을 꿈꾸며 자원 입대해 월남전에 참가한다. 그러나 전쟁의 참혹함과 인간의 양면성, 전우들 사이의 갈등을 목격을 목격하고 정신적 충격을 받는다. 동료들이 죽어가는 현실 속에서 반즈 중사(톰 베린저)와 일라이어스 분대장(웰렘 데포)은 반목하게 되고, 이것을 이유로 반즈 중사는 일라이어스를 베트콩 지역에서 참혹하게 죽도록 놔둔다. 크리스는 직접 보지는 못했지만 반즈의 짓임을 알고, 킹(케이스 데이빗), 프랜시스(코리 글로버) 등과 반즈의 처치 여부를 놓고 의논하는 것을 반즈가 엿듣는데...