Michael Cavadias

Michael Cavadias

프로필 사진

Michael Cavadias

참여 작품

That Cold Dead Look in Your Eyes
Leonard is about to lose his girlfriend, home and job. Upon that, he’s having strange hallucinations. Is it stress or an after effect of new technology installed all over the city? He must figure it out or he’ll be trapped in this nightmare forever.
올 위 해드
15세의 어린 딸 루디 카마이클과 엄마 리타의 삶은 녹록치 않다. 리타의 남자친구가 도망간 이후 리타와 루디는 더 나은 삶을 위해 동쪽으로 떠난다.돈이 떨어지고 차도 고장나면서, 둘은 Fat River라 불리는 작은 마을에 정착하게 된다. 웨이트리스로 일을 시작한 리타와 딸 루디는 그곳에서 '가족' 같은 사람들을 만나게 되는데…
The Joanne Holiday Show
Michael Cavadias plays Dennis, a man who hasn't spoken in 23 years. He goes to see a new therapist and finds that her office is a television talk show. The therapy session slash talk show interview offers a cathartic assortment of non-sequiturs, but when the absurdity stacks up a little too high, Dennis suggests they leave the studio and hit the streets.
The Joanne Holiday Show
Michael Cavadias plays Dennis, a man who hasn't spoken in 23 years. He goes to see a new therapist and finds that her office is a television talk show. The therapy session slash talk show interview offers a cathartic assortment of non-sequiturs, but when the absurdity stacks up a little too high, Dennis suggests they leave the studio and hit the streets.
The Joanne Holiday Show
Michael Cavadias plays Dennis, a man who hasn't spoken in 23 years. He goes to see a new therapist and finds that her office is a television talk show. The therapy session slash talk show interview offers a cathartic assortment of non-sequiturs, but when the absurdity stacks up a little too high, Dennis suggests they leave the studio and hit the streets.
My Last Film
Jean Eric
An exhilarating whatsit and freewheeling black comedy, Anger’s latest takes aim at the independent film scenes in NY and L.A. with no-holds-barred ferocity, formal ingenuity, and an eyebrow-raising cast that includes Lola Kirke, Mac DeMarco, and Rosanna Arquette.
I Remember Nothing
Joan is a young college student who doesn't know that she has epilepsy. Another boring night takes an ominous turn when she meets two strangers at a softball game. I Remember Nothing is structured after the five phases of a seizure.
킬 유어 달링
Ray Conklin
컬럼비아 대학 신입생 앨런 긴즈버그는 학교에서 만난 잭 케루악, 윌리엄 버로우즈와 함께 '뉴 비전' 이라는 새로운 문학 운동을 시작한다. 그리고 이 야심찬 청춘 작가들의 중심에는 매혹적인 뮤즈 루시엔 카가 있다. 하지만 의문의 밤, 루시엔에게 일어난 충격적 사건은 그들 모두의 삶을 바꿔버리는데...
Junkie Doctors
An apparently normal little boy is actually two conjoined twins, joined so seamlessly that he appears to be just one boy.
Junkie Doctors
Jacob Carlisle
An apparently normal little boy is actually two conjoined twins, joined so seamlessly that he appears to be just one boy.
Becoming Blond
Sebastian works for the lazy combo of frienemies Rosetta (Reno) and Professor Morey (Mink Stole) translating dead romance languages. He lives with his roommate Ida, a cyber-chick agoraphobic nudist who realizes Hippo, a Boy George look-alike she's only ever met online. Ida's Aunt Gertrude, misunderstanding their BFF relationship, wills the house to Ida and her "husband" Sebastian. Not actually being married, Ida discovers she could lose her home to Noodles the poodle; her grandmother's dog!!! She decides to seek out the exotic Hippo whom she has only seen in the pictures Meanwhile, Sebastian offers to sacrifice his gayness by marrying Ida.
The Mystery of Claywoman
A mock documentary exploring the purported existence of 'Claywoman', a 500 million year old enigma who, legend has it, can cure anyone of their deepest pain. Presented as a found, severely damaged and restored film, the short features performances by Amy Poehler, Debbie Harry and Alan Cumming among others.
Seeing You in Circles
Ex-boyfriends meet at their favorite spot, but one brings an unexpected guest...
Marmalade is a romantic comedy about a fashion model who gets too old to continue her work. Her demise in her professional life happens as her personal life falls completely apart.
An urban fairy tale-romantic comedy, in which Nola, an aspiring songwriter, leaves an abusive Kansas home and journeys to New York to find her biological father. Once there, she finds more than she expected.
집시 83
Two young misfits head for New York City to celebrate their idol and muse, Stevie Nicks, at The Night of 1,000 Stevies. Along the road, in order for them to escape their painful pasts, they must discover their strengths and learn self-acceptance.
원더 보이즈
Miss Sloviak
영문학을 가르치는 그래디 트립 교수는 한때 굉장한 베스트셀러를 내놓은 작가로 세인의 주목을 한몸에 받지만 현재 다음 작품을 완성하지 못해 고생하는 중. 아내는 그를 떠나고, 그는 주임교수의 아내 사라와 불륜을 저지루고 있기도 하다. 그러던 어느 주말. 주임교수 집에서 파티가 열리고 자신의 에이전트 테리와 그의 게이 애인을 데리고 간 그래디는 사라의 임신을 알게 된다. 자신만 보면 으르렁거리며 덤비는 사라의 개와 엉뚱한 사고방식으로 자신을 괴롭히는 남학생 제임스, 그리고 사랑의 대쉬인지 그저 골탕먹이려는 것인지 알 수 없는 여제자 한나를 한꺼번에 그곳에서 만나 그래디의 주말은 엉뚱한 사건으로 인해 꼬이기 시작한다. 자신을 향해 달려든 사라의 개를 제임스가 총으로 쏴죽이자 시체를 트렁크에 숨긴채 주말을 보내게 된 그래디. 주임교수가 아끼던 마릴린 먼로의 자켓이 도난당하고 또 그것은 제임스의 가방 안에서 발견되는데...