Albina Imasheva

참여 작품

호텔 오로라
1979년 치료목적의 요양원으로 문을 열었다가, 이제는 쇠락한 리조트로 변모한 곳을 배경으로 한다. 리조트를 배경으로, 혼자 휴가를 온 중년 여성과, 유명 TV 프로그램 진행자, 변태적인 성 취향을 가진 중년 남성, 중국인 비즈니스맨, 마약에 취해 사고치고 다니는 악동무리들 등 다양하고 독특한 캐릭터들이 연속적으로 등장하며 사건과 사건이 꼬리를 물며 일어난다.
Tengri: Blue Heavens
This is a love story set in the steppes of Central Asia of today. Temür a thirty year old Kazakh decides to start life again in his ancestral village in the Kyrghyz Mountains. He discovers soon after his arrival that he is a misfit in this settlement of old conservative Islamic men,some women and children. The only ray of hope for him is Amira a young married woman who waits in frustration for her absentee husband - a Mujahideen. Temur watches sorrowfully as the individual village stories unfold at the same as he tries to help the community out in any way he can. In this way he comes closer to Amira and Taib, her young brother-in-law. In a dead end situation the lovers decide to leave the settlement and travel to a place that would hold out with their dreams. Written by Mira Tanna-Händel
The Adopted Son
In a Kyrgyz village, five older women adopt an infant foundling. Jump ahead about 12 years: the boy, Beshkempir, is entering puberty, the age, his granny says, when life goes berserk. He plays with friends, horsing around, sniggering about sex, going to an outdoor movie. He works, fishing and making bricks of mud. And, he's starting to notice girls. He and his best friend fight, and he learns to his consternation that he's a foundling. A death in the family pushes Beshkempir even faster toward adult roles: he must brush tears from his eyes, lead a funeral procession, and reconcile with his friend. Then, he borrows a bicycle and calls on Aynura: courtship begins.