"Man in the Sand" is a 1999 music documentary that chronicles the collaboration between Billy Bragg and Wilco, which involved the musicians creating new music to accompany lyrics that were written decades earlier by folk singer Woody Guthrie. The project, which was organized by Woody's daughter Nora, spawned two albums: "Mermaid Avenue," released in 1998, and "Mermaid Avenue Vol. II," released in 2000.
Executive Producer
Fatso is the proprietor of what may be the worst eaterie in the city, and is struggling to keep a sinking ship afloat. His compulsive gambling is getting the better of him and he has to contend with an endless succession of loan sharks and debt collectors. He employs hopelessly incompetent staff and generally manages to keep the entire community around him ticking over. However just as Fatso seems to be getting everything under control, he is faced with a dilemma that could destroy him for good.
Executive Producer
Verena Steynton is holding a party for her daughter. All the aristocratic families of Strathcroy in the Scottish Highlands are attending, with all their guilty secrets...
Executive Producer
Contemporary dance company Adventures In Motion Pictures' triumphant modern re-interpretation of Swan Lake, with its cast of male swans, has turned tradition upside down and has taken the ballet fraternity by storm. Never has such a contemporary re-working of a traditional ballet thrilled both ardent critics and modern dance enthusiasts in such equal measure. Originally broadcast on the PBS series "Great Performances" (season 26, episode 15).
Executive Producer
요양원에서 노년을 보내던 늙은 병사(로렌스 올리비에)는 자신을 돌봐주던 간호사(틸다 스윈튼)의 얼굴에서 젊은 시절의 전쟁 경험을 떠올리는데... 전쟁의 비참함을 노래한 윌프레드 오웬의 시를 가사로 사용한 벤자민 브리튼의 "전쟁 레퀴엠"을 영화화한 작품
대사 없이 음악과 이미지만으로 전쟁의 비극을 고발하고 있는 각별한 영화
Executive Producer
A war veteran tries to investigate the murder of his son who was working as a Russian translator for the British intelligence service during the Cold War. He meets a web of deception and paranoia that seems impenetrable...
Two young Irish men are watching an old Elvis Presley movie in which a carnival cyclist performs an act called the Wall of Death. Transfixed, they decide to put together their own "Wall of Death."
Two men from rural Ireland, who served as inspiration for the movie ‘Eat the Peach’, are tempted back to the Wall of Death by a charismatic Glasgow artist with something to prove. ‘The Artist & The Wall of Death’ is a story of second chances, of art vanquishing death, of embracing failure and of unfinished business.