Condoleezza Rice

Condoleezza Rice

출생 : 1954-11-14, Birmingham, Alabama, USA

프로필 사진

Condoleezza Rice

참여 작품

In the Grip of Gazprom
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
The war in the Ukraine has changed the way many European countries view Russian politics. Suddenly it became clear how dependent countries had become on Russian gas imports for decades and what Vladimir Putin was up to. However, no country needs more gas than Germany. It was only after Russia's invasion of the Ukraine that the German government realized that Russia had long used gas as a weapon to impose its will on states. The instrument created for this purpose is the natural gas production company GAZPROM. So how did Germany become so dependent on Russian gas? The documentary shows how, over several decades and several changes of government, a broad alliance of politicians and business representatives did everything possible to secure Germany's energy supply with cheap Russian gas, while the Kremlin's foreign policy became increasingly aggressive and the warnings of experts went unheeded.
Driven by extensive archive material and interviews with those who know her, this is the astonishing story of how a triple outsider – a woman, a scientist, and an East German – became the de facto leader of the “Free World”, told for the first time for an international audience.
전쟁 위의 두 남자
Self (archive footage)
As the war between Russia and Ukraine rages, this George Stephanopoulos documentary pulls back the curtain on the rise of the two men at the center of the conflict – Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.
9/11: 백악관 상황실, 그 안에선 무슨 일이 있었나
역사적 사건이 발발한 2001년 9월 11일. 부시 전 대통령과 핵심 측근들과의 만남을 통해 위급했던 그 시간 그들에게는 무슨 일이 일어났고 어떤 중대한 결정들이 내려졌는지를 자세히 들여다본다.
Dear Class of 2020
A virtual commencement celebration bringing together inspirational leaders, celebrities, and YouTube creators to celebrate graduates, their families, and their communities. Ring the bell to get notified when the stream goes live!
Always at The Carlyle
The iconic Carlyle hotel has been an international destination for a particular jet set as well as a favorite haunt of the most discernible New Yorkers.
VICE Special Report: A World in Disarray
Self - Former U.S. Secretary of State
Examining the foreign policies that have shaped the modern world and meeting people living through today's major conflicts.
All Governments Lie: Truth, Deception, and the Spirit of I.F. Stone
Self (archive footage)
Vancouver-based filmmaker and TV news veteran Fred Peabody explores the life and legacy of the maverick American journalist I.F. Stone, whose long one-man crusade against government deception lives on in the work of such contemporary filmmakers and journalists as Laura Poitras, Glenn Greenwald, David Corn, and Matt Taibbi.
American Umpire
AMERICAN UMPIRE, a thought-provoking documentary about U.S. foreign policy, chronicles how the United States became the world's policeman and questions how long the U.S. must continue to play this role. Narrated by Jim Lehrer, formerly of The MacNeil/Lehrer News Hour,and written by award-winning historian Elizabeth Cobbs, the film explores the history of American military intervention and the future of America's military commitment abroad. AMERICAN UMPIRE combines archival footage with candid interviews from former secretaries of state George Shultz, Madeleine Albright and Condoleeza Rice; General Jim Mattis and Lt. General Karl Eikenberry, former U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan; Nobel Prize winner Michael Spence; Pulitzer Prize winner David Kennedy; and eight scholars from around the world.
First Pitch
Part of ESPN's 30 for 30 Shorts. On October 30, 2001, with the United States of America still reeling from the aftermath of the September 11 terrorist attacks, George W. Bush took to the mound at Yankee Stadium to throw the "first pitch" of the 2001 World Series' third game. Includes interviews with former United States Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice; former New York City mayor, Rudy Giuliani; Yankees shortstop, Derek Jeter; former Yankees manager, Joe Torre; former United States Director of Central Intelligence, George Tenet; members of the Bush family; and the 43rd President of the United States, George W. Bush.
The Presidents' Gatekeepers
Self (archive footage)
An analysis of what the role of the Chief of Staff is in his position at the service of the President of the United States of America and how it has been in the past: a in-depth look, through the corridors of White House, at the internal affairs of nine presidential administrations.
Top Priority: The Terror Within
Self - Former Secretary of State (archive footage)
Federal officer with the Department of Homeland Security discovers a national security breach related to the entry of 23 aliens from terrorist countries into the United States. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner, former head of the DEA Robert Bonner can't afford any more media scrutiny, since his incompetence was already exposed in the NASA 'Challenger' disaster. To avoid the scandal, the full might of the government is unleashed against Julia Davis, her family and witnesses. This retaliation reaches an unprecedented magnitude, including four unexplained deaths, Hollywood and the Mafia, false imprisonments and the use of Blackhawk helicopters and airplanes for warrantless surveillance. Amidst many shocking revelations, this documentary provides a new insight into the deaths of well-known Hollywood figures unwittingly dragged into this scandal. The truth is no longer a secret.
쇼크 독트린
Self (archive footage)
나오미 클라인의 동명소설을 소재로 자본주의가 재난 또는 위기상황을 어떻게 이용해 이윤을 불려왔는가를 다룬 작품. 신자유주의적 자본주의가 독점적 지위를 유지하기 위해 자연재해, 전쟁, 테러를 야기한다는 나오미 클라인의 ‘재난 자본주의’를 파헤친 영화. (2017년 제18회 전주국제영화제)
세르지우의 마지막 임무
2003년 8월, 이라크에서 유엔 인권 특사가 바그다드 폭탄 테러로 유명을 달리한다. 그의 이름은 세르지우 비에이라 지 멜루. 브라질 외교관으로 시작해 고결한 인도주의로 세상을 밝히기까지, 그의 아름다운 발자취를 따라가 본다.
콘돌리자 구애소동
A spin on the Rapunzel fairy-tale, this unique romantic/political/biographic documentary feature will follow one love-struck soul's hilarious, emotionally engaging quest to woo one of the most mysterious figures in American politics, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. Devin Ratray is an American Everyman - a 30 year old New York based website designer, musician and besotted admirer of Condi, who is doing all he can to meet her and penetrate her heart, soul and stretch limo.
Being W
Self (archive footage)
Being W is an unauthorized autobiography of the 43rd President of the United States of America.
Leading to War
Leading to War is a 2008 American documentary film composed entirely of archival news footage of the declarations of the United States President George W. Bush and his administration explaining their reasons to attack Iraq in 2003. The film is presented as a historical record and highlights the rhetorical devices and techniques employed by a government to wage war against another nation. Presented chronologically from President Bush's State of the Union Address in January 2002 (the Axis of evil speech), and continuing up to the announcement of formal U.S. military action in Iraq on March 19, 2003, the film presents selected interviews, speeches, and press conferences given by Bush and his administration, including Vice President Dick Cheney, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of State Colin Powell, National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz. Non-U.S. sources include British Prime Minister Tony Blair.
Martial Law 9-11: Rise of the Police State
Self (archive footage)
Evil has spread across the land. Martial Law: 9/11 Rise of the Police State exposes the high-tech control grid that is being set up across America Out of the ashes of the September 11th tragedy, a dark empire of war and tyranny has risen. The Constitution has been shredded and America is now a Police State. This film exposes not just who was behind the 9-11 attacks, but the roots and history of its orchestrators.
American Dictators: Staging of the 2004 Presidential Election
Self (archive footage)
In Alex Jones' 11th feature documentary, made in 2004, Alex documents the major candidates in the staged 2004 United States presidential election.
화씨 9/11
Self (archive footage)
마이클 무어는 치열했던 2000년 대선부터 시작해서 실패한 텍사스 석유재벌에서 미국 대통령이 되기까지의 부시 대통령의 가능할 것 같지 않은 일련의 역사를 거꾸로 거슬러 올라간다. 그리고 나서 마이클 무어는 대통령 일가와 측근의 가까운 친구들과 사우디 왕가와 빈 라덴 일가 사이의 개인적 우정과 사업적 연계성을 보여주며, 공개되어서는 안 될 대통령의 판도라 상자 뚜껑을 열어 제친다. 마이클 무어는 이러한 연관성이 빈 라덴 일가가 911테러 직후 광범위한 FBI의 수색 과정 없이 사우디를 벗어 날수 있도록 허가하는 결정으로 이어졌는가를 영화 내내 집요하게 파고 든다. 또한, 마이클 무어는 국가 방위의 이러한 허점과 기본적인 인권을 침해하는 “애국 법”이 제정되면서 끊임 없이 테러의 공포에 사로잡혀 있는 한 나라와의 명확한 불일치에 대해 집중한다. 또 다른 미스터리는 미국 국경은 재정부족 때문에 위험천만하게도 허술하게 방치되어 있다는 사실이다. 주된 이유는 부시 행정부가 지구반대편에 있는 이라크와의 전쟁을 준비 하는데 엄청난 재원을 할당했기 때문이다.