Orazio Stracuzzi

Orazio Stracuzzi

프로필 사진

Orazio Stracuzzi

참여 작품

On Our Watch
Arturo loses his tech job to an algorithm he himself created. The rest of his life quickly crumbles and he ends up working as a delivery man for FUUBER, shuttling take-out orders around town while his movements are monitored and evaluated by an unreasonably strict app. His only solace comes from Stella, a hologram girlfriend also connected to a FUUBER app whose free trial is running out. Unable to afford a subscription due to the financial uncertainty of his new job, Arturo decides to take a stand...
시칠리아 상륙작전
Zio Alfredo
1943년, 온 세계가 전쟁의 화염에 휩싸인 가운데 아르투로는 사랑에 빠진다. 그러나 그가 사랑하는 플로라는 뉴욕 마피아 보스의 아들과 원치 않는 결혼을 앞두고 있다. 무일푼의 웨이터인 아르투로에게 남은 유일한 방법은 플로라의 아버지가 살고 있는 시칠리아로 찾아가 플로라와의 결혼을 허락받는 것. 때마침 미군이 시칠리아 상륙작전을 위한 징집활동을 벌이자 아르투로는 사랑의 쟁취를 위해 입대 후 고향 시칠리아로 날아간다. 기존에 거의 다뤄지지 않은 역사적 사실에 토대를 둔 이 영화는 탄탄한 스토리, 세련된 유머, 그리고 신랄한 풍자가 절묘하게 어우러진 정통 이탈리아 코미디이다. 2차 대전이 중후반에 접어든 1943년을 배경으로 미연합군이 유럽으로 진입하기 위해 실제로 이탈리아 마피아와 결탁했던 정황이 오직 사랑을 위해 참전한 주인공 아르투로의 좌충우돌 모험과 함께 펼쳐진다. 아름다운 지중해의 풍광을 시원한 스케일로 비추는 카메라워크와 고지식하고 보수적이면서도 살짝 사기꾼 기질이 있는 이탈리아 섬사람의 진수를 그대로 구현한 입체적인 캐릭터들은 관람 내내 흥을 더해줄 것이다. 영화 초반 무솔리니 조각상과 성모 마리아상만으로도 큰 웃음을 선사하는 장면은 감독의 탁월한 유머 감각과 촉망받는 미래를 대변한다.
Torno indietro e cambio vita
professore di matematica
Marco is married to a gorgeous woman, has a child and a great job. Everything seems perfect, at least until his wife of 25 years announces that she has another man and wants a separation. Marco is forced to leave home.
Knights of the Quest
Chirurgo di Luigi IX
Le giraffe
Il cielo in una stanza
모니카 벨루치의 줄리아
Mario Cinque
모니카 벨루치의 꽃을 피운 비장의 작품! 이 맨션의 거주자들은 난폭하다. 새해를 맞이하기 전날, 로마의 한 맨션 거주자들의 광란을 묘사한 영화. 모니카 벨루치의 파격 누드와 음모노출!!
Ritorno a casa Gori
Matriarch Adele's death prompts an unexpected and often incendiary reunion for the large Gori family – unaware that inside her coffin lie also the stolen goods of a robbery by her son Danilo.
일 포스티노
작은 섬 칼라 디소토에 오게 된 시인 네루다, 어부의 아들 마리오는 그의 도착으로 인해 불어난 우편물량을 소화하고자 우체부로 고용된다. 로맨틱 시인 네루다와 가까이 지내면서 섬마을 여자들의 관심을 끌고자 했던 마리오는 그와 우정을 쌓아가면서 시와 은유의 세계를 만나게 되고, 아름답지만 다가갈 수 없을 것만 같았던 베아트리체 루쏘와 사랑을 이루게 된다. 그리고 그의 내면에 자라고 있던 뜨거운 이성과 감성을 발견하게 되는데…
Mille bolle blu
The Invisible Wall
Controllore di Volo
June 27, 1980, an Italian DC 9 flying from Bologna to Palermo falls in the sea close to the Ustica island. 81 people die. The official version is "structure failure" of the airplane, but a number of clues lead the journalist Rocco Ferrante toward a different truth. Thanks to his perseverance against the invisible wall erected by air force officers, politicians, judges, secret agents, we come to know that, with all probability, the DC 9 has been mistakenly shot by a missile during a sort of air fight among U.S., French and Libyan top guns.
오픈 도어스
Avv. Colao
Tommaso Scalia is a man who commits three murders: he kills his superior who sacked him, the man who replaced him and his wife. He wants a quick trial and an early execution, but an earnest, principled assistant judge looks for a way to save the murderer from being shot, because he does not belive in capital punishment.
Mia moglie è una bestia
vicino di casa di Gianni
La poliziotta
sindaco di Ravedrate
A young policewoman discovers an ecological scandal and must face the corruption in the Milan Police department.
Primo medico
Il generale dorme in piedi
A colonel in the Army has a problem: when resting lying starts screaming anarchist and antimilitarist phrases. Because of his fitful sleep is therefore forced to sleep standing up.
Amore mio non farmi male
Anna and Marcello, two wealthy high school students. they would like to consume their Platonic love so far, going against the directives of their parents ... who get in the way to prevent their sexual initiation.
Run, Run, Joe!
Harbor Guard #2
When a don who they were suppose to protect ends up dead, his bodyguard and bodyguard's friend must go under cover to escape the wrath of mob.
Cry of a Prostitute
The gangster Tony Aniante in the middle of a feud between two mafia families. He manipulates both families into believing he is on their side and are just waiting for the right moment to take the initiative...
Playing the Field
A small-time soccer referee gets the chance of a lifetime when he gets to referee a major-league game. He becomes a celebrity and suddenly finds himself having to choose between his future as a referee and the temptations that come his way, especially the women, now.
The Profiteer
In the city of Ostuni in Puglia, the mute seminarian Ercole is designated to be the driver and nurse of Parsifal, the paraplegic son in a rich and sanctimonious family of landowners. Ercole soon becomes the lover of his master's wife, the beautiful Baroness Clotilde. In a familial and social context where only money, sex and power count, everyone tries to take advantage of everyone, but the real saprophyte turns out to be Ercole.
The Lady Has Been Raped
Mauro il Gobbo
Good bourgeois damage unintentionally life of a drug-party, during which the mistress of the house is raped without recognizing the aggressor. Both she and her husband come into crisis and try to figure out who it was. The truth comes to the surface slowly, and it is unexpected.
Massacre in Rome
Partisan with machine gun
In the Nazi occupied city of Rome, an assault on an SS brigade draws retaliation from the military governship. "Massacre in Rome" is the true story of how this partisan attack led to the mass execution of Italian nationals under the orders of SS-Lieutenant Colonel Kappler.
An Italian prison official's wife is kidnapped, and the kidnappers demand that a notorious prisoner be released in order for the man to get his wife back. He gets the man released - but then kidnaps him himself, in order to ensure that the man's colleagues don't kill his wife. Enraged, the gang sets out to free their compatriot and kill the man who took him.
The Assassination of Matteotti
Giovanni Marinelli
How the Italian Fascist Party managed to turn the physical elimination of a political enemy into a test of strength fundamental for the ascent into the totalitarian regime.
Li chiamavano i tre moschettieri... invece erano quattro
Yet another adventure of the famous musketeers engaged as usual to help the needy. Cardinal Richelieu is always hindering their task.
Love and Death on the Edge of a Razor
Don Celso
Stefano, the son of a wealthy businessman, meets a beautiful woman named Lidia while accompanying his father to a meeting with a cardinal. He pursues her through the streets of Venice and a romance develops. Upon returning from an overseas business trip, he is informed that Lidia has been killed in an accident. Soon afterwards, he thinks he recognizes her at a building site, but the woman claims to be a reporter who is obviously involved with gangsters. Furthermore, all evidence of Lidia's death has now been obliterated. Stefano continues to investigate the mystery, uncovering family intrigues
Il Figlioccio del padrino
Onesta lover
A mafioso falls in love with his boss's daughter. Since the girl has already been widowed four times her father takes good care that this does not happen again.
The Migratory Bird
Journalist #1 (uncredited)
Andrea Pomeraro, a history teacher, has an affair with a student who then blackmails him. Attempting to retrieve the incriminating photos, he accidentally becomes the head of the student revolt and ends up in jail.
Story of Fear and a Knife
A funk is believed to be a tough guy because of a magic bowler hat which gives him courage and strength.
The Hassled Hooker
An official who searches the files
Luisa Latin, betrayed by her husband, is imprisoned for the murder of her husband's mistress - who is still alive. When Luisa is released from prison, she kills her.
In the Name of the Father
In 1958 Angelo, a rich and spoiled boy, enters a religious school, where students are tired of its vice-rector, and the strict rules and old-fashioned teaching methods of priests. Soon, Angelo exerts strong leadership among his peers and incites turmoil among them, helped by intellectual Franco and shy Camma. They expel the prefect from the school, organize a Grand Guignol show, and disappear the corpse of an old professor.
Secret Fantasy
Niccolò Vivaldi is a cello player and he plays in Arena di Verona Orchestra. But he is not the first and neither the second cello. He is frustrated. Nobody can remember his face, nor his name. Niccolò is married to Costanza, who is really beautiful and he takes some pictures of her naked. Later he shows the pictures to a friend and so he feels better. He starts to write a comic opera called "Il merlo maschio" only to discover later he had written Rossini's "La gazza ladra". To maintain his self-esteem he can only show his wife...
천국으로 가는 노동계급
A conscientious factory worker gets his finger cut off by a machine. The accident causes him to become more involved in political and revolutionary groups.
Brancaleone at the Crusades
After saving an infant of royal blood, knight Brancaleone forms a new army and sets out to return the baby to his father: a prince fighting in the Crusades.
Principe coronato cercasi per ricca ereditiera
A prince who has become poor accepts a marriage to the daughter of an American tycoon. The girl is only interested in his title and plans a divorce, but after a while she also grows fond of him.
Tulips of Haarlem
Two teenagers looking for love find each other in this tragic and cruel story of romance, co-dependence and psychological torment. Pierre (Frank Grimes) is the French boy who saves the British girl Sarah (Carole Andre) from suicide. Despondent over a broken affair, Sarah soon becomes fond of Pierre and agrees to stay with him. The twisted girl puts him through a series of humiliations before she intentionally blinds him so he will never leave her.
From Our Copenhagen's Correspondent
Two American soldiers fresh from the Vietnam War are haunted by the atrocities that they witnessed and committed while on a vacation in Copenhagen, Denmark.