1916년, 멕시코의 조용한 마을 산타포크에 느닷없이 악당 엘 구아포가 쳐들어온다. 악당들이 마을을 장악하자 마을의 매력적인 여인 카르멘은 무성영화에 등장하는 정의의 사자 쓰리 아미고에게 구원을 청한다.
An aging cowboy returns to the family he abandoned 30 years ago with a terrifying secret.
은행에 잡힌 저당으로 인해 곧 철거될 한 변두리 동네에서 아이들이 보물지도 한 장을 찾아낸다. 이 지도가 17세기 중엽 영국 해군과 싸우다 패하여 해저동굴에 숨어들어갔다는 '애꾸눈 윌리'가 보물을 숨겨둔 장소를 나타낸 것임을 알고 아이들은 모험을 시작한다. 해저 동굴의 입구인 등대 식당에서 위조지폐를 만드는 악당들에게 심한 곤욕을 치른 후 탈출한 아이들은 식당 지하실부터 해저 동굴로 들어가 한없는 통로를 헤쳐 나간다. 마침내 지도가 표시한 지점에 당도하여 보물을 손에 넣게 되지만 아이들은 악당들에게 잡혀 손에 들었던 금은 보화는 내동뎅이친 채 탈출하는데...
Makeup Artist
The members of a San Diego Wednesday night womens' mah jongg club are five survivors of a Nazi concentration camp. They recognize the owner of a local restaurant, Walter Grossman, as a doctor from the camp who performed experiments on them as young girls. To their horror they learn that he has already been tried as a war criminal and has served but a few years for his crimes. They decide that they will "execute" him, drawing lots to determine which one will perform the act, without letting the others know who it is.
Neil Chaine, a charming Las Vegas hotel/casino owner, tries to turn his decaying building into the Strip's top attraction to avenge his outing by his former partners who run a more fancy hotel/casino just across the street.
This is based on the true story about the relationship between Penn State football player John Cappelletti and his younger brother Joey, who has leukemia. John and Joey's bond is a strong one. Joey hangs out with John in the Penn State locker room, and inspires him to be the top college football player in the country. Their bond knows no boundaries and goes beyond making touchdowns and winning awards.
Uncle Frank Kelly calls on Harry Crown to help him in a gang war. The war becomes personal when Harry's new girlfriend is kidnapped by Uncle Frank's enemy, Big Eddie.
A strong-willed woman not only dominates her family of California winegrowers, but also has a strange hold on a colony of bees in her vineyard.
When retired salesman Joseph Kotcher begins to feel pressure to move out of the house he shares with the family of his son, he opts to embark on a road trip instead of settling in a retirement home. Befriending Erica, a young pregnant woman and his grandson's former nanny, Kotch begins to finds new meaning in life as he helps her prepare to welcome her baby into the world.
An aging widow hides a deadly secret which she will do anything to keep buried.
중년의 여배우 준은 BBC TV의 드라마에서 명랑한 교구수녀 역을 맡아 인기를 누리고 있다. 그녀가 맡은 조지 수녀는 자전거를 타고 마을을 돌아다니며 자잘한 사건들을 해결하는 태평하고 마음씨 좋은 인물. 하지만 현실의 ‘조지’는 머지 않아 역할을 잃을 위기에 처해있다. 게다가 오랫동안 동거해온 젊은 연인 앨리스의 태도도 근래엔 어딘지 냉랭하다. 긴장감이 고조되던 중 준을 드라마에서 방출시키려는 방송국의 간부 머시 크로프트가 준과 앨리스의 집을 찾아온다. 머시는 두 사람을 만나면서 자신의 숨겨진 동성애 성향을 깨닫게 된다. 머시는 준의 인형처럼 집에만 있던 앨리스에게 일자리를 제공하고, 머시와 앨리스는 점차 가까워진다.
US Navy battles monsters unearthed from the frozen arctic.
Bus Riley returns to his small town after time in the army. On his return, his ex-girlfriend wants to resume their relationship. The only problem is she has married in the mean time. Searching for fulfilment in his life, Bus decides to get a job with his gay friend who is a mortician. When the mortician makes a pass at him, Bus quickly gets out.
Straitlaced senatorial hopeful David Stratton has no idea what he's in for when he arrives home from a trip to find sexy teen Jody curled up asleep in his daughter's bed. Soon, delinquent Jody is holding David -- and his plush suburban home -- hostage while she hides out from the cops and throws wild parties with her beatnik pals. David, terrified of scandal, agrees to drive Jody and her friends to Mexico, a decision he regrets when the ride gets out of control.