Irina Savina

Irina Savina

출생 : 1957-09-29,


Irina Savina was born September 29, 1957. She is a Russian actress, voice actress.

프로필 사진

Irina Savina

참여 작품

몬스터 신부: 101번째 프로포즈
300년 동안 전세계 공주 100명에게 프로포즈하지만 모두 거절 당해 실의에 빠진 몬스터 백작, 드라이본. 일주일 내로 신붓감을 찾지 못하면 끔찍한 지옥의 마녀 ‘마라’와 결혼해야만 한다. 게다가 자신의 영원한 생명이 담긴 마법 바늘마저 도둑맞아 영혼이 사라질 위기에 처한다. 드라이본은 좁쌀 왕국 렌틸왕의 음모로 바늘을 되찾기 위해 겁나큰 왕국의 바바라공주를 납치하지만 공주를 본 순간 한눈에 사랑에 빠지는데… 과연 몬스터 백작은 무사히 마법 바늘을 되찾고 101번째 프로포즈에 성공할 수 있을까?
바이킹: 왕좌의 게임
10세기 러시아의 류리크 왕조. 내전에 휘말린 둘째 왕자의 죽음으로 왕위 계승을 위한 서열 싸움이 더욱 치열해진다. 제3왕자 블라디미르가 제1왕자 야로폴크의 집요한 공격에 맞서 바이킹과 협력을 결심한다. 키예프 대공국을 지배할 단 하나의 왕! 이제 왕좌의 주인을 가리기 위한 최후의 결전이 시작된다.
A Dark Room Mystery
After discovering a dark window which appears on the wall every midnight two boys decide to investigate the mystery of a dark room behind the window.
제1부대, 진실의 순간
1942년 구소련의 적군(赤軍)이 독일인에 맞서 저항하고 있다. 나디아는 공습으로 인한 탄환 충격에 시달리지만 곧 그녀의 새로운 재능을 발견한다. 그것은 바로 ‘진실의 순간들’을 예견할 수 있는 능력으로, 그녀는 미래의 전투에서 가장 결정적인 순간들과 조우하게 된다.
A Wolf from Vesyegonsk
A story about a relationships between man and wolf set in a very far away Russian village.
Реквием по филею
Lasted, lasted, charm …
Anton Nikolaevich Skvortsov (O.Yefremov) is a strong and resolute person, for all his life he has been heading a big labor collective, and now he is retired, he interred his wife half a year ago, beared infarction, and now is living in his big flat with a daughter, her husband and a grown-up granddaughter. His attending doctor recommended his daughter to send him to the veterans house, in order that he could live with coevals, surrounded by congenial people and not feel so lonely. Not being able to stand all this, Anton Nikolaevich runs away from his house and goes on a sightseeing tour about Moscow. On the excursion bus he gets acquainted with Anna Konstantinovna (I.Savvina), whos retired on pension. This meeting turnes his life upside-down.
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Air Crew
Kostya's Sister
Story of the lives of three Soviet pilots who are united by disaster in a small town in the mountains.
An Unnamed Star
"Stars never leave their orbits". The poor astronomy teacher got one more demonstration of this law when he met HER. SHE was "from the another world". SHE was strange and inappropriate in his tiny calm town. Town with slough-like life and citizens who spent all their time gossiping. Once he almost started to believe that the miracle is possible... but "the stars never leave their orbits"
Teens in the Universe
Катя Панфёрова
Interstellar expedition equipped by "pioneers"(soviet scouts) reached Alpha Kassiopea and found that smart robots took control on hole planet. Their only goal - to make happy , as they understand, their masters. Happines was, actually, sutisfactions of primitive needs, and removing "disturbing" emotions like love, responsebility etc. A many years ago they succeded to reach this goal and all aborigines died out. A very little amount of people escaped from "total happening" and their descendants orbiting the planet in a big orbital station for many generations. Brave soviet pioneers land on a planet, destroy robots and bring it back to their residents
Катя Панфёрова
Start of interstellar expedition equipped by "pioneers"(soviet scouts).
Three Minutes to Exactly
A story about difficult and dangerous adventures of a group of seven-graders during their summer camp.