Fooi Mun Lai

참여 작품

A dreamy girl or young woman in a cottage. Cockroaches seem to be the only thing hampering her. She fights back with a coat hanger.
타이거 팩토리
최근 말레이시아에서 가장 주목 받고, 가장 활발하게 작품활동을 하고 있는 우밍진의 칸영화제 진출작. 돈을 벌어 일본으로 떠나고 싶어하는 19살 소녀 핑은 이모 티엔의 기괴한 사업계획인 ‘베이비 팩토리’에 동참하기로 결심한다. 그러나 티엔의 거짓을 알게 되면서 둘의 관계는 급속히 무너지기 시작한다. (2010년 15회 부산국제영화제)
My Daughter
A story about a careless mother and her lonely, insecure daughter. Eighteen year old Faye is always on the edge because of her mother's boyfriends. Her mother survives by running a beauty shop. Since there are only the two of them, they are very close and are at times like friends or sisters, but to Faye, her carefree mother is also like a child she needs to watch after. She is also plagued by rumors about her and her mother. Her anger reaches its limit when she learns that her mother is pregnant. Sadly, she can't do anything but endure reality and hope to escape her dull and depressing life.