Kay Morley

출생 : 1920-04-17, Pocatello, Idaho, USA

사망 : 2020-11-17

참여 작품

Trails End
Laurie Stuart
Cowhand Drake discovers gold on the ranch of his boss, Joe Stuart and makes a deal with crooked lawyer Mel Porter to induce Stuart to sell. The latter refuses, and also orders Bill Cameron not to see his daughter Laurie again. Foreman Johnny Mack, after intervening, quits after he sees Stuart hit Laurie while quarreling over her proposed marriage to Cameron. Peddler Alibi Terhune witnesses the killing of Stuart by Clem Kettering, hired by Porter, and is taken prisoner. Cameron is blamed for Stuart's killing, escapes jail, but is persuaded by Johnny to go back and stand trial. Johnny rescues Alibi and the two work together on clearing Cameron's name, and bringing the real culprits to justice.
Outlaw Brand
Laura Chadwick
Jimmy and his pal Cannonball are hired by a rancher and horse breeder to capture Midnight, a wild stallion that has been interfering with local herds and has a reputation as a killer.
Campus Honeymoon
Polly Walker
Bob Watson and Ricky Adams, and the Hughes twins, Skipper and Patricia, cannot register at Opalocka University until they find lodgings in the school's overcrowded quarters. They pretend they are married to get the last two units in the married veteran's housing project, with the girls in one unit and the boys in the other. A noisy kid, Junior Ormsbee, the nephew of the landlords, voices his suspicions and nearly gets them evicted. And a U.S. Senator, investigating veteran's projects, adds new complications.
Code of the Saddle
Bess Bentham
Smokin' guns, swingin' fists, and a lovable side-kick can be found in this western.
Six-Gun Serenade
Mary Saunders
In this western, two cowboys are framed as cattle rustlers and tossed in the pokey. Later, honest ranchers spring them and together they ride out against the rustlers.
공주와 해적
Goldwyn Girl (uncredited)
실베스터는 비열한 행동를 했던 연예인으로 영국에서 추방되어진다. 배를 타고 미국으로 떠나기 위해 해외여행을 하던 중 그는 예쁜 마가렛공주를 만나 사랑에 빠진다. 그러나 그녀는 그에게 관심도 없다. 그러던 중 높은 파도 속에서 그녀가 탄 배는 해적에게 납치당한다. 해적은 공주의 신분을 알고 그녀를 유괴하여 왕에게 몸값을 받아내려 계획은 세운다. 공주의 유일한 희망은 비열한 코미디언 실베스터 뿐이다. 과연 실베스터는 하찮은 농담 따윈 그만 두고 그녀를 구조해 낼 수 있을까?
Youth Aflame
Laura White
One of several WW II-era "juvenile delinquent" dramas, Youth Aflame was filmed two years before its 1945 release, and frankly looks much older. It's the old saw about two sisters, one good, one bad. The nice sister (Kay Morley) tries to steer the nasty one (Joy Reece) towards the straight and narrow path, but it's no use. Only when it's too late does the erring sister learn the horrible price of fast driving, hard drinking and uninhibited sex. And it's ALL HER PARENTS' FAULT!!!! Youth Aflame was reissued in 1959 as Hoodlum Girls, during Hollywood's next J.D.-movie cycle.