Tokuhei Miyahara

참여 작품

Outlaw: Kill!
Goro has always been a lone wolf. When he arrives at an industrial city in Keihin, there is certain restlessness in the air. The Iriezaki family and the Kanto Touyu-kai were in the midst of a territorial dispute. Goro was quick to notice, but had no intent to take sides. At a department store nearby, he sees an elevator lady being harassed by a couple of hoodlums. Goro decides to intervene. Unbeknownst to him, the hoodlums are Touyu-kai members – and the girl has strong ties with the opposing family.
Outlaw: Black Dagger
A street war breaks loose between two rival gangs in the Kansai region of Japan. Goro is in the middle of action. Through a knife fight against Sueo, a high profile gangster from Busou-kai, Goro notices a familiar face approaching him from amidst the chaos - his girlfriend, Yuri. Goro had sent her to safety, but she had returned, aching to see him. Caught between Goro and his enemy knife, she reunites with her love - the price was her life.
살인의 낙인
쌀밥 냄새에 성욕을 느끼는 야쿠자 세계의 삼인자 하나다는 새 암살 임무를 부여받는다. 하지만 미모의 여인 미사코를 만나면서 그의 임무는 꼬여만 간다. 스즈키 세이준의 이름을 장르영화의 혁신가로 자리매김하게 한 대표작. 이후 본인에 의해 로 리메이크되기도 했다.
A Colt Is My Passport
A gang lord hires Kamimura, a hit man, to take out a rival boss who's gotten greedy.
Kaerazeru hatoba
A crime film from 1966
작부 이야기
중일전쟁이 벌어지던 1938년. 사랑하는 남자에게 버림받은 하루미는 종군 위안부가 되어 만주에 온다. 하루미는 병사 미카미를 사랑하게 되지만, 맹목적인 군인인 미카미는 그녀의 마음에 응하지 않는다. 게다가 하루미에게 집착하는 상관 나리타의 음모로 두 사람의 사랑은 비극으로 치닫는다.
The Sound of Waves
On a small island, inhabited by only fourteen hundred people, a young fisherman's son, Shinji falls in love with Hatsue, the daughter of the richest and most difficult man on the island. Despite their differences in class, they begin to meet and rumors spread of them having an illicit affair. Soon after, Shinji jumps into a stormy sea to help a ship in distress. The vessel turns out to be owned by Hatsue's arrogant father, who now becomes an understanding and sympathetic parent and allows the two lovers to marry.
Bad Girl
Wakae is a 15 year old girl who lived under the same roof with her alcoholic father and stepmom. Her mother had died years ago. She spends her nights at a rundown bar, sharing drinks and cigarettes with the lowlife drunks. She has nowhere to turn and no one to talk to, until she is reunited with her childhood friend, Saburo, who brings warmth to her heart.
Smashing the 0-Line
Checkpoint watchman
Katiri is a reporter so ambitiously amoral that he’ll sell out anyone—including his partner and the drug dealer he’s sleeping with—to get a scoop. But what happens when an even more ruthless female gang boss kidnaps his sister?
Jungle Block
A young doctor falls into a despair of developments. He plans to revenge the disgrace inflicted upon his sister, whose engagement was broken as a result.
Hijo tehai
Hungry Soul, Part II
Tozai Publishing employee
A continuation of Hungry Soul, from the same year. Reiko, who tolerates abuse in her marriage to a man 23 years her senior, is friends with Mayumi, a beautiful widow. Reiko meets her husband’s business rival, a young, capable businessman, and falls for him. Meanwhile, Mayumi enters into a relationship with Shimotsuma, a friend of her late husband.
버마의 하프
1943년 8월, 일본 군대는 진군 중이다. 버마에 파견된 한 소대는 사기 진작을 위해 노래를 부른다. 하프 연주의 달인인 병사 미즈시마가 반주를 하고 음악학교 출신의 소대장이 지휘를 하면서 이 소대는 합창단 소대라는 별칭을 얻는다. 일본이 패전하자 그들은 영국군이 관리하는 무동의 포로 수용소에서 송환을 기다린다. 그러던 어느 날 미즈시마는 항복하지 않는 일본군 중대를 설득하기 위해 산 위에 있는 진지로 보내지는데…